I got this from a message board I'm on... follow these directions and it will be easy:
Did you donwload IRfanview? If not, go here:
Open the program.
Use the little, yellow folder icon in the top, left-hand corner to find the pic you want to re-size. It will tell you the height, width and size. Click OPEN.
You can now re-size the pic using either the SET NEW SIZE option, SET NEW SIZE AS PERCENTAGE OF ORIGINAL option, or, SOME STANDARD DIMENSIONS.
I just played around with SET SIZE AS PERCENTAGE until it falls within the limits. So long as your pic is in JPEG format, you only need to worry about the whole pic being under 60K in size.
Make sure the PRESERVE ASPECT RATIO box is checked!
If you are running Windows, you can also use Microsoft Paint, which is in the Accessories Folder in the Program Files list.
Instructions to resize using Microsoft Paint:
Launch PAINT
Click File, then navigate to your picture
Click Image
Click Stretch/Skew
In the stretch boxes, enter 30 % (If, say, your original pic is 1600 x 1200 pixels, Reducing it to 30% is good...)
Click ok
Now click File, and Save As, and give it a name.
Be sure it is saving as a JPEG and you will be good to go!
*depending on the size of your original pic, you may need to play around with the reduction percentages...you can check the size of the reduced image by clicking Image, then Attributes...I would say, try to keep the width of the pic between 400-600 pixels. An average size pic would be 300 x 400 pixels.
Hope this helps.