What is Yuwie?
First off, Yuwie is 100% FREE. Yuwie is like any other "connect with friends" or social networking site. But we have one major difference.
Use Yuwie - Get Paid!
Yuwie pays you to blog, upload pictures, refer friends, chat, hang out, etc.
We are able to do this through advertisers... if the pay us by the page hit, and we give you some of that money, more people will want to join, and we get more hits for our advertisers, and more money to give to you.
No money ever comes out of your own pocket, this is free and easy
You can even choose not to give yuwie your address and just get paid through PayPal, which is also just as free and easy.
Give it a try, as no cost or loss.
Here is my proof that you will be 100% satisfied, and entire article about how it works for all you skeptics... "potential to make $10,000"