I can't figure out how to file emails to important folders, such as "Payments Received" "Orders placed" etc. You can attach labels but the emails STAY in my in-box, cluttering it.
If you don't want emails to accumulate in your inbox, you can "Archive" them (with the "Archive" button). It will make them disappear from your inbox, but won't delete them.
Now you can set up some filters to automatically assign a label to an email corresponding to a specific criteria.
To do that:
- go to Settings
- go to Filters
- click on "create a new filter"
- enter the criteria you want your mail to be filtered on (see exemple later on)
- at that point you click on "Test Search" to check your filter is going to select the good emails.
- once you're satisfied, click on "Next Step"
- here, select the different options relevant to what you want your filter to do (in your case, "Apply Label: XXX"). You can also tick "Skip the inbox (Archive it)", which will solve your "inbox cluttered" issue.
So let's say for example you want all your ebay emails to be automatically labeled with the correct label, and then archived.
- For "payments received" emails, your criterias would be something in the line of:
# From:
(enter the right address ofc)
# Subject: Payment received (enter the exact words of the subject)
- then you select the following options:
# Skip the inbox (archive it)
# Apply label: "Ebay: payments received"
and then do the same for every label you might have: Orders placed, bid lost, bid won, whatever :)
Now every email from ebay you might receive will not appear in your inbox but in your Labels on the left hand side of your window. wich makes things much easier to read ;)
It also sends me a copy of each email I send which I don't want cluttering my in-box. Yahoo has a sent folder if I ever need this.
That.... i could not work out for the life of me what might have gone wrong in your gmail account..... are you sure you're not sending emails to yourself as well ? (mind you that would be quite a silly thing to do...)
Gmail does come with a "sent mail".... so i really don't understand.
I don't think there is multiple email windows either.
You can open multiple windows with gmail, just open another tab in your browser (or another window if your browser doesn't have tabs) and go to gmail, you'll be already logged in so it won't ask any password or anything...
There you go... I hope that helped.