What monster on runescape do i need too kill too get black (t) armour from please tell?
2006-07-24 18:20:55 UTC
Im always wandering around runescape killing monster and doing clue scrolls but i never get trimed armor. some guy said that you kill gaurds but i don't think its true is it?Do u ppl know how much black (t) costs or any other trimed armor?because i realy need 2 know this because ppl at my school say i'm a noob because i dont wear trimed armor and im lvl 73 full if you see this answer it please.
Four answers:
2006-07-28 17:49:35 UTC
Whoa. If you scrolled all the way down here after that long long message, you are a brave man.

The answer to your question is - none. No monster will drop black (t) armour. You can only get trimmed armour from treasure trails lvl 1. To get clue scrolls for those treasure trails, kill guards.

You won't always get trimmed armour, and sometimes you will get crappy rewards like 10 trout or something. Remember that you can only have 1 clue scroll at a time, so once you get it, go on the treasure trail until you solve it, and then go kill more guards 'till you get another clue scroll.

Good luck.
2014-09-14 21:58:29 UTC

You can get Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince for free from this link:

it's a perfectly working link, no scam !

Harry prepares for the final battle amidst the different emotional conflicts and confusions of an adolescent.
2006-07-27 07:24:53 UTC
you may visit

have fun!

jane loves
2006-07-25 01:25:57 UTC
In RuneScape Classic, if you enter text like this: @red@, then press enter, the next text you enter will be red. You can also do this with other colors, by just putting in the first 3 letters of the word, like blue would be @blu@.

Submitted by - Chickenmaster

Hint: Easy Money

At Port Salim and ask the men in blue to take a ship to Karamja. Then go to the first house you see on the right. Talk to the man in black clothes. He will ask you to do a job. Get 10 bananas and put them in the crate to get 30gp. Keep doing this to get a lot of money.

Submitted by - mining pur

Hint: Easy Money and Experience

Complete rune mysteries quest in either free server or member server.

After that you have the ability to go to the rune essence mine so get a pickaxe.

Go to rune essence mine, the Varrock Rune Shop has a bank nearby.


Mine essence till full.

Go to portal.

Go to bank deposit essence.


You now have enough essence to sell them 10K= 500 RUNE ESSNECE, 20K= 1K Rune Essence, 30K= 1.5K Rune Essence.

Submitted by - Pyromecha

Hint: Method Money

One easy way to earn money is to increase mining and crafting. Once you're able to create items, sell them for easy cash.

Submitted by - pjscooter89

Hint: Scife

To get a scife in Runescape you must go to Varrock. Go to the place with a bunch of logs. Get your magic high enough to use weaken. Use weaken on the log pile. A level 22 Tree Spirit will appear. If you kill it it will drop a scife and nature runes.

Submitted by - Tommy Daniels

hint: colored text

Runescape 1

@red@: red text

@blu@: blue text

@gre@: green text

@whi@: white text

@cya@: cyan text

@ran@: rainbow text

Runescape 2

red:(then words)








Submitted by - Tommy Daniels



Get skull without fighting skeleton: Tired of dying from fighting the skeleton to get the skull? All you have to do is get the skull before you start the restless ghost mission. The skull can be found in the dungeon of the wizard tower. After you get the skull talk to the Priest to start the quest, then you wont have to fight the skeleton.

Prayer Level up: Use the following trick to increase your prayer points. Gather bones off the floor and bury them to get experience in the Pray area. If you continue to do this, your Prayer points will be high enough to increase your strength or other stats. It is also good to put everything (including armor) you have in the bank. Then, go around picking up and burying bones when you cannot carry any more. There is a chicken farm near the starting point. Go northeast from the starting point to find the bridge. Cross the bridge and head north to find the chicken farm.

Recommended Quest: Do the Lost Ghost quest at the graveyard. If you finish this, you will get about 5 or 6 prayer points.

Recommended Quest 2: Do the quest in Falador. Talk to the man in the second floor of the castle for a quest about black knights. Get the Iron Chain Mail found behind Falador Castle. Buy it for about 120 GP. A bronze helmet can be found anywhere. Get some cabbage and go to the black knight castle. Push on walls that are called "Odd walls" and drop the cabbage in a hole to complete the quest. The reward is 2,000 GP.

Silverlight: Go to Varrock and talk to the gypsy. She will explain the quest.

To undrain the key in the pipe, which is part of the quest, use a bucket of water over the drain and head for the sewer.

Survive in the Lava Chambers: Get to the point where you are able to fight Lesser Demons or level 54 Skeletons or Red Spiders. After defeating the Dragon, or at least using the secret door the first time from the Crandor side, get enough Fishing and Cooking to be able to catch and cook Lobster. Bring a Lobster Pot, a Tinderbox and a Hatchet (any type). Reach the island from Karamja (through the secret door). Fight your monsters, etc. When you run out of food, return through the secret door to Karamja and fish for Lobsters. Then, cut a tree for logs, set it on fire, and cook your Lobsters. This allows you to survive in the Lava Chambers under Crandor/Karamja Islands almost indefinitely. This is useful for leveling up against certain monsters and to also get a lot of one kind of item from a particular monster (such as Rune Mediums from Lesser Demons).

Combat levels, prayer levels, money, and good items: Get a Brass Key by any means necessary. You can find them far into the "dungeon/mines" of Edgeville. Go to the locked little house with a ladder leading down inside in between Varrok and the Barbarian Village. Use the Brass Key with the door providing access. Take the first turn to the left into a close room (with a gate) filled with giants (level 36). The giants give good experience, drop big bones (better for prayer than normal bones), money (up to 47 GP dropping at a time), and good items (steel and iron items, gems of all grades except for diamond, and all runes). Note: Bring a fly fishing rod and feathers to fish for some food when down there.

Blue Rune rock: Note: They are in wild about level 42. Go to the west side and north all way. Go east slightly to find red spiders guarding the only blue Rune Rock in the game. You will need to have over level 80 mining and smithing.

Red Spider Eggs: Go to Karajama Island. Go past the banana grove until you get to the scorpions. When you get there, go down the ladder and pass the skeletons. You will find red spider eggs. Note: You need to be at least over level 30.

Easter Egg: Kill high level monsters such as White Knight, Ice Giants, etc. on Easter. Note: You will not always get an Easter Egg, but the higher level the monster, the higher the chance.

Halloween Mask: Kill high level monsters such as White Knight, Ice Giants, etc. on October 31. There are three different colors.

Santa Hat: Kill high level monsters such as White Knight, Ice Giants, etc. on December 25.

Rune Two-Hander: Get your mining to about level 35. Mine until you get 750 iron ore. Then, go to Draynor Manor to the location where the three men exchange fish, ore, and bars. Get all the ore into certificates at the man who exchanges certificates for ore. You should have 150 certificates. Go to World 1, where most of the high level characters are. Go beside the Varrock Castle. You will be able to trade your 150 iron ore certificates for a Rune Two-Hander.

Mining site for adamantite and mithril ores: If you go to lumbridge, go to the back of the castle. You should eventually come upon a gate. Goaround the gate and at the far west, just before the river, you should see abuilding. Just south of the building, there should be some mining

rocks. Prospect the rocks until you see the rock you're looking for-either adamantite or mithril. There are many other rocks there and I have no idea of what those might be. You can prospect them to find out.

Money making: My favorite way to make money is to fish. It is hard work getting your level up to the right one. Start off by fishing shrimp and anchovies until you have level 35 fishing. While doing that, just let shrimps overflow your inventory because you don't get much money for them. Once you have level 35 fishing, start to harpoon tuna at karajma. The best place to buy a harpoon is at the fishing shop in port sarim. You can sell tuna for 30 gp because even though you can sell tuna for 40 gp at the general store, the price goes down depending on how much tuna is in the shop. Once you have level 40 fishing, start to fish lobsters and sell them for 50 gp each.

Air Runes: To get easy Air Runes, go to Karamja. Go behind Luthas's house. You will see three Air Runes there. Since they respawn fast, stay there and in thirty minutes you will have over 200.

Black Kites: Use the following trick to get Black Hatchets, Mediums, Maces, and Kites. If you want to get the Hatchets, Mediums, and Maces, go straight up from Edgeville to level 15 wilderness. There will be a castle here. Walk in and kill level 21 Dark Warriors until they drop these items. For Black Kites; go all the way west to the wilderness until you reach to a big open ocean. Go straight north until you see the level 60+ Ice Giants. Kill them to get Black Kites.

Bronze Dagger: Go to Lumbridge Castle. When inside, turn to your left and go down the hall past the cooking place. In the last room, go up the ladder then find the room with the Duke Of Lumbridge. Enter that room and go to the table at the end of it. If you wait long enough, a bronze dagger will appear.

Liquid Armor: If you are a member, go to the impassable mountain range. Get into the fort first to get through, then keep moving. If desired, you can fight the level 110 Dragons. Keep moving and you will find Liquid Armor, which is stronger than Dragonite Armor (must have level 200 attack defense strength).

Christmas Crackers: On December 25, kill monsters of any level and you might get Christmas Crackers. Note: The drops are random.

Easter Ears: To get Easter Ears, kill any monster on Easter.

Cook's guild: To get into the cooks guild, you will need a chef's hat and level 32 cooking. To get a chef's hat, kill goblins until you get one . To get your cooking to level 32, cook meat until you reach that level. Then, wear your chef's hat and travel northwest from Varrok to find the cook's guild, or just look on the Runescape map.

Easier survival: To survive anywhere, bring a sleeping bag and when you get low on health, sleep in it. It will heal while you are sleeping and you cannot be attacked during that time.

All Runscape info, hints and cheats submitted by: Click here to find out


RuneScape Hint: Method Money

One easy way to earn money is to increase mining and crafting. Once you're able to create items, sell them for easy cash.

RuneScape Hint: Scife

To get a scife in Runescape you must go to Varrock. Go to the place with a bunch of logs. Get your magic high enough to use weaken. Use weaken on the log pile. A level 22 Tree Spirit will appear. If you kill it it will drop a scife and nature runes.

RuneScape Hint: Colored Text

In RuneScape Classic, if you enter text like this: @red@, then press enter, the next text you enter will be red. You can also do this with other colors, by just putting in the first 3 letters of the word, like blue would be @blu@.

RuneScape Hint: Text Lists

Runescape 1

@red@: red text

@blu@: blue text

@gre@: green text

@whi@: white text

@cya@: cyan text

@ran@: rainbow text

Runescape 2

red:(then words)








RuneScape Hint: Easy Money and Experience

Complete rune mysteries quest in either free server or member server.

After that you have the ability to go to the rune essence mine so get a pickaxe.

Go to rune essence mine, the Varrock Rune Shop has a bank nearby.


Mine essence till full.

Go to portal.

Go to bank deposit essence.


You now have enough essence to sell them 10K= 500 RUNE ESSNECE, 20K= 1K Rune Essence, 30K= 1.5K Rune Essence.

RuneScape Hint: Easy Money

At Port Salim and ask the men in blue to take a ship to Karamja. Then go to the first house you see on the right. Talk to the man in black clothes. He will ask you to do a job. Get 10 bananas and put them in the crate to get 30gp. Keep doing this to get a lot of money.


NOTE: As their name suggests hints are not exactly like cheats, and are usually just simple (but very useful) tips on how you can unlock secret level, features, find hidden areas and such. Hopefully these will make playing Runescape even more entertaining.

Easy money hints

Go to Port Sarim, west of Draynor village, and ask one of the people in the blue uniforms to go to Karamja and pay them 30 GP. When you get there, walk off the dock and you should see a house. Enter the house and talk to a man named Luthas. He will ask you to pick bananas. Answer "Yes", pick bananas, put them in the crate, then talk to Luthas to collect your moderately earned 30 GP. If you would like more money in multiples of 30, ask him to get another 30 GP for doing the job again. Stay here for a long time if you need to spend several thousand on items.

Go to Port Sarim and do the banana thing and put a bottle of rum in the crate then go in and collect your GP. Then go back outside and to Port Sarim get a white apron and go get a job in the grocery store at Sarim. Search the crate in the back and take the rum and some bananas. Then go to the bar in Sarim, give the drunk the rum and then, when you are done, go up to varrock or someplace and sell the bananas.

Once you are at level 40 mining, add a person named yodoo86 to your list. He always buys coal. Mine coal and sell to him for 100 GP.

Get your smithing and mining levels up to 40 and mine gold in the Lessers Pits on Karajama Island. However, be careful of the level 21 skeletons. There are five rocks, so on a good night when no one is on, you can hit them in a row making your trip very easy. You can usually get 25 gold ore that becomes 25 gold bars. Put them into certs and sell for 1k a gold cert.

Mine and smith until you are at level 20 at both. Make Bronze Bars and turn them into things at an Anvil such as: a 2-H, Mail Plate Body, Skirt, or Kite Shield and sell them at the market for good prices. You can also do this with Mithril, Runite (not Rune), Adamantite, Iron, and Steel.

Go to the house outside of Lumbridge and collect Iron Daggers on World 13. Also, defeat Goblins for items that can be sold or gold, which is common. Sell the daggers for 14 gold or less at the market.

Get your mining level up to 30. Mine coal and you can make them into certificates and trade them for 1,000 GP each.

Get your mining level to at least 15, and your smithing level to at least 30. Go to the mine south of Falador. Mine lots of iron, and take it to Falador Furnace. Go north of Falador to Doric's Anvils. Smith Iron Square Shields and Iron Kite Shields. Take them to the shield shop in Falador and sell them for fast and easy money.

First, go to the new area in south-east Varrock where you buy priest robes. Make sum1 follow you there. There is a pen of rats. Click on attack rats and you will go through a fence. The person following you will be there with you. Log out then, go on a different world and there is a man in a building by the pen. Make sure no1 attacks him, click on attack him and you will get out of the fenced area. Then log out and log in the world that the person that was following you on, and ask them if they want out of the pen. They will say yes, and you say "if u pay me i will get u out". Of course, they will pay. Using this method you will have a lot of money soon, just make sure that a person will pay big or rune armor or sumn like that.

Go to the wilderness. If you walk around, eventually you will find items from other peoples deaths. You shouldn't bring anything good out and stay away from monsters. if you log out while fighting you will die. Run away for a while and then log out.

When you begin smithing a particular type of metal, smith Daggers at first and sell most or all of them. Then, once you get your smithing level high enough to make Short Swords, create as many of them as possible then sell as many of them as possible at the Varrock Sword Shop. They give you the best value per bar. It is possible to make over 1500 gp by selling Steel Short swords. It is also a good idea to allow the swords to regenerate after each sale because you can then get the most possible money for each of them.

Go to Chaos Temple. Kill monks and take the Steel Maces. Sell them to the Mace Store in Falador for 138 gp. Do this repeatedly to get levels and money quickly.

Go to Varock. Kill the level 21 guards there to get skill levels and up to 30 gp.

Go to Lumbridge on any World (1-13, etc.) and go to the house where the Goblins (level 7) respawn. There are two fishing spots there. If there are people fishing, they will usually drop Raw Salmon and Raw Trout which you can cook (if your cooking level is high enough) and sell in the general store for 10 to 30 gp.

Put all your items in the bank (including weapons and armor). Go to the Red Spider fortress in the wilderness. Ggo inside and dash for the Steel Legs or Gold Ore. If you die, you will keep the Ore and Legs and lose nothing. For higher levels, try getting three before dying or stocking up all the way before leaving.

If your smithing level is 34 and mining is 20, go to Falador and to the Dwarven Mines. Keep mining until you have about 100 to 200 iron ore banked. Then, make all the bars you can. You should have between 50 to 100 bars. Smith them into Iron Chest Plates then go back to Varrok and sell them to Hovick The Armorer. If your smithing is lower, then smith Bronze Bars and make bronze two handed and large helms and items until you can make Bronze Chest Plates. Make those until your smithing is level 34, then repeat the steps for about 10,000 gp every five to ten minutes.

When at combat level 10 or 11, kill level 18 warriors in Alcarid. They drop money and Iron Daggers sometimes.

Go to Karamja Isle and to where the people fish. Poeple will fish lobsters and swordfish until they cannot carry anymore. They will drop the fish. Take lots of lobsters and swordfish. You can make these into Certs in Draynor, and sell Swordie Certs for 2,000 gp.

There are about seven spawn points for coins. In the wilderness, go to the Dark Warrior's castle and kill them until you get the Rare Black Mace and Black Medium Helmet, which both sell for a lot of gp. Get your crafting up to level 40 and make all kinds of jewelry, which also sell for a lot of money. Make Strength Potions and sell them by the wilderness in Varrock for 1,000 gp. Also make food and sell by the wilderness.

Get your magic level up to 55 (high level alchemy) and buy a Runeite Medium, for 8,000 to 10,000 gp. Use it on the Runeite Medium to get 18,000 gp. Buy another Runeite Medium and repeat those steps to get easy money. Note: This spell uses 5 Fire Runes and 1 Nature Rune.


First you put moneybags on your list. When it logs in, a computer will tell it your serial number and password and it print money on it like anywhere from 60,000 to 1,000,000,000 GP or you get rune item. He is usually on on saturdays and a few times during week. You can only do this 2 times on each serial number and if you do it more times you get cut off!

Easy level ups

Go to Rimmington, then go to the room where two logs respawn. Go in it, close the door, then wait until the little level 2 rats respawn there. Kill them until you reach level 5, then go back to Lumbridge. Go to the room with goblins in it. Close the door and wait until they respawn. Kill them and level up to about level 10. Then, go to Varrok and kill any level 9 men and level 10 muggers until you level up five more times. Then, go to the Wizard Tower to level up to level 20. Continue with the higher five levels each time until you are at level 40.

An easy way to level up in your ranger level is to go to Port Sarim. Go inside the jail. Note: You will not be able to get your undamaged arrows again -- bring a lot of them. Shoot at the goblin first until you gain some levels, then kill the mugger followed by the thief, black knight, and other prisoners. You will level quickly. Another place of interest for rangers is the wizard tower. Go down the stairs until you cannot proceed further. Look for the lesser daemon that is caged up. Note: Once again, you cannot get your arrows back. Also, beware of the level 25 dark wizard with a beard who will attack you.

You can level your attack level (not strength) up to 8 at the Varrok training center (the one with five dummies in it) next to the east smithing area.

Red Spider Eggs

Go to Karajama Island. Go past the banana grove until you get to the scorpions. When you get there, go down the ladder and pass the skeletons. You will find red spider eggs. Note: You need to be at least over level 30.

Halloween Mask

Kill high level monsters such as White Knight, Ice Giants, etc. on October 31. There are three different colors.

Santa Hat

Kill high level monsters such as White Knight, Ice Giants, etc. on December 25.

Combat levels, prayer levels, money, and good items

Get a Brass Key by any means necessary. You can find them far into the "dungeon/mines" of Edgeville. Go to the locked little house with a ladder leading down inside in between Varrok and the Barbarian Village. Use the Brass Key with the door providing access. Take the first turn to the left into a close room (with a gate) filled with giants (level 36). The giants give good experience, drop big bones (better for prayer than normal bones), money (up to 47 GP dropping at a time), and good items (steel and iron items, gems of all grades except for diamond, and all runes). Note: Bring a fly fishing rod and feathers to fish for some food when down there.

Prayer level up

Use the following trick to increase your prayer points. Gather bones off the floor and bury them to get experience in the Pray area. If you continue to do this, your Prayer points will be high enough to increase your strength or other stats. It is also good to put everything (including armor) you have in the bank. Then, go around picking up and burying bones when you cannot carry any more. There is a chicken farm near the starting point. Go northeast from the starting point to find the bridge. Cross the bridge and head north to find the chicken farm.

Survive in the Lava Chambers

Get to the point where you are able to fight Lesser Demons or level 54 Skeletons or Red Spiders. After defeating the Dragon, or at least using the secret door the first time from the Crandor side, get enough Fishing and Cooking to be able to catch and cook Lobster. Bring a Lobster Pot, a Tinderbox and a Hatchet (any type). Reach the island from Karamja (through the secret door). Fight your monsters, etc. When you run out of food, return through the secret door to Karamja and fish for Lobsters. Then, cut a tree for logs, set it on fire, and cook your Lobsters. This allows you to survive in the Lava Chambers under Crandor/Karamja Islands almost indefinitely. This is useful for leveling up against certain monsters and to also get a lot of one kind of item from a particular monster (such as Rune Mediums from Lesser Demons).

Recommended quests

Do the Lost Ghost quest at the graveyard. If you finish this, you will get about 5 or 6 prayer points.Do the quest in Falador. Talk to the man in the second floor of the castle for a quest about black knights. Get the Iron Chain Mail found behind Falador Castle. Buy it for about 120 GP. A bronze helmet can be found anywhere. Get some cabbage and go to the black knight castle. Push on walls that are called "Odd walls" and drop the cabbage in a hole to complete the quest. The reward is 2,000 GP.

Rune Two-Hander

Get your mining to about level 35. Mine until you get 750 iron ore. Then, go to Draynor Manor to the location where the three men exchange fish, ore, and bars. Get all the ore into certificates at the man who exchanges certificates for ore. You should have 150 certificates. Go to World 1, where most of the high level characters are. Go beside the Varrock Castle. You will be able to trade your 150 iron ore certificates for a Rune Two-Hander.


Go to Varrock and talk to the gypsy. She will explain the quest. To undrain the key in the pipe, which is part of the quest, use a bucket of water over the drain and head for the sewer.

Ernest the Chicken switches

When you go into the place with the switches, pull them in this order: A, B, D, A, B, F, E, C.

Oil cans

The following is the order of switches for retrieving the oil can at Draynor Manor: A: Up, B: Up, C: Down, D: Down E: Up F: Down.

The following is the order of levers to retrieving the oil can in the basement of the castle: A: A B: B C: D D: A E: B F: E G: F H: C I: E.

Change text color

To talk in a different colored text, type @, then enter the first three letters of the color, then type another @, without spaces. For example, if you type @blu@, your text will appear blue. The following is a list of colors and letters to use:

ran: Random, flashing text

blu: Blue

bla: Black

cya: Cyan

gre: Green

mag: Magenta

ora: Orange

red: Red

whi: White

yel: Yellow (normal color)

Points of interests in the wilderness

Varrock training ground: Wild level 1-10 north of Varrock. Level 13 rats, player fights, Body Runes to north, Altar to the north.

Falador training ground: Wild level 1-10 NW of Falador. Dark Wizards level 16 and 25. Wizards drop runes, altar south out of wild.

Graveyard: Wild level 20, SW of Skeleton Training Ground and NE of Varrock altar, Skeleton level 25. Iron Dagger, Steel Dagger.

Dark Warrior Encampment: Wild level 13 NW of Edgeville. Level 21 dark warriors. Runes.

Ice Mountain: Wild level 40 west edge of wild.

Ice Warriors level 67, Ice Giant level 68. Altar to the south.

Red Spider Village: Wild level 30, north of Hobgoblin training area. Level 36 Red Spiders. Inside are Steel Legs and a Gold Nugget. They take about five minutes to regenerate.

Bandit Outpost: Wild level 22 northwest of Edgeville. North of Dark Warrior encampment. Level 29 bandits.

Ghosts training ground: Wild level 17 NEf Varrock after passage guarded by Giant. Ghosts level 25. Planks, Tiles, Steel Short Sword.

Skeleton training ground: Wild Level 25, north of Ghost training ground. Level 32 Skeletons. Crossbows, Iron Scimitar.

Lesser Demons: Wild level 42, eastern border of Wild. Level 79 lesser demons, Nature Runes.

Greater Demons: Wild level 45, north of the Lesser Demons, two level 87 Greater Demon.

Ashes Small House of Spiders: Wild level 45, east of the Greater Demons, two Giant Spiders level 31, Sapphire Cut.

Hobgoblin training area: Wild Level 30, northeast of Graveyard. Hobgoblins level 32, mining area, Goblin Armor.

Maze: Wild Level 40, northwest of the Hobgoblins, King Scorpions level 36, Black Knights level 46, Steel and Iron items.

Be the best

Click on run, type RegEdit. Press [Ctrl]+[F] to bring up the Find dialog (NOTE: you must be running runescape at the same time). Type: Jagex Software (you have to have the downloaded version of freeserver or members). When typed Jagex software it should of gone into html files. Don't click anything yet, just keep pressing [F3] until it has your stats, your mining everything your runescape character has and your money (NOTE: it cannot detect armour). Then you can alter any of these things. Just double click on the thing you wish to upgrade and change the value. The best you can put your character to is 90, if you do it too high your character will be deleted you may do it if you wish, but I recommend you don't do it. And the same with mining and smithing and fishing and everything else. If you are a free member you cannot make any member sats higher E.G. Thieving herblaw anything like that. You must be on a member's server and must have the members version downloaded, it works on a freeserver...


To get a scife in Runescape you must go to Varrock. Go to the place with a bunch of logs. Get your magic high enough to use weaken. Use weaken on the log pile. A level 22 Tree Spirit will appear. If you kill it it will drop a scife and nature runes.

Easy way to get money Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: unverified

Ok, to get easy money, all you have to do is make steel plate bodies.

In Varrock, go to the shop where they sell armor. Go and sell it there.

Do this couple of times and u will have tons of money.

I got 3k just making 4 steel plate bodies!

Sent in by ace550

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Enter desert town for free Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: unverified

To enter Al Kirad for free you need to complete the Prince Ali mission.

Sent in by nightdude247

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mine runite Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: unverified

I'm not posative about it but I thinks its runeite its location is south from the black knights fortress but beware people surround it to attack weaker people

Sent in by nightdude247

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Special Colors Current rating : 10, by 2 users

Verified by: Unverified

Bogus report from:hibye

Here are some colors that many people dont know about

@gr1@ Poision colored

@gr2@ A little bit darker than gr1

@or1@ Light orange

@or2@ Darker orange

@dre@ A blood colored text

Sent in by crash 2

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cool colors Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: unverified

Here are some text colors that you might like to do while you play runescape:

@ran@=rainbow color

@red@=red color

@dre@=dark red color

@ora@=orange color

@lre@=orange color

@blu@=blue color

@cya@=light blue color

@yel@=yellow color

@whi@=white color

@bla@=black color

@mag@=magenta color

@gre@=green color

@gr1@=yellow-green color

Sent in by microbhoi624

Above submission was added to Super Cheats on: 14/12/2003, id number: 3711

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Autoprograms Current rating : 6, by 2 users

Verified by: nightdude247

Bogus report from:Pokemon_CheaTnCode_Tester

Autoprograms do not work! they will try to steal your password.

It happened to me. im a regular on runescape, msbmouse.

Sent in by msbmouse

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Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: unverified

Autoprograms do not work! they will try to steal your password.

It happened to me. im a regular on runescape, msbmouse.

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Current rating : 10, by 1 users

Verified by: unverified

Autoprograms do not work! they will try to steal your password.

It happened to me. im a regular on runescape, msbmouse.

Sent in by TheCheatMaster

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Current rating : 4, by 1 users

Verified by: Unverified

Bogus report from:rich person

Easy money:


Go to Port Sarim, west of Draynor village, and ask one

of the people in the blue uniforms to go to Karamja and

pay them 30 GP. When you get there, walk off the dock

and you should see a house. Enter the house and talk to

a man named Luthas. He will ask you to pick bananas.

Answer "Yes", pick bananas, put them in the crate, then

talk to Luthas to collect your moderately earned 30 GP.

If you would like more money in multiples of 30, ask him

to get another 30 GP for doing the job again. Stay here

for a long time if you need to spend several thousand on


Sent in by TheCheatMaster

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Current rating : 1, by 1 users

Verified by: unverified

This isn't really a cheat...i know's kind of a hint to tell u what to do if this happens to u...:



best thing to do get money is to fight for money

or work for it fight monsters like lesser demon

that drop rune medium helmet it can be sold for

some money and you get very much money by selling

to a player

its only 7 k sold in shop but can be 20 or higher

sold to player. and dont fish except you know good

place where people need food. mine coal sell 100

normal each but sometimes they sold 45 gp its not

good idea to make that all others make and sell in

same shop.

Sent in by TheCheatMaster

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Current rating : 1, by 1 users

Verified by: unverified

This isn't really a cheat...i know's kind of a hint to tell u what to do if this happens to u...:



best thing to do get money is to fight for money

or work for it fight monsters like lesser demon

that drop rune medium helmet it can be sold for

some money and you get very much money by selling

to a player

its only 7 k sold in shop but can be 20 or higher

sold to player. and dont fish except you know good

place where people need food. mine coal sell 100

normal each but sometimes they sold 45 gp its not

good idea to make that all others make and sell in

same shop.

Sent in by Impossible Creatures Lord

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Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: Unverified

Bogus report from:msbmouse

Ok....Train Up To About Level 35...Then Go To The Sewers, Goto the end of the Sewers..Watch Out For Moss Giant..and Kill Those Red Spiders...They Drop Loads..Then when got heaps of cash...goto karmaja.

Go to luthar in that house and do the 'Banana Chore'...


You Will Eventually have Millions

Sent in by Impossible Creatures Lord

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Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: unverified

Ok....Train Up To About Level 35...Then Go To The Sewers, Goto the end of the Sewers..Watch Out For Moss Giant..and Kill Those Red Spiders...They Drop Loads..Then when got heaps of cash...goto karmaja.

Go to luthar in that house and do the 'Banana Chore'...


You Will Eventually have Millions

Sent in by cops suk

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Current rating : 1, by 1 users

Verified by: unverified

hi yall need cool as color riting

@ran@ rainbow clor

@red@ red color

@gre@ green color

@ora@ bronze color

@cya@ lite blue color

@blu@ blue color

@whi@ white color

@bla@ black color

@mag@ purple color

and if u r a reguler user on runescape

put cops suk as 1 of ur freinds


Sent in by cops suk

Dying Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: unverified

When you die, you should end up back at lumbridge. Somewhere in the area is a woman, kill her and she should drop coins. If she doesn't, just wait until she comes back to life and try again. When you have ten coins, go to Lumbridge general store. You should be able to buy an axe, tinderbox, pickaxe and a fishing net for approximately 1gp each.

Sent in by Gareli

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Where to find runeite Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: unverified

A friend who dosent play anymore said he has mined runeite deep in the wilderness around level 45-50 but this type of stone would be hard to mind becouse it would be protected by lots of aggresives monsters on a high level. I would go with a attack and strenght of 90 of high possibe lower depending on armour, weopen, and magic

Sent in by nightdude247

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Scammers Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: Kamikazzee,chlozzel

These are the following hints to follow in Runesape.

1) If says free trimming its a scam to steal your armor.

2) If Someone asks you for your password do not give it to them they find ways to get all your good stuff.

3) If someone says you can double anything by droping it and pressing f4 it just closes your window and takes your stuff.

These are three basic things to follow when someone is trying or scamming you

Sent in by Manny2004ohyea

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Random Current rating : 10, by 1 users

Verified by: Kamikazzee

Capes/clothes: I have noticed that some people are wearing colored clothes to make these you need dyes there are yellow, red, blue, orange, purple, and green dyes use them on the clothes the same with capes.

Dyes: just so you know to make dyes take the ingredients to the witch in draynor and 5 gp for each dye/ here are the ingredients for the dyes: blue is 2 woad leaves you can get them in faly for 10gp each: yellow is 3 onions wich you can get north of port sarim if you follow the dirt trailand then go east: and red is simple 2 red berries which you can get from the floor near the mining place east of Varrok.

Smithing: when you smith items instead of selling them in the general store sell them in the places where you can buy them(ex: if you make bronce maces go to falador and sell them in the mace shop they sell for more than in a general store.

Do not do: some people say that you can multiply items by dropping them and pressing F4 do not do it, it just closes your window and loggs you out so they can take the item.

Need help?: I dont really have anything to do so I help people> If you need my help add cooldragon23. I am usually around Lumbridge, Falador, or Varrok.

Colors: to make the letters change colors type what you want them to do then type what you are gonna type (ex: wave: hello people)

here is a list of the different animations

Wave: makes the words wavy

Flash1: makes the words flash on and off and turns them red

Flash2: makes the words flash on and off and turns them blue

Glow1: makes the words change colors

Glow2: makes the words change colors

Glow3: makes the words change colors

Scroll:makes the words move from right to left then dissapear

You can also mix them (ex: glow3:wave: hello people)

They have to be in order

Here is the list of first to last

1st-scroll/ 2nd- glow/ 3rd:flash/ 4th: wave

if you put in any glow or wave do not put any other glow or wave because it won't work.

Other:If you need any help on anything add cooldragon23. He is usually on from 5:00pm to 10:00 pm eastern time (6p -11p central/ 7p -12p mountain/ 8p -1a western)

Sent in by dragonking23

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Warnings! Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: unverified

In runescape if some one askes for your password say no because I lost 2k and Mith Kite.

Sent in by wiegraf 7777

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Current rating : Unrated

Verified by: Kamikazzee

Some people will tell you to drop an item and press f4 to copy it, just so you know it just closes your web page and does not copy the item.

Sent in by dragonking23

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Just a few hints Current rating : 10, by 1 users

Verified by: mattrules42

If you are selling stuff you may wont to talk over other ppl so here is some colours

@ran@ rainbow coulor

@gr1@ sick coulor

@gre@ green coulor

@ora@ bronze coulor

@or2@ darker bronze

@dre@ dark red

@red@ normal red

@cya@ light blue

@blu@ blue

@yel@ yellow

@whi@ colour

hoped this helped

p.s dont get an autominner they just do it to nick you file

Sent in by game freak2004

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Easy money for members! Current rating : 7, by 1 users

Verified by: unverified

If you're a member, then do the Gertrude's Cat quest.

Then, raise the kitten until it's a cat. Then go to West Ardounge (must have done Plauge City Quest).

Find a house that is rat-infested and talk to the person in there.

He will trade that cat for 25 death runes! Since death runes sell for about 1k each, you can make a lot of money!

Sent in by afamandude

Get your character's mining level up to level 38 by mining iron, etc. Then, go to the Barbarian Village and mine coal from the rocks, which you can sell for 100 to 300 GP per piece. You will also occasionally find a gem (from least valuable to most, sapphire, emerald, ruby, diamond) which can be sold for good prices.

Go to the house outside of Lumbridge and collect Iron Daggers on World 13. Also, defeat Goblins for items that can be sold or gold, which is common. Sell the daggers for 14 gold or less at the market.

Easy way to get money is to go to the church in lumbridge. once you are in look for a girl and attack hear she eill drop iron daggers, money ranging from 3-41 coins, fishbait, and sometimes nifes and swords.

User Cheat by wolf020591

Rune craft and get bunch of runes then get your magic level to 40 so u can use and master the 35 magic fire bolt.

use your fire bolt to pk players in wildness. Take their amour or weapon then sell them.

User Cheat by hellz_on_fire

You can make easy money by killing ice giants. they drop up to 600gp.

User Cheat by shivum555

Get your smithing to level 50 and your mining to level 55 mine mithril and coal and smith a whole munch of mithril daggers. Then sell them for profit.

User Cheat by none

get ur smithing lvl up 2 20 then mine silver and smith it into bars, then sell the bars to the shop in falador for sum easy money. or put em into a ring mould and make rings. Barbarians also drop ring moulds. have fun

User Cheat by ashleybriggs115

an easy way to get money is to first mine tin and copper until you can mine and smelt iron do this until your mining is 30 then mine coal and turn them into certs you can sell these for 1k

User Cheat by blair6

Try to gain your fishen lvl to 50 or 40. Then You can sell lobsters for 100gp or swordfish for more money.

User Cheat by torygrahamangel

If u want big money, here's how 2 do it: get your smithing lvl to level 14.(any mining lvl will work) Go 2 al karid and mine there for tin and copper. when your inventory fills, go 2 the furnace at al karid. deposit the bars in the bank and repeat. once u have at least 30 bronze bars, go 2 varrock and smith all of the bars into Bronze full helm, kite shields, and plate bodies. sell them 2 noobs or 2 a general store~ they should give a lot of money!

User Cheat by tom2mj

Get your mining level up to 30. Mine coal and you can make them into certificates and trade them for 1,000 GP each.

Go to Chaos Temple. Kill monks and take the Steel Maces. Sell them to the Mace Store in Falador for 138 gp. Do this repeatedly to get levels and money quickly.

Go to Varock. Kill the level 21 guards there to get skill levels and up to 30 gp.

I got the easiest way to get gold just mine coal and make steel bars then sell steel armor.

User Cheat by mitmcl

To make lots of gold just go to a chicken coop (i prefer the coop just north-east of lumbrige) and kill chickens. Take their feathers and meat. Sell the feathers for 5 gp each and not 10 gp because most people think thats to much. Then cook their meat and sell that for somewhere between 2-5 gp each easy! I made 5k within 10 minutes using this process!

User Cheat by Crunkerjuicer101

Go to the dig site and give one of the workmen a cup of tea. He says u can pan hear. Take the panning tray from a tent in the camp and pan. U can find all kinds of gems, nuggets, money and sapphires

User Cheat by hinboe


User Cheat by brodievirtanen7

If you buy a bronze Pickaxe for 1gp people will pay more for it at a mining place.

User Cheat by lalagrl

During the pirates treasure quest you have to collect bananas and put them into a crate... well talk to the store owner, he\'ll give you 30gp for 10 bananas, the bananas are in his backyard!

User Cheat by Ryzzer1

I have 2 great ways of making money. 1. Get lots of feathers and sell them to people for 10gp each, i got 10k feathers in a day and i got 100k! Also, buy nature runes for 100 ea. or just find them from enemies [tree spirits r best] and sell them for 200 ea.

User Cheat by auntiei67

To get easy money my way is to bye silk in the desert for 3gp then sell it for 30gp at the clothes shop in varrok. That a easy way to make money and fast way.

User Cheat by kaity-g

go to port saim, pay 30 gp to go to karjimra. after that go to the docks and start to fish. after you are done fishing sell them in the general store south of the docks. depending on the kind of fish u catch u get a lot of gp. for example a lobster will coast 189 gp each.

this is a great way to make money and up your fishing level

User Cheat by badboy43_3

Download auto miner and mine coal : D its fast way to earn money. I made like... 1 party hat and 300k with 30k coal. Site Owner recommends using to find this item. Remember to scan all files for viruses.

User Cheat by tumpelo8

Get your mining and smithing up to lvl 40. Get your crafting up to lvl 5 or up. Mine gold and make them into bars. Then make the bars into gold rings, necklaces, etc. Sell them in a jewelry shop specializing in rings and such for about 300 per piece.

User Cheat by beenkao2003

Complete the rune mysteries quest, then mine rune essence (using a pickaxe) go to a bank deposit essence and repeat. You will be able to sell essence for a tidy sum.

User Cheat by sh**man

Good way to make money is to pick pocket! Start by pickpocketing men, your can steal 3gp each time, and they will catch u less with higher levels. and then at 10 pickpocket farmers for 8gp each time, and then at lvl 25 pickpocket warriors in al kharid for 18gp each, u can make about 5k an hours here. then at 40 pickpocket guards for 40gp each, this is where the money start coming in. for more money, when you get to 55 thieving steal from knights in ardourgne and u get 50gp each time. and then once you get to 70 thieving, pickpocket paladins for 80gp and 2 chaos runes! get collecting these and sell 1,000 of them for 200k. and if thats not enough when you get to 75 thieving, start stealing gems from the gem stall. these can sell for good price, or use them for crafting xp. and there's more, at 80 you can steal from hero\'s! you can make over 1mill gp a day stealing from these guys!

User Cheat by gokuandcell

Finish rune mysterys quest then go to varrok in the rune shop teleport he will teleport you to a place were you can mine rune essence which you can sell for 15gp each.

User Cheat by nadhil

go to edgeville in a house there are millions of men so duh you do the math 3-5 coins a kill only at level 2 common why are u still here for GO! this is only for noobs that need to get better weapons then just bronze swords

User Cheat by geckoguy740

I no how to make money easily. Make your wc lvl up until lvl 60, then cut yew logs and sell it to member for 200 to this kind of easy money. I cut 200 yew logs for 20 minutes and I sell it, get 60k!!!

User Cheat by metrox

Go to world 51 in varroc outside the kirch there is a man called pker of dead. Say good day pker. he will trade you give him any rune item (only good items like rune 2h, plate, legs, kite and chain and accept. he will trade again and give you back the dobble of the item(s) you traded

User Cheat by badboy_91_35

Go to a shop which has a of of stock then purchase those items

After (or before) go general store and if there is none of the sword you go sell the items after being purchased. I got 1k for this.

User Cheat by roy131313

Go to lumbrige and go to the dessert get 30 silks for 3 gp and sell it for 11 gp

User Cheat by adrianma199400

Go into the forest behind Varrock, and kill bears. the will drop fur. take the fur to the varrock marketplace and sell it to the Barek there he will give you 12 gp for it.

User Cheat by cmolineaux

Go to a highly populated area and dance, it sounds idiotic, but I made 4067 gp over time doing it.

User Cheat by ajtell10

Go to lumbridge castle and kill the thieves and men once you kill three go to wizards tower in the basement in one of the corners will be 1k

User Cheat by chocolate_boy8

get a brass key from a person near the giants (go east of barbarian ville. and over the river. As soon as you get across the river go north and you\'ll find a little place. Type \"buying brasss key\" it will depend on the person of the price of the key). Next, go in and go down and buy big bones for 200 gp (i know it sound like alot but trust me this works), make sure you get full inventory accept 2 for your money and your key. Now go up and go over to varrok (world 1 is the best place) and sell them for 300.You just made a 100 gp profit. Soon your money will build up. Thats how i got my 86k in about a few hours.

User Cheat by chickensoup

Go to about level 3 of wilderness. You will find body runes that reappear very fast after you take them. once you get about 200, which only takes about 20 min, sell them to body rune buyers for 5gp each . Once you sell your 200, wow! you've got yourself 1k!!!

User Cheat by kol

go to dwarven mine go mine tin copper and what ever you can mine then go to the back stairs go up and your in falador then go east to furnace and smelt it then go to bank put in and then get 27 bars of what ever get hammer put all the things in bank and then get bars go through secret steps to dwarven mine near cooking range in falador then go down and go find anvils north make stuff and sell it.

User Cheat by jai_p84

Ok everyone looking for help in making money. Get your smithing level to 48. Then go to fally and mine iron, also go to barbs village and mine coal. Smith steel plates!!!!!! you hear that! SMITH STEEL PLATES!!!!!! After you smith the steel plates go to verok and sell them to the armor guy, i dont know or care what his name is,. Sell the plates for around 2k to 1k! Trust me! I am pro and I have been doing this for years! I have checked the charts and i did studies, making STEEL PLATES GIVES MORE EXP, COSTS MORE TO SELL than other crap, and is LESS TIME CONSUMING then all other smiths!

User Cheat by edwardbilltrick

But the best way to make money is mine coal and iron till 60 mining. Then you can go into the mining guild, which has about 100 coal rocks respawning and its easy to get lots of coal quick. Then go to the Falador south bank on world 1 and sell the coal for 150 ea

User Cheat by laybackfeeble32

Go to Dwarven mine with a pickaxe and a hammer.

Mine copper ore untill half of your inventory is filled.

then go to Barbarian Village and mine Tin ore for the other half. (you can do it backwards to)

Go to Falador and smelt the ores to bronze bars.

Go back to the mine and make weapons, etc. at the anvil.

Sell them at Varrock or Lumbridge(to people that just died or started).

If you\'re lvl is high enough you can do that with Iron, steel, mithril or adamantite.

User Cheat by Ikke926 and El_Nazgir.(playing in world 23)

First of all, all of the current posts are noobish. Second of all is that the only way to make real money is to go to edgeville dungeon in member\'s are and kill chaos druids. They have the highest chance of dropping herbs. Don\'t identify the herbs and sell them for 1k each. That\'s 29k a trip ppl! Go away noobs! Iron dagger respawn point! omg!

User Cheat by Swordfishfarmer

If you are a member and u have completed shilo village and jungle potion then you can mine gem rocks for all sorts of gems, then get your crafting lvl up to about 50 and your mining and smith up to 40 and your magic up to something like 66 then make loads off gold bars and mine loads of gems and smelt them to make jewelry and if your a member then enchant them or make gold necklaces because they\'re worth the most out of all the jewelry and sell them. you can make about 20k doing this really easy probably even more!!!!

User Cheat by supertank100

On the map there are red dots, those are items that were lost or something, i found 3,600 money

User Cheat by brock89

go 2 barbarian village with wool & spin it get your crating up & sell items once u get your way all up 2 the top become a member & make more

User Cheat by jake_hfc

Mine at the guild east of the wizards tower gte 1k of coal then go to world one u can sell the coal for 150gp each .

User Cheat by williamtery

go to alkarid mining area mine iron ore keep mining iron ore until u have 1000 ore then smelt it all and make lots of iron bars then go to varrok and smith it all into iron pl8 bodies and in the east varrok anvils there is a man sell all the pl8 bodies to the man and u will get lots of money.

User Cheat by jayden19905

once your magic is at 33 go to the east bank at varok! go down stairs and to the gate. lv.33 magic allows u to grab items u can c but cant get to and there are magnifecent jewele, coins, rubies, etc that would sell for thousands.

User Cheat by matthewoakes

Go to karamja island and fish then sell them and if u keep doing it you will be rich.

User Cheat by kimmien77

You will find this hint very useful!!... If you want more money or free items, simply go to draynor manor. In one of the rooms you will find some shears, a shovel, and a bronze med helmet. Take it or sell it to a general store near by.

User Cheat by xiubonbon

Go to edgeville, then go into a building beside the wilderness, make sure your defense level is 15 and your attack is 30,then go in attack every man, then collect the money. This is a way to get easy money the easiest way.

User Cheat by zks30

get your wood cutting up to level 30 and wield a decent axe then chop as many willow as your can(28 in your inventory) then take them to thew extra close bank and store them then carry on doing this then sell them for 35gp each that's easy money, also MINING IS THE EASIEST MONEY

User Cheat by josh_gillo_04

Go to world 40 and go behind dorics shop. There will be a guy. Keep attacking him and he will drop valuable stuff. This is an easy way to get levels up and get money. Once you kill the guy to many times a shade will appear or a zombie so watch out and just run.

User Cheat by snook4u

Go to the wilderness and go to dark knight fortress there go through the doors and walk till the last door

Go collect chaos runes and go sell i got 100 chaos runes i went to the runes shop I sold it for 2400 and also kill the dark warriors there if you\'re lucky they will drop black med helm! By Leroy in name from Singapore in St. Andrew's junior school

User Cheat by roy131313


User Cheat by firepunk222

Go to the general store in Lumbridge and talk to the store owner. Ask him to see his wares and he will show you his page. Exit it and talk to him again and this time there will be a message that says, \"Persistant are we?\" and he will get mad at you and fight you. He is a level 121 so be carful but if you kill him he drops a party hat, full dragon armor including dragon chain legs (New) and you get a scroll which makes you learn teleport to lumby for no rune charge.

User Cheat by Geofff

get your mining to at least level 20 and get your smithing to level 33,then mine as much iron as you can, then make iron chests plates and sell them at the general store for 224 each. this takes time, but in over 10 or more trips you will have more than 3-7k,trust me, I got 6k,it works

User Cheat by blingeradam12345

Go to wild and kill dragons of lvl 99 then you will found a dragon skin and 370 k!!!!!!

User Cheat by linkin_boy1

if u have brass key go to varrock, go to the old ban (the way to barberian) dont go on parth and go grass right side then u see a door minnie house, USE THE KEY WITH THE DOOR!, then kill giants and get 20-30gp or you get armor

User Cheat by tai98789

first go say to low levels such as 10-31 and ask them if they want their armor turned to gold. If they say they think you'll steal it then say \"I am a christian.\" (always works for me)=) then if they say they still don't trust you and they say they'll report you just walk away for reporting does not do anything. But if after you tell them you can make they're armor gold and if they say ok, tell them to take off give to you and you'll give back gold. And if they give it to you log out fast. This idea really worked for me now i have 20 whole sets of mithril armor, 10 adamant, and even 4 rune. plus about 10 iron, 20 steel but that doesn't really matter I make a killing. I usually get in about 10 scams of mith a day. That is a good price you get back of about 150k at the least!!!!!

User Cheat by kpiercevb

all that stuff is noobish. ok if u need a brass key to dungeon go to fishing spot in barb village go north and into dungeon where the coffins are find the cave of zombies and there wil be a key. fight the lvl 28 giants. WARNING: DO NOT GO IN UNTIL LVL 35 U WILL DIE, GIANTS DROP BONES SELL THEM AT 50 GOLD A PIECE they will also drop steel longswords go to varrock swprd shop its near by and sell for 210 gold or sometimes its 300 gold . there us always dropping of ireon full helm iron kite shield nature runes and laws.

User Cheat by aferayan

Saving Money:

This is good way to save your money. u need magic lv to 33 to use telekinetic grab. Ehen u do dragon slayer quest, to get 2 map u need to pay 10k. ha luckly you, use magic or arrow to kill the goblin in the jail and he or she will drop map, use tele grab to get it.ya

User Cheat by diggerloo

Easy XP:

If u want like a lot of xp go to the desert and find the palace. Fight the Al-Kharid Warriors. They give a lot of xp and they drop ok stuff like arrowmas and runes and a few bits of money. I trained for 5 days there. (bout 1 hr a day) I went from 10atk/15str/1 def/3 prayer to 42atk/48str/1def/28 prayer. It rules and i got 416 mind runes, 693 bronze arrows, 108 fire runes, and like 17k.

User Cheat by haunter22

High Prayer and cheap Big Bones:

Go to lumby and buy small bones 5 gp each from the new people 3 small bones = 1 big that means u buying big bones for only 15 gp

u get high prayer that way.

User Cheat by sangku2641

Depositing Items:

In Runescape, if u want to put something in the bank that's not on the top of your inventory, drop all items then pick them back up until that item you want to put in the bank is on top. Now you will be able to deposit it to bank.

User Cheat by angelbaby82391

Greater Demons:

Go to greater demons and kill 1 and you will get full addy and some rune items. Greater Demons are weakened by silverlight.

User Cheat by Me

Blue Rune rock:

Note: They are in wild about level 42. Go to the west side and north all way. Go east slightly to find red spiders guarding the only blue Rune Rock in the game. You will need to have over level 80 mining and smithing. so u noobs don't even try!

User Cheat by TACO_DADDA

Put it in the bank:

If you are wanting to fight in the wild take all your stuff off and put it in the bank. That way if you die you will not lose anything. Make sure you are kicking your enimy.(it takes off more damage)

User Cheat by mateusz_pabisz_is

Level Up:

To grow levels really fast keep killing chickens take there bones and burry them will also help you.

User Cheat by chrisblyth

King Black Dragon:

If you go to a King Black Dragon and your combat level is 70 up to 90 and you can\'t kill it it\'s because it's impossible to kill it with out more then one person.

User Cheat by ManSpeedway

Knight's Sword:

During the Knight's sword quest ask the Squire in Falador for a picture of the sword. He tells you that Sir Vyvin has one in his cupboard in the Castle. Go there retrieve the item "portrait of the sword". Now that you have a picture go to Thurgo with 2 Iron Bars and 1 Blurite ore and he will make the sword for you.

User Cheat by sh**man

Getting back on your feet

An easy way to make sure that you will get back on your feet quickly when you die, is to get all your levels up before your attack and defense levels. This way, you will be able to fashion your own armor and weapons without much money. It takes some work, but it will pay off.

User Cheat by p1a1u1l12002

Pressure Gauge at Draynor:

To get the pressure gauge at Draynor manor, just go to the fountain, pour poisoned fish food into it, and grab the pressure gauge.

User Cheat by yomynamisjo

Increasing Mining lvl:

If u wanna get your mining lvl up quick then mine rune essence by completing the Rune Mysteries Quest. Make sure other people are around and then when your inventory is full trade to some one near you. I saves you the trouble of dropping each 1 by 1. Hope it Helps!

User Cheat by james.murtagh

Bluerite Sword:

To get a bluerite sword to keep you simply collect twice the amount of ores and bars (2 bluerite and 4 iron bars instead of 1 bluerite and 2 iron bars) and Tell the dwarf to make a sword, then quickly drop it, tell him to make another sword and pick up the other 1 off the ground. when you get back to the squire, drop 1 sword, hand him the other and then pick it up again.

User Cheat by pokemonmaster_116

Holiday Charms:

You can get a Santa hat on Dec. 25 and an easter egg on Easter and a Halloween mask on Halloween

User Cheat by retox888

Prayer level up:

Use the following trick to increase your prayer points. Gather bones off the floor and bury them to get experience in the Pray area. If you continue to do this, your Prayer points will be high enough to increase your strength or other stats.

Recommended quests:

Do the Lost Ghost quest at the graveyard. If you finish this, you will get about 5 or 6 prayer points.


Go to Varrock and talk to the gypsy. She will explain the quest. To undrain the key in the pipe, which is part of the quest, use a bucket of water over the drain and head for the sewer.

Colored Words:

Most of these cheats are for RSC (classic version). to get your colored words in RS2 use these, flash1: flash2: flash3: glow1: glow2: glow3: cyan: green: red: purple: white: and if you want to add a wave just do the color example: white:wave: sellin lobs! the text will be wavy. If you want to add a scroll just do same thing but substitute wave for scroll. also cyan is a light blue.

User Cheat by meiskool

more interesting text




User Cheat by dontmatter

for flash text type these:




for glow text type




for scroll text tyype


for wave text type:


try mixing these together and remember that glow1,2 and 3 and flash1,2 and 3 always go before wave or scroll.

User Cheat by shift_13_5_4

Draynor Manor oil can:

The following is the order of switches for retrieving the oil can at Draynor Manor.

A: Up

B: Up

C: Down

D: Down

E: Up

F: Down

Change text color:

To talk in a different colored text, type @, then enter the first three letters of the color, then type another @, without spaces. For example, if you type @blu@, your text will appear blue. The following is a list of colors and letters to use:

ran: Random, flashing text

blu: Blue

bla: Black

cya: Cyan

gre: Green

mag: Magenta

ora: Orange

red: Red

whi: White

yel: Yellow (normal color)

Points of interests in the wilderness:

Varrock training ground: Wild level 1-10 north of Varrock. Level 13 rats, player fights, Body Runes to north, Altar to the north.

Falador training ground: Wild level 1-10 northwest of Falador. Dark Wizards level 16 and 25. Wizards drop many runes, altar south out of wild.

Dark Warrior Encampment: Wild level 13 northwest of Edgeville. Level 21 dark warriors. Runes.

Ice Mountain: Wild level 40 west edge of wild. Ice Warriors level 67, Ice Giant level 68. Altar to the south.

Bandit Outpost: Wild level 22 northwest of Edgeville. North of Dark Warrior encampment. Level 29 bandits.

Skeleton training ground: Wild Level 25, north of Ghost training ground. Level 32 Skeletons. Crossbows, Iron Scimitar.

Lesser Demons: Wild level 42, eastern border of Wild. Level 79 lesser demons, Nature Runes.

Greater Demons: Wild level 45, north of the Lesser Demons, two level 87 Greater Demon.

Get your character's mining level up to level 38 by mining iron, etc. Then, go to the Barbarian Village and mine coal from the rocks, which you can sell for 100 to 300 GP per piece. You will also occasionally find a gem (from least valuable to most, sapphire, emerald, ruby, diamond) which can be sold for good prices.

Go to the house outside of Lumbridge and collect Iron Daggers on World 13. Also, defeat Goblins for items that can be sold or gold, which is common. Sell the daggers for 14 gold or less at the market.

Easy way to get money is to go to the church in lumbridge. once you are in look for a girl and attack hear she eill drop iron daggers, money ranging from 3-41 coins, fishbait, and sometimes nifes and swords.

User Cheat by wolf020591

Rune craft and get bunch of runes then get your magic level to 40 so u can use and master the 35 magic fire bolt.

use your fire bolt to pk players in wildness. Take their amour or weapon then sell them.

User Cheat by hellz_on_fire

You can make easy money by killing ice giants. they drop up to 600gp.

User Cheat by shivum555

get to level 40 in strength and go to swamp giants in the man hole and get a lot of good items

User Cheat by jfmllarsen

Get your smithing to level 50 and your mining to level 55 mine mithril and coal and smith a whole munch of mithril daggers. Then sell them for profit.

User Cheat by none

Go to world 17 and go below the dwarven mines and let people kill goblins after they die they leave good stuff like: Money, iron bars,bronze bars, and sometimes more.

User Cheat by evan.te

go to the kamaja island and get your fishing lvl up to 50 and fish for sword fish and get a inventory full of them and sell them to fishin gear store at the port salrim fishin gear store the shop will buy it for 92gp each keep doin it till u get 100k it works

User Cheat by punisher17

If you want to make money quick mine 200 coal in the skeleton mines and either buy or mine another 100 iron ore (it only costs 5k to buy) and then teleport to Lumbridge and go to Al Kharid and make the 100 steel bars. You can sell for at least 450-550 each!!!

User Cheat by nsp691

get ur smithing lvl up 2 20 then mine silver and smith it into bars, then sell the bars to the shop in falador for sum easy money. or put em into a ring mould and make rings. Barbarians also drop ring moulds. have fun

User Cheat by ashleybriggs115

go to port sarim alright, then you see a house, go behind it and you will see 3 runes. Pick them up, they respawn fastly. I am pretty sure about this.

User Cheat by dork4u23

go to duarven mines near falador, mines some copper ore n tin ore next, go to the falador and smelt your ores, (once you have done dorics quest) smith your bars with a hammer make sum armor n sell them too noobs

User Cheat by larrymah_94

get your mining to lvl 15 mine 750 iron ore go to draynor village and trade 750 iron ore for certs and then go to world 1 and trade ur certs to a guy next the castle in verrok and you'll get a rune 2-h and then sell that for 55k

User Cheat by travis

get to at least lv20 combat, go to the sewers, and fight skeles, they drop a fair amount of money and some bronze chainmails too, but if you dont want to go back and forth sellin and coming back, just bring some cooked trout and salmon dropped by people outside the goblin house in lumbridge.

User Cheat by kevintian

an easy way to get money is to first mine tin and copper until you can mine and smelt iron do this until your mining is 30 then mine coal and turn them into certs you can sell these for 1k

User Cheat by blair6

Fight hob goblins when you kill them they will drop things ranged from gp 1-200 law runes iron weapons and limpwaurt roots

User Cheat by Unknown

Try to gain your fishen lvl to 50 or 40. Then You can sell lobsters for 100gp or swordfish for more money.

User Cheat by torygrahamangel

If u want big money, here's how 2 do it: get your smithing lvl to level 14.(any mining lvl will work) Go 2 al karid and mine there for tin and copper. when your inventory fills, go 2 the furnace at al karid. deposit the bars in the bank and repeat. once u have at least 30 bronze bars, go 2 varrock and smith all of the bars into Bronze full helm, kite shields, and plate bodies. sell them 2 noobs or 2 a general store~ they should give a lot of money!

User Cheat by tom2mj

Get your mining level up to 30. Mine coal and you can make them into certificates and trade them for 1,000 GP each.

Go to Chaos Temple. Kill monks and take the Steel Maces. Sell them to the Mace Store in Falador for 138 gp. Do this repeatedly to get levels and money quickly.

Go to Varock. Kill the level 21 guards there to get skill levels and up to 30 gp.

I got the easiest way to get gold just mine coal and make steel bars then sell steel armor.

User Cheat by mitmcl

go to the dwarven mine entrance in falador (where the scorpions are). I suggest you to go to a very unpopulated world, like world 39. Well anyway go mine the coal rocks and sell them for 100-300gp at the general store. if your not over the level of 30 I suggest you not to do this.

User Cheat by wgaydos

go to the chaos temple west of the goblin village wait in the temple for people under level 20 (recommended) tell the to take the wine at the end of the temple the monks will attack that player once he is dead take his gold and valuable equipment and sell it i made 35k in 40mins

User Cheat by gavinwilson51

go to the fishing shop in port sarim and buy feathers for 2 gp each then when they have like 20 feathrs in stock sell them back to the shop for 3 gp or more (if you can sell them for more sell them!) this is an easy way to make $$$! You can also sell the feathers to people who are fishing and they might buy for a good price!!! :) (You can also sell them to noobs for a good price!!!) (Sell to rich noobs!!!)

User Cheat by the6mays

Go to port Salim pay 30 bucks to go to karimja and got to the volcano rim. Once there go in to the whole. Please be about lvl 35 or higher. Once in there there will be lots of lvl 25 skeleton\'s in that area. Kill these skeleton\'s alot and they drop from 2-100 gold and are very easy to kill. To lvl do the same process but once 50+ you can move on the the spider that are also in that cave.

User Cheat by spickalas

Site Owner believes this method is quite nasty and people should look at some of the other logical ways to make money on this page. The by far easiest way to make money fast is to go to the noobs in Lumbridge. Remember, you can only do this up to lvl 49, so act fast before lvling up on other enemies. Noobs have the regular items. Take them to the back of the wilderness (because if they run, you can easily loose them) So pretend your taking them to a place that has lots of money. Then when you are at the back of the wilderness, start to attack them quickly. After you have killed them, put them on your ignore list. I have killed at least 20 noobs. I have gotten about 5k from doing this. It sounds worthless, but it worked for me! Good Luck killing.

User Cheat by wow101

to make money of to dwarven mine and kill dwarfs and get a pickaxe head sell it to the varrock shop for 500gp each

User Cheat by wildpitcher2003

get your combat up to 40-50 then go to varrock sewers and kill zombies (lvl 24) and only pick up herbs. sell in fally for 1k ea. MEMBERS ONLY!

User Cheat by redcard.calhoun4

get your smithing lvl to lvl 40 sell the steel daggers 1 gives u 90 gold

User Cheat by Kian_Doolan

listen up im a lvl 91 with 5 millon gp... and this is how you make money. when you start of as a lvl 3 finish rune mysteries and mine 1k ess. then go sell this for 20-50k. this should have gotten your minin up so go buy a better pick and voila it will take a lot less time. when u get to 40 minin and have a rune pick u can make bout 200k an hour

User Cheat by fireyfreak1993

Go to the big building in Varrak, KILL 4 goblins outside of the building.Then go to the market and sell the goblin mail for about, 15 to 25gps.

User Cheat by beauboy94

To make lots of gold just go to a chicken coop (i prefer the coop just north-east of lumbrige) and kill chickens. Take their feathers and meat. Sell the feathers for 5 gp each and not 10 gp because most people think thats to much. Then cook their meat and sell that for somewhere between 2-5 gp each easy! I made 5k within 10 minutes using this process!

User Cheat by Crunkerjuicer101

go to lumbridge castle and in the basement is this duke. he will start u on a quest. when u complete the quest u will be able to mine rune essance. Mine 1,000 rune essence and then sell it for 30k (30,000). THIS IS REALLY GOOD FOR THE NEWBIES BECAUSE U DONT NEED A GOOD PICK TO GET THE ESSENCE!

User Cheat by cheeseman_400

you can sell essence for up to 30gp when you complete rune mysteries. you get da essence pretty fast and i got 20k (20,000) in a day or two. only sell them in notes, if u don't makes pros angry.

User Cheat by ism

If u go to the wizards tower u have to look closely but u will find a pink robe 1000k and full rune like every thing u can make out of rune but this stuff is hidden so look closely

User Cheat by bobbyray

if u want easy money? you can get a lot of $$$$ just by cooking food...once u have ur inventory full u can go to varrock and go down the manhole go to where the moss giants are and you can sell 1 cooked meat to players for 100 gp, that how i made enough money to buy armor

User Cheat by joey_c60

Go to the dig site and give one of the workmen a cup of tea. He says u can pan hear. Take the panning tray from a tent in the camp and pan. U can find all kinds of gems, nuggets, money and sapphires

User Cheat by hinboe

One way to get money is get your mining and smithing level to 40 then make gold bars and sell them. GOOD LUCK!

User Cheat by buddybud100

go to karamja and keep fishing and cook them, lobbies and swordies are worth at least 200 each, if ur lucky, people drop food!!!!!! do it!

User Cheat by peteralakazam


User Cheat by brodievirtanen7

If you buy a bronze Pickaxe for 1gp people will pay more for it at a mining place.

User Cheat by lalagrl

first buy some silk then travel to Varrock and sell the silk at the place where the icon looks like a pot and u get about 12 gp continue this to get alot of money note:silk only cost about 3gp

User Cheat by colleenwilson

put all of your things in the bank and go into the wilderness go to the top of the of it (where the non-members can go) and you will find some ruinlike place and lesser demons around there you will a lot of runes (I cant remember what type I think death or chaos runes). This is true i've tried it

User Cheat by funkeymonkeyninja997

To get good money go to the mage arena, its 56 in the wild. The mages sell runes for less money than you would buy them for in a rune shop. Bring all your money and spend it all on the runes and if they are all out just switch worlds until all your money is out. Then go to a rune shop and sell them for more money!

User Cheat by iamgolf857

Get your wc (woodcutting) level up to 60 or up (65 is better so can cut faster) then cut yew logs. Then sell to members they pay up to 250-300 coins each log. I sold over 2k yews (2,000) logs to a member and I made 600k (60,000)coins!!!!!!

User Cheat by ov_spazzer

This may take awhile but it is worth it. Get your woodcut up to lvl 60. (i suggest cutting willow till then, its a very weak tree and gives u a fair amount of exp) Once lvl 60 go to edgevill and get the yew there. There is 2 yew trees and a bank right next to it. Sell the yew logs 300gp each, they will probably sell if not sell for 275gp each. If you collected 1000 yew logs u have 300000gold in your pocket.

User Cheat by mongoseman

Go to wilderness in lava maze and collect steel platebodies and keep going to another world and keep getting them. When ur inventory is full, go to varrock in armor shop and sell the steel platebodies for 1k. I MADE 25k!!!!

User Cheat by pogiako28

During the pirates treasure quest you have to collect bananas and put them into a crate... well talk to the store owner, he\'ll give you 30gp for 10 bananas, the bananas are in his backyard!

User Cheat by Ryzzer1

I have 2 great ways of making money. 1. Get lots of feathers and sell them to people for 10gp each, i got 10k feathers in a day and i got 100k! Also, buy nature runes for 100 ea. or just find them from enemies [tree spirits r best] and sell them for 200 ea.

User Cheat by auntiei67

(expert method) get 60 thief then steal blood runes u can sell for 1k apiece i got 7mil in a day of doing this once so its the best method on here

User Cheat by Thegreatone11284

To get easy money my way is to bye silk in the desert for 3gp then sell it for 30gp at the clothes shop in varrok. That a easy way to make money and fast way.

User Cheat by kaity-g

Easy way to make money but you have to have a lvl 40 mining and lvl 40 smithing. Mine gold ore and make it into bars and sell it at the general store for 60gp.

User Cheat by reviegarcia

go to port saim, pay 30 gp to go to karjimra. after that go to the docks and start to fish. after you are done fishing sell them in the general store south of the docks. depending on the kind of fish u catch u get a lot of gp. for example a lobster will coast 189 gp each.

this is a great way to make money and up your fishing level

User Cheat by badboy43_3

Download auto miner and mine coal : D its fast way to earn money. I made like... 1 party hat and 300k with 30k coal. Site Owner recommends using to find this item. Remember to scan all files for viruses.

User Cheat by tumpelo8

Get your mining and smithing up to lvl 40. Get your crafting up to lvl 5 or up. Mine gold and make them into bars. Then make the bars into gold rings, necklaces, etc. Sell them in a jewelry shop specializing in rings and such for about 300 per piece.

User Cheat by beenkao2003

get level 85 mining this may take a few weeks(2-5)depending on the time you spend getting that high in mining. once that high you can mine runite get runite and sell it to people for 30-40k each roe!!! have fun this is a great way to be rich in one day millions but it takes quite a bit to get that far in the game.... good luck

User Cheat by smt5sean

get to lvl 33 on magic and got the west bank of varrock. Then use telekinetic grab to get the gold stuff and sell it for some big money.

User Cheat by aneshpatel

one easy way to make money is to mine a lot (drop if you have to )until you have a level of about 10-20 and go to the mainland and mine iron, or coal. make a lot of weapon's and sell them to master cider in world 11 he will give you 100 for a dagger. so if you have full inventory of daggers you will get a lot of gp.

User Cheat by kiil41

Go to karamja island and fish then sell them and if you keep doing it you will be rich!

User Cheat by rbfield

Go to barbarians village and mine iron ore until you get 150 iron ore certs then go right behind the castle in varrok and sell your 150 iron ore certs for a rune-2 hander.Then sell your rune-2 hander for 50k-55k there. Do this repeatedly and get rich!

User Cheat by owengreenburg

get your woodcutting level up to 15 cut down oak logs and sell them from 2 - 10 gp each!!

User Cheat by jan.franklin1

Complete the rune mysteries quest, then mine rune essence (using a pickaxe) go to a bank deposit essence and repeat. You will be able to sell essence for a tidy sum.

User Cheat by sh**man

Good way to make money is to pick pocket! Start by pickpocketing men, your can steal 3gp each time, and they will catch u less with higher levels. and then at 10 pickpocket farmers for 8gp each time, and then at lvl 25 pickpocket warriors in al kharid for 18gp each, u can make about 5k an hours here. then at 40 pickpocket guards for 40gp each, this is where the money start coming in. for more money, when you get to 55 thieving steal from knights in ardourgne and u get 50gp each time. and then once you get to 70 thieving, pickpocket paladins for 80gp and 2 chaos runes! get collecting these and sell 1,000 of them for 200k. and if thats not enough when you get to 75 thieving, start stealing gems from the gem stall. these can sell for good price, or use them for crafting xp. and there's more, at 80 you can steal from hero\'s! you can make over 1mill gp a day stealing from these guys!

User Cheat by gokuandcell

Finish rune mysterys quest then go to varrok in the rune shop teleport he will teleport you to a place were you can mine rune essence which you can sell for 15gp each.

User Cheat by nadhil

Go to a chicken coop and kill the chickens and get the feathers and sell them for 3-5 gp EACH ppl will buy them and do this repeatally

User Cheat by jonestyle3

when you go to the wilderness, put all your stuff in the bank so when you die you have nothing to lose

User Cheat by robertnagy24

go to edgeville in a house there are millions of men so duh you do the math 3-5 coins a kill only at level 2 common why are u still here for GO! this is only for noobs that need to get better weapons then just bronze swords

User Cheat by geckoguy740

I no how to make money easily. Make your wc lvl up until lvl 60, then cut yew logs and sell it to member for 200 to this kind of easy money. I cut 200 yew logs for 20 minutes and I sell it, get 60k!!!

User Cheat by metrox

Go to world 51 in varroc outside the kirch there is a man called pker of dead. Say good day pker. he will trade you give him any rune item (only good items like rune 2h, plate, legs, kite and chain and accept. he will trade again and give you back the dobble of the item(s) you traded

User Cheat by badboy_91_35

Go to a shop which has a of of stock then purchase those items

After (or before) go general store and if there is none of the sword you go sell the items after being purchased. I got 1k for this.

User Cheat by roy131313

Go to lumbrige and go to the dessert get 30 silks for 3 gp and sell it for 11 gp

User Cheat by adrianma199400

Go into the forest behind Varrock, and kill bears. the will drop fur. take the fur to the varrock marketplace and sell it to the Barek there he will give you 12 gp for it.

User Cheat by cmolineaux

If you put rum in the banana crate that you fill with bananas, they will end up in the grocery store in the port. Then u can sell the rum for lots if you walk to Varrock. This is also how u do the pirate mission. The place that the pirates message talks about is Falador, because of the White Knite Castle. The treasure, which is 400 gp, a cut emerald, and a gold ring, Is in the park, look at your mini map can u see an X? Note:u have to dig up flowers.

User Cheat by hunterdew

when you go to the almost last level of the north you will find about 500-600 steel arrows get them then them for together about 25k-30k.(level must be higher than 65 or else u will get kill in north by other player.)

User Cheat by hao8zheng

Go to a highly populated area and dance, it sounds idiotic, but I made 4067 gp over time doing it.

User Cheat by ajtell10

Go to lumbridge castle and kill the thieves and men once you kill three go to wizards tower in the basement in one of the corners will be 1k

User Cheat by chocolate_boy8

get a brass key from a person near the giants (go east of barbarian ville. and over the river. As soon as you get across the river go north and you\'ll find a little place. Type \"buying brasss key\" it will depend on the person of the price of the key). Next, go in and go down and buy big bones for 200 gp (i know it sound like alot but trust me this works), make sure you get full inventory accept 2 for your money and your key. Now go up and go over to varrok (world 1 is the best place) and sell them for 300.You just made a 100 gp profit. Soon your money will build up. Thats how i got my 86k in about a few hours.

User Cheat by chickensoup

Go to about level 3 of wilderness. You will find body runes that reappear very fast after you take them. once you get about 200, which only takes about 20 min, sell them to body rune buyers for 5gp each . Once you sell your 200, wow! you've got yourself 1k!!!

User Cheat by kol

go to dwarven mine go mine tin copper and what ever you can mine then go to the back stairs go up and your in falador then go east to furnace and smelt it then go to bank put in and then get 27 bars of what ever get hammer put all the things in bank and then get bars go through secret steps to dwarven mine near cooking range in falador then go down and go find anvils north make stuff and sell it.

User Cheat by jai_p84

Ok everyone looking for help in making money. Get your smithing level to 48. Then go to fally and mine iron, also go to barbs village and mine coal. Smith steel plates!!!!!! you hear that! SMITH STEEL PLATES!!!!!! After you smith the steel plates go to verok and sell them to the armor guy, i dont know or care what his name is,. Sell the plates for around 2k to 1k! Trust me! I am pro and I have been doing this for years! I have checked the charts and i did studies, making STEEL PLATES GIVES MORE EXP, COSTS MORE TO SELL than other crap, and is LESS TIME CONSUMING then all other smiths!

User Cheat by edwardbilltrick

But the best way to make money is mine coal and iron till 60 mining. Then you can go into the mining guild, which has about 100 coal rocks respawning and its easy to get lots of coal quick. Then go to the Falador south bank on world 1 and sell the coal for 150 ea

User Cheat by laybackfeeble32

Go to Dwarven mine with a pickaxe and a hammer.

Mine copper ore untill half of your inventory is filled.

then go to Barbarian Village and mine Tin ore for the other half. (you can do it backwards to)

Go to Falador and smelt the ores to bronze bars.

Go back to the mine and make weapons, etc. at the anvil.

Sell them at Varrock or Lumbridge(to people that just died or started).

If you\'re lvl is high enough you can do that with Iron, steel, mithril or adamantite.

User Cheat by Ikke926 and El_Nazgir.(playing in world 23)

First of all, all of the current posts are noobish. Second of all is that the only way to make real money is to go to edgeville dungeon in member\'s are and kill chaos druids. They have the highest chance of dropping herbs. Don\'t identify the herbs and sell them for 1k each. That\'s 29k a trip ppl! Go away noobs! Iron dagger respawn point! omg!

User Cheat by Swordfishfarmer

If you are a member and u have completed shilo village and jungle potion then you can mine gem rocks for all sorts of gems, then get your crafting lvl up to about 50 and your mining and smith up to 40 and your magic up to something like 66 then make loads off gold bars and mine loads of gems and smelt them to make jewelry and if your a member then enchant them or make gold necklaces because they\'re worth the most out of all the jewelry and sell them. you can make about 20k doing this really easy probably even more!!!!

User Cheat by supertank100

On the map there are red dots, those are items that were lost or something, i found 3,600 money

User Cheat by brock89

go 2 barbarian village with wool & spin it get your crating up & sell items once u get your way all up 2 the top become a member & make more

User Cheat by jake_hfc

Mine at the guild east of the wizards tower gte 1k of coal then go to world one u can sell the coal for 150gp each .

User Cheat by williamtery

go to alkarid mining area mine iron ore keep mining iron ore until u have 1000 ore then smelt it all and make lots of iron bars then go to varrok and smith it all into iron pl8 bodies and in the east varrok anvils there is a man sell all the pl8 bodies to the man and u will get lots of money.

User Cheat by jayden19905

once your magic is at 33 go to the east bank at varok! go down stairs and to the gate. lv.33 magic allows u to grab items u can c but cant get to and there are magnifecent jewele, coins, rubies, etc that would sell for thousands.

User Cheat by matthewoakes

Go to karamja island and fish then sell them and if u keep doing it you will be rich.

User Cheat by kimmien77

You will find this hint very useful!!... If you want more money or free items, simply go to draynor manor. In one of the rooms you will find some shears, a shovel, and a bronze med helmet. Take it or sell it to a general store near by.

User Cheat by xiubonbon

Go to edgeville, then go into a building beside the wilderness, make sure your defense level is 15 and your attack is 30,then go in attack every man, then collect the money. This is a way to get easy money the easiest way.

User Cheat by zks30

get your wood cutting up to level 30 and wield a decent axe then chop as many willow as your can(28 in your inventory) then take them to thew extra close bank and store them then carry on doing this then sell them for 35gp each that's easy money, also MINING IS THE EASIEST MONEY

User Cheat by josh_gillo_04

Go to world 40 and go behind dorics shop. There will be a guy. Keep attacking him and he will drop valuable stuff. This is an easy way to get levels up and get money. Once you kill the guy to many times a shade will appear or a zombie so watch out and just run.

User Cheat by snook4u

Go to the wilderness and go to dark knight fortress there go through the doors and walk till the last door

Go collect chaos runes and go sell i got 100 chaos runes i went to the runes shop I sold it for 2400 and also kill the dark warriors there if you\'re lucky they will drop black med helm! By Leroy in name from Singapore in St. Andrew's junior school

User Cheat by roy131313


User Cheat by firepunk222

Go to the general store in Lumbridge and talk to the store owner. Ask him to see his wares and he will show you his page. Exit it and talk to him again and this time there will be a message that says, \"Persistant are we?\" and he will get mad at you and fight you. He is a level 121 so be carful but if you kill him he drops a party hat, full dragon armor including dragon chain legs (New) and you get a scroll which makes you learn teleport to lumby for no rune charge.

User Cheat by Geofff

get your mining to at least level 20 and get your smithing to level 33,then mine as much iron as you can, then make iron chests plates and sell them at the general store for 224 each. this takes time, but in over 10 or more trips you will have more than 3-7k,trust me, I got 6k,it works

User Cheat by blingeradam12345

Go to wild and kill dragons of lvl 99 then you will found a dragon skin and 370 k!!!!!!

User Cheat by linkin_boy1

if u have brass key go to varrock, go to the old ban (the way to barberian) dont go on parth and go grass right side then u see a door minnie house, USE THE KEY WITH THE DOOR!, then kill giants and get 20-30gp or you get armor

User Cheat by tai98789

first go say to low levels such as 10-31 and ask them if they want their armor turned to gold. If they say they think you'll steal it then say \"I am a christian.\" (always works for me)=) then if they say they still don't trust you and they say they'll report you just walk away for reporting does not do anything. But if after you tell them you can make they're armor gold and if they say ok, tell them to take off give to you and you'll give back gold. And if they give it to you log out fast. This idea really worked for me now i have 20 whole sets of mithril armor, 10 adamant, and even 4 rune. plus about 10 iron, 20 steel but that doesn't really matter I make a killing. I usually get in about 10 scams of mith a day. That is a good price you get back of about 150k at the least!!!!!

User Cheat by kpiercevb

all that stuff is noobish. ok if u need a brass key to dungeon go to fishing spot in barb village go north and into dungeon where the coffins are find the cave of zombies and there wil be a key. fight the lvl 28 giants. WARNING: DO NOT GO IN UNTIL LVL 35 U WILL DIE, GIANTS DROP BONES SELL THEM AT 50 GOLD A PIECE they will also drop steel longswords go to varrock swprd shop its near by and sell for 210 gold or sometimes its 300 gold . there us always dropping of ireon full helm iron kite shield nature runes and laws.

User Cheat by aferayan

Runescape Cheats

Runescape 2 Cheats


these cheats/hints were from other websites and i just copied them for a collection that you can read

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.