Unable to view secured websites
=== Delete Temporary Internet Files ===
To delete the Temporary Internet files, follow these steps:
1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. Click Tools, Internet Options, and then click the General tab.
3. Under Temporary Internet files, click Delete Cookies.
4. Click OK when you are prompted to confirm the deletion.
5. Click Delete Files, and then click OK when you are prompted to
confirm the deletion.
6. Under History, click Clear History.
7. Click Yes when you are prompted to delete your history of visited
Web sites.
8. Click OK.
=== Configure Security, Content, and Advanced Settings ===
1. Configure Security settings for the Trusted sites zone in Internet
Explorer by following these steps:
a. In Internet Explorer, click Tools, Internet Options, and then
click the Security tab.
b. Click Trusted sites, and then click Default Level.
c. Add the secure Web site to the Trusted sites zone. To do so,
click Sites, type the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the
site in the Add this Web site to the zone box, click Add, click
OK, and then click Apply.
2. Clear the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) slate and AutoComplete history
by following these steps:
a. Click the Content tab.
b. Under Certificates, click Clear SSL Slate.
c. Click OK when you receive the message that the SSL cache was
successfully cleared.
d. Under Personal information, click AutoComplete.
e. Under Clear AutoComplete history, click Clear Forms. Click OK
when you are prompted to confirm the operation.
f. Click Clear Passwords. Click OK when you are prompted to clear
all previously saved passwords, and then click OK two more
3. Verify that Internet Explorer is configured to use SSL 2.0 and SSL
3.0 by performing these steps:
a. Click the Advanced tab.
b. In the Settings box, under Security, click to select the Use
SSL 2.0 and Use SSL 3.0 check boxes (if they are not already
selected), and then click OK.
=== Verify that Microsoft Cryptographic Services Service is Started ===
To verify that the Cryptographic Services service is started (and to
start it if it is not), follow these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type: cmd
3. Click OK.
4. At the command prompt, type: net start cryptsvc
5. Press ENTER.
6. To quit command prompt, type: exit
=== Register .Dll Files ===
Re-register the following .dll files:
Softpub.dll, Wintrust.dll, Initpki.dll, Dssenh.dll, Rsaenh.dll,
Gpkcsp.dll, Sccbase.dll, Slbcsp.dll, and Cryptdlg.dll.
To re-register the .dll files, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type: cmd
3. Click OK.
4. At the command prompt, type the following lines and press ENTER
after each line:
regsvr32 softpub.dll
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll
4. Click OK when you receive the message "DllRegisterServer in
FileName succeeded".
5. Type exit to quit command prompt.
For more information on troubleshooting the issue, visit the following
Web site:
NOTE: The URL mentioned above will take you to a non HP Web
site. HP does not control and is not responsible for
information outside of the HP Web site.
Sometimes, you may not be able to access or log into secure Web sites
with Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall enabled.
This issue may be caused by a System-Wide rule blocking access to
secure sites or Privacy Control setting. Perform the following steps
in order to resolve the issue:
NOTE: There may be situations where these steps do not work.
Please reply to this message, if the issue is not resolved.
Step 1: Checking the System-Wide rule:
1. Click Start and then click Programs.
2. Click Norton Internet Security.
3. Click Norton Internet Security application.
4. Click the Personal Firewall section on the left side of the screen.
5. Click Internet Access Control and then click Configure.
6. Select System-Wide Settings.
7. Scroll down the list until you find "Block access to secure sites."
8. Remove the checkmark next to the box and then click OK.
Open a browser and try to connect to the secured Web site. If you
still receive the error, perform the next set of steps.
Step 2: Ensuring you can connect to a secure site:
1. Click Start and then click Programs.
2. Click Norton Internet Security.
3. Click Norton Internet Security application.
4. Click Privacy Control and then click Custom Level.
5. Make sure that the "Enable Secure Connection" option is checked.
6. Click Ok and close the window.
Try connecting to the secured site after performing the above steps.
If you can connect to a secure site but you cannot log into it,
Confidential information protection may be blocking some or all of your
login information.
Step 3: Checking your confidential information protection:
Perform the following steps to check the confidential information you
are protecting to see if either the login name or your password is
being blocked.
1. Click Start and then click Programs.
2. Click Norton Internet Security.
3. Click Norton Internet Security application.
4. Click Privacy Control and then click Custom Level.
5. Check the setting for Confidential Information. If it is set to
High, change the setting to Medium and click OK.
Now, try connecting to the secured Web site. If you are prompted to
allow confidential information to go out, click OK.
You should not be able to connect and log into the secured Web site.
And also Visit this Microsoft Link and perform the steps provided:
NOTE: The URL mentioned above will take you to a non HP Website. HP does not control and is not responsible for information outside of the HP Web site.
If all above steps fail to work, try creating a New User Profile.
Create a New User Profile :
Create a new user profile to check if you are able to access Secure websites. You refer to the below listed website for assistance in create a new user account: