I can't get on Subeta at all! Help!!?
2007-06-07 08:54:39 UTC
Since yesterday hasn't been working for me! Yesterday it was a blank page and today it comes up with hotdaddy crap...
I deleted my history, cookies, and websites I've been on. I've refreshed.
Oh and even is a blank page since yesterday..
I thought everyone had this problem but my friend said Subeta's working for her.
What should I do?
34 answers:
2007-06-08 16:37:31 UTC
Don't be stupid. Keith is not in trouble. There was a hick up with the servers. They are trying to fix it. Use the ip address to access the site. A bunch of us are already on. Here is the link.

Post made by XPrimalEyesX:

"Honestly, guys. I posted a news post about this earlier, I removed it because I THOUGHT this had been cleared up.

The nameserver and registrar hiccuped. That\'s all. That\'s it. Both have HORRIBLE customer service, so don\'t blame us, blame them.

The staff are working as hard as they can to get the site back as soon as possible. Most of us are sick, sleep-deprived, or otherwise injured because of it. But we\'re humans. We aren\'t machines.

I\'m sorry if you\'re ticked off the site is down. But we\'ve clearly made progress, as made evident by the fact the site is up, as opposed to yesterday, when it wasn\'t. So, I\'m sorry if you\'re angry that we aren\'t working to your expectations, but we\'re working as hard and fast as we can.

If that\'s enough for you, thank you very, very much.

This board is now locked.

Edit: Oh, and for those of you asking about reimbursed GA time and such, you will have to wait until we have everything else straightened out. Although a high priority, at the moment we clearly have more pressing matters. The site is NOT in violation of parody laws. NOTHING happened except for what I stated. So, please, stop believing wild rumors. And again, if you aren\'t, thank you."

Last Edit by: XPrimalEyesX 6/09/07 at 3:11:30am
2007-06-10 10:54:09 UTC
Yes - the IP address that has been given out really works. My wife is an addict. She checked it out via before using it. The shops aren't stocking, quests etc aren't reset and you keep getting logged out. Forums are working, as are trades and user shops. if you need your Subeta fix then use the IP address.

From one of the forum topics:

"Post made by XPrimalEyesX:

"Honestly, guys. I posted a news post about this earlier, I removed it because I THOUGHT this had been cleared up.

The nameserver and registrar hiccuped. That's all. That's it. Both have HORRIBLE customer service, so don't blame us, blame them.

The staff are working as hard as they can to get the site back as soon as possible. Most of us are sick, sleep-deprived, or otherwise injured because of it. But we're humans. We aren't machines.

I'm sorry if you're ticked off the site is down. But we've clearly made progress, as made evident by the fact the site is up, as opposed to yesterday, when it wasn't. So, I'm sorry if you're angry that we aren't working to your expectations, but we're working as hard and fast as we can.

If that's enough for you, thank you very, very much.

This board is now locked.

Edit: Oh, and for those of you asking about reimbursed GA time and such, you will have to wait until we have everything else straightened out. Although a high priority, at the moment we clearly have more pressing matters. The site is NOT in violation of parody laws. NOTHING happened except for what I stated. So, please, stop believing wild rumors. And again, if you aren't, thank you."

Last Edit by: XPrimalEyesX 6/09/07 at 3:11:30am"
2007-06-08 14:11:31 UTC
I don't really think Keith is guilty of all those things. If you go to the website that says those things, they link to the 4chan website (or so I've been told).

So I don't believe it. 4chan has been after Keith ever since the Longcat squabble (which is, actually, quite stupid, in my opinion. It's a LONG CAT, people; not really credited to anyone. but whatever).

Either that, or the website's name has expired, and they just need to get it registered again, or something.

Or, maybe it's just down for reperations. It's happened before, people, and it lasted a week or so.

But it came back up.

I don't really think Subeta is shut down, but I do have my doubts, as have we all.

Oh, well. -sigh- I do hope it comes back, though...
2007-06-08 08:46:12 UTC
Hmm.. I got the same thing. Me personally, I'm just trying to wait for it to come back. As for what's happening to the site, I think there are a few.. Possibilities. First, Keith said in his journal that they were doing a LOT of updates to the new layouts for the website, fixing bugs, etc. However, there's been rumor that Keith has been doin' naughty things. So he could've gotten his server taken away.
2007-06-09 15:10:56 UTC
It's been out for a few days now, staff say it's a server problem, others point to the damage done to Gaia members who used the same username and password on Subeta. How knows? Either way if you have time check out other petsites and seem the most popular.
2007-06-08 10:54:23 UTC
No, it really isn't working, i tried every possible way to get on to subeta, and it doesn't work. Plus, if you go to, there is a brand new post from one of the graphics designers saying she wont work on graphics until subeta is back up.

I get that godaddy crap too =)

What sucks is that I just activated a gold account medal =(

send me a message sometime if subeta ever decides to work again, I'm nluvwgreenday

p.s: subeta has been down for 2 days for me!!!!
2007-06-08 23:44:34 UTC
Ever since the "Chan episode" things have been a little glitchy...but the IP addy does work. I'm sure Keith and company are working double time to get things back to normal ;)
2007-06-08 09:56:58 UTC
I personally have been having the same problem. If the site went down, i want a refund on something i bought 2 days ago and never even received it on there while the site was up.
2007-06-08 21:10:31 UTC
i can get on when i use the direct ip too occasionally. personally i think it's a problem with godaddy's domain hosting, but who am i to say.

and i'm pretty sure all that negative keith stuff is crap made up by haters. besides what business is it of ours what he does anyway really.

in the month i've been on subeta everytime there's a problem they get it up and running again relatively quickly, we just have to have patience grasshoppers ;)
2007-06-09 12:24:53 UTC
I really don't know whats going on but maybe it has something to do with firefox or IE, who knows maybe you should check into that...see if your friends who have firefox can get onto it....I myself have IE and I keep getting the same stuff you do...But I found out at certain times of the day you can get on it...But Im still not so sure...Thanks, anymore questions email me at Byes,

That Girl
2007-06-10 07:45:20 UTC
Nobody can use the site, nobody will ever be able to use the site, short of a miracle. The 4chans (the ones with the 'war' over the longcat) broke onto the site servers, and honest to gosh wiped out everything. Subeta, all it's backup files, it's all gone.. My account, your account, they weren't satisfied with Keith removing the item from the site, he didn't appease them.. and they took us down for good.
Ophelia J
2007-06-08 22:47:17 UTC
I bet this is all 4chan's fault, I dont think keith would do something like that, then again I dont know him. Has anyone talked directaly with an adamin? Do they know what is going on?

Even if he did take the pictures, lots of people take pictures of them doing things just look at myspace 0.o, why would his case be any different?

Fiaria on subeta
2007-06-10 04:57:51 UTC
I've tried the number URL that has been suggested, and it does direct you to what looks like subeta. But how do we know it really is subeta? Remember after the whole Chan incident the staff said not to go to links that looked like gibberish as it is probably a scam, and they're trying to get your password. So how do we know that this link isn't just someones way of taking advantage and get people's passwords?

please correct me if I'm wrong in thinking that.
2007-06-08 13:46:13 UTC
oh wow.

i was seriously clueless about what was going on.

but i hope subeta isn`t shut down for good! D:

i was having such a good time on it.

and i got much done. =]

but i really do hope subeta comes back soon. =[
bill j
2007-06-08 08:02:26 UTC
well it seems the survers are shut down or its been shut down because subetadb is also doing the same thing and i beleive that is also ran by keith so either his servers are down or its been completely shut down which would suck! but it seems more likely its been shut down because if the servers go down it usually has a little message that says that like mysql error
2007-06-08 13:37:02 UTC
Keith Kurson, the admin of has been caught distributing pornographic images of him and his gay buddies. The topic this "digg" links to is a development on what the responses from the police and other authoritive figures have to say.

Many users are currently having this issue (myself included). Staff is working their hardest to get it working for everyone. ^^ It should be back soon. :3

Well I was on the DB for a minute yesterday and the staff of Subeta knows whats going on and are trying to fix it. So rest assured it should be back sooner or later. (hopefully sooner)

IM SOOOOO MAD!!! I quit neopets for Subeta and now its gone.......ARGH!!!
2007-06-08 08:32:52 UTC
I get the same problem but noticed it was saying coming soon ... so maybe they are doing updates!! fingerscrossed it comes back on!! I hope its not being shut down!!
2007-06-09 11:04:14 UTC
its probably 4chan since that longcat thing. its not fair. i don't think those stupid rumors are true,4chan must have started it so they can blame subeta and shut them down and if they do I'LL SHUT 4CHAN DOWN report things,complain,stop people from going on that site by posting things,i don't CARE what i have to do!
2007-06-10 08:23:09 UTC
The link really works. And yes it does log you off after clicking a few times but once i started login in and login in it worked ^^


just keep login in.
2007-06-08 10:09:57 UTC
I think the site was taken down.

Maybe by the Fed's.

At any rate - there are plenty of members from that site who paid real currency for services and/or items that they are now not receiving due to the site being down.

That is Internet Theft, pure and simple.

If you pay for items and then do not receive your items, or are being kept from USING those items; you are due your money back.

Get in contact with whoever you paid that money to ~ and demand repayment and restitution, in full.

No one has a right to steal. No matter who they are.

(It is especially bad that administration has stolen from the very users who supported them, financially. Talk about adding insult to injury!)
Sukhjit S®² h4x0r
2007-06-07 08:59:13 UTC
try to go to google and type it in and then try getting on or maybe there server is down that has happened to me before
Ace K
2007-06-09 13:06:18 UTC
Subeta is gone. It fell to the wrath of b for Keith's insolence. Get over it.
2007-06-08 21:44:30 UTC
subeta isnt coming up well theres alot of ppl attacking subeta and keith like theres a pention up saying that subeta is a copy of neopets which i know they look nothing alike subeta is way better then neopets and the thing on the porn is so not true

my user name on subeta is tangerinehairedgirl
2007-06-09 14:45:31 UTC
Subeta got killed by anonymous. Keith should have 30 PS3's as well.
2007-06-07 09:22:41 UTC
Maybe it's your computer, the one I'm on sometimes won't open, but my other computer will without problems =)
2007-06-08 08:10:25 UTC
Is subeta really gone??!! I went on Mirc but of course you're not allowed to ask what's going on. ^^
2007-06-08 12:49:15 UTC
Subeta is gone! Keith is guilty of something....(i'm still trying to figure out, while I''m crying...My username was Dragon_spell)

Subeta will NEVER come back:(
2007-06-08 11:54:54 UTC
It does the same thing to me.
2007-06-08 11:27:54 UTC
Go here

It logs you off a lot but you can still get in :)
2007-06-07 08:59:41 UTC
There could just be something wrong with something idk but it worked for me.

MAybe u should restart ur computer is anyother site working?
2007-06-09 08:15:59 UTC

try that it was working yesterday
2007-06-10 21:25:47 UTC
Use this to get in
2007-06-10 17:50:56 UTC
2007-06-08 02:23:24 UTC
i heard that subeta was shut down. =/

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