If you simply must have your site up as quickly as possible and content is more important than appearance, then templates are the way to go.
Out of the gate, given that you're not well versed in HTML, you're probably best off going that route.
You need to make a decision to learn HTML and do this yourself or hire a professional, by "Professional", I don't mean your nephew Larry who works out of his parents den and will do your site for $50, I'm talking about a company that specialises in business websites. If you intend to use a database to dynamically generate your site, you're going to need to learn a scripting language, vbScript for example.
These days, you'll need someone who can design your site with Search Engine Optimisation in mind. It'll need to be easy to update and professional in appearance. You really don't want a "cookie cutter" webpage.
You'll really want to do some work and decide on the purpose of the site, then propose a budget. Given the high level of competition on the www, you'd be well advised to sit down with a pro and do this right at the get go. A professional will help you choose a great domain name that'll help you gain placement and design your site to promote a polished and professional appearance. A professional is familiar with the latest technologies and trends, plue they understand how to run a project.
In terms of qualified website traffic, you'll make a lot of headway very quickly if you spend the money now instead of doing it on the cheap and having to rework everything later. This sounds expensive and it can be, depending on the scope of your project, but the return on investment can be huge as well.
You should have a familiarity with HTML and some light scripting so that you can make informed decisions but learning everything you need to know takes time, and effort.