Hey!! Yeah If you have a new Computer & you had Trouble with Limewire Before Don't use it again! its not worth It! The Best way to Download anything is from your Internet Browser Using the Internet Easy, Quick & most of all safe! I love e-books too! Anyway for E-Books I found this great site before:(http://www.acrobatfiles.com/) everything is Free there!
Heres another Link for some Books:(http://www.pauladaunt.com/books.html) (Just Right Click & Save Link or Target as)
Now for Music Here is a Link To Download mp3's: (http://e-mp3s.eu/) And here is is a search engine for Multimedia files: (http://www.altavista.com/audio/default)
Have you ever used Google to get Music you want?? again its fast, easy & safe! Ok all you have to do is enter search string to find what you want! Type this in to Google: index of mp3 madonna (replace madonna with what ever artist your looking for or even a song) I'll link it here for you so just put it in your Bookmarks: (http://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&q=index+of+mp3&btnG=Search&meta=)
Here's another one for ebooks: Type this into Google: index of pdf ebooks (again you can replace ebooks with the name of the book or pdf document your looking for or even just put the books name after the word ebook!) Here's the Link for that: (http://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&q=index+of+pdf+ebooks&btnG=Search&meta=)
Check this out to learn more about downloading Mp3's with Google becuase its the safest way to get music! Link:(http://www.i-hacked.com/content/view/128/42/) Good Luck! Anymore Questions let me know !!:!!