I work for a ISP and guess what not even we can see what you look at, We can see your usage but not the content. In crime prevention we would monitor how much your downloading and at what time. Unless your Uni has a more advance system than the police and the ISP then I don't think so.
If the scare stores the other people are peddling were true there would be a lot more pedo's behind bars. Unfortunately there is not.
The only application I can Think of is a back-door, The type you IT department uses to fix your computer form another location, For this system to work you would have to trick them into letting you into there computer, Your usual paranoid Internet user is wise to this and will just click no. Evidence collected in this way not be used in court because it;s obtained by deception.
Google has a system now that monitors your type of content to advertise to you and this can be used to see what type of content you are looking at but a simple spywere remover will remove this.
To be honest it's as long as you don't store anything on your computer no one will ever know what you have been looking at. To be extra save use a Proxy server and a windows cleaning program.
I of cause do not advocate anything illegal!