◙ You can search for email addresses free. But, unfortunately, the information you find at one of the sites below, will not be free.
☞ http://www.google.com/search?q=email+address+lookup
◙ What you might do is type their name and address directly into the search form below and see what comes up.
☞ http://www.google.com/
◙ If you are looking for someone that works for a company online you should type the following into Google.
@microsoft.com -- will give you addresses for .com only
@microsoft -- will give you addresses for .com, .net, .org etc.
◙ The following search phrases will help you find employees blog sites where you might find email addresses and/or phone numbers. try different variations of these to see what you can find.
"I work at Microsoft"
"I am employed by Microsoft"
◙ I just used microsoft as an example. You can use these techniques with any domain name.
◙ Some blogs sites have "powered by" and then the name of the blog software used to create the site.
◙ The above methods work at most domains. I just used Microsoft as an example.
◙ Try the above methods in any search engine or blog search.
◙ Try my search page http://dwight.clickthesky.com/search/
◙ Finding people online http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/2001-07-30-komando.htm and http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&lr=&newwindow=1&safe=off&q=find+people+online+free
◙ The only problem is alot of the email addresses are out-of-date and no longer work. All you can do is try them and see what happens.
◙ Save a copy of your message to them. Then email it to several of the email addresses at one time by placing a comma or semi-colon between them in the "TO:" text box in your email program and click send. If you get no response in a week or so then try some more email addresses. There are lots of sneaky things you can do.