Yes - the IP address that has been given out really works. My wife is an addict. She checked it out via before using it. The shops aren't stocking, quests etc aren't reset and you keep getting logged out. Forums are working, as are trades and user shops. if you need your Subeta fix then use the IP address.
From one of the forum topics:
"Post made by XPrimalEyesX:
"Honestly, guys. I posted a news post about this earlier, I removed it because I THOUGHT this had been cleared up.
The nameserver and registrar hiccuped. That's all. That's it. Both have HORRIBLE customer service, so don't blame us, blame them.
The staff are working as hard as they can to get the site back as soon as possible. Most of us are sick, sleep-deprived, or otherwise injured because of it. But we're humans. We aren't machines.
I'm sorry if you're ticked off the site is down. But we've clearly made progress, as made evident by the fact the site is up, as opposed to yesterday, when it wasn't. So, I'm sorry if you're angry that we aren't working to your expectations, but we're working as hard and fast as we can.
If that's enough for you, thank you very, very much.
This board is now locked.
Edit: Oh, and for those of you asking about reimbursed GA time and such, you will have to wait until we have everything else straightened out. Although a high priority, at the moment we clearly have more pressing matters. The site is NOT in violation of parody laws. NOTHING happened except for what I stated. So, please, stop believing wild rumors. And again, if you aren't, thank you."
Last Edit by: XPrimalEyesX 6/09/07 at 3:11:30am"