Is there a problem with Ticketmaster?
2007-10-20 13:14:28 UTC
Is there a problem with the site or is it just my computer. I have been trying to buy tickets but it keeps telling me it cannot be displayed.
Three answers:
2007-10-24 09:40:54 UTC
Is it possible that you have some browser settings that are keeping you from viewing it. Maybe it is listed in your restricted sites??? Or something like that. Below is what Ticketmaster has on its site regarding technical problems:


We know it can be frustrating to receive an error message when you're in the midst of purchasing tickets-particularly when you're vying for popular tickets to hot events. We apologize for the inconvenience. Below we've explained possible causes for error messages and how to avoid this inconvenience in the future.

Here are some explanations to common error messages, so any inconvenience will be avoided in your future purchases on

Cookies and Graphics

Your browser must be set to accept cookies and graphics in order for you to purchase tickets on Make sure your computer is set to accept cookies and graphics before you try to make a purchase.

Make sure nothing is blocking your browser from accepting cookies, which will also block from placing your seating information in your computer's temporary memory which is necessary to purchase tickets. Check your preferences as mentioned above.

Proxy Servers

Some online service providers, such as AOL or Prodigy, use a device called a proxy server. Proxy servers save copies of sites on their server rather than connecting users to the Internet or the specific site requested. In most cases this works fine.

Using a proxy server might prevent you from purchasing tickets because you need to access our ticketing system directly. If you do not know if you are accessing the Internet through using a proxy server, contact your Internet service provider.

Access through a direct Internet connection and not through any service using proxy servers.

Transaction No Longer Active

This error is caused by an interruption to the transaction process. During the ticket buying process, our computer or your computer lost access to our ticketing systems. Receiving this error means that your request did not make it to the ticketing system.

Please resubmit your ticket request and try again.

Too Much Time Has Elapsed Before We Received Your Information

This error is caused when the ticketing system releases your seats because the transaction took too long. You only have five minutes to purchase tickets after shows you what seats are available to you.

A slow Internet connection may cause this error. You might try disconnecting and then reconnecting to your Internet provider to improve the speed.

Please resubmit your ticket request and complete your order within five minutes.


When you visit our site, our server sends your computer a "cookie." These cookies are small packets of information that identify you as a user of Cookies save you time by retaining your contact information. Cookies help us learn what pages on our site are most helpful to you and other users.

Cookies do not deliver viruses, and can only be read by the server that sent you the cookie.

How to turn on cookies in Microsoft IE:

1. In the browser, choose Tools

2. Select Internet Options

3. Click the Security tab

4. Click Internet, then Custom Level

5. Scroll down to Cookies and choose one of the two options

How to turn on cookies in Mozilla Firefox:

1. In the browser, choose Tools and select Options

2. Click the Privacy tab

3. Expand Cookies menu

4. Check the box labeled Allow Sites To Set Cookies

5. Click OK

How to turn on cookies in Netscape browsers:

1. From the Edit menu, select Preferences

2. Click Advanced

3. Click to select the box labeled Accept All Cookies

4. Click OK

Our site also requires that you have graphics enabled in your browser. Some of our information is presented graphically, and if you can't see these graphics, you are missing out on valuable information!

How to turn on graphics in Microsoft IE:

1. In the browser, choose Tools

2. Select Internet Options

3. Click the Advanced tab

4. Scroll down to Multimedia, then click to select the box labeled Show Pictures

How to turn on graphics in Mozilla Firefox:

1. In the browser, choose Tools and select Options

2. Click the Web Features tab

3. Check the box labeled Load Images

4. Click OK

How to turn on graphics in Netscape browsers:

1. From the Edit menu, select Preferences

2. Click Advanced

3. Click to select the box labeled Automatically Load Images

4. Click OK


You must have JavaScript enabled to use this site. Portions of the Ticketmaster website might not be accessible with JavaScript disabled.

Internet Explorer Users

1. Open Internet Explorer

2. Go to Tools > Internet Options (or the view menu in older versions)

3. Choose the Security Tab.

4. Click Custom Level.

5. Under Active Scripting, make sure the "Enable" radio button is selected.

6. Click OK

Firefox Users

1. Open Firefox.

2. Go to Tools > Options.

3. Click Content in the Options list (or Web Features in older versions)

4. Check the box next to Enable JavaScript.

5. Click OK.

Netscape Users

1. Open Netscape.

2. Go to Tools > Options (Edit > Preferences in older versions)

3. In Site Controls (of Advanced/Scripts & Plugins in older versions) select the enable javascript & enable java checkbox

4. Click OK.

Safari Users

1. Open Safari

2. Go to Preferences in the Safari menu

3. Click Security.

4. Check Enable JavaScript.

5. Close the window.

6. Click Reload.
2016-09-05 21:30:47 UTC
Hi First off they could lose their process in the event that they impersonated a manager, Call Centers have individuals that randomly concentrate on reside conversations and others that return and assessment random recordings. I could say from no on you'll move right down to the neighborhood field workplace to get your tickets or print them off at residence. These could help you see the tickets earlier than you've got paid for them. Chalk this up as a lesson discovered and revel in Dora on Ice. Thank You
2007-10-20 13:21:45 UTC
Just your computer....mine is fine!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.