how to access Internet throw mobile phone to PC? pls tell me names of mobiles?
2007-03-13 04:14:49 UTC
how to access Internet throw mobile phone to PC? pls tell me names of mobiles?
Five answers:
2007-03-13 04:23:11 UTC
Internet can be accessed through phone by way of data cable, bluetooh devices. Any mobile phone which has GPRS and html in them can be used to access internet. You can surf the websites of phone for these qualiies.
2007-03-13 15:57:07 UTC
First of all you should have a compatible mobile instrument.( Blackberry phones are best ). Airtel, Hutch are good providers for this service, but you have pay for the
2007-03-13 11:20:07 UTC
Airtel has a scheme for only Rs. 10/- rent per day.
2007-03-13 14:27:33 UTC
2007-03-13 15:49:26 UTC
more deatels

enter the web

How to access Internet throw mobile phone to PC? pls tell me names of mobiles?

How to access Internet throw mobile phone to PC? pls tell me names of mobiles?

Hello all,

I'm porting a PocketPC ( program to Smartphone 2003.

This program hooks all keyboard event. Thus I use the unsupported

SetWindowsHookExW function (coredll.dll).

The hook is correctly setted, BUT when I try to access to the LPARAM of

the HookProc (pointer on KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT), I got an Access Violation.

However I CAN read the KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT in the debugger !!

I'm still on the emulator right now.

I guess other people got this problem (several post), but nobody tells

the resolution (if any !!)




> The hook is correctly setted, BUT when I try to access to the LPARAM of

> the HookProc (pointer on KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT), I got an Access Violation.

> However I CAN read the KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT in the debugger !!

You need to have privileged rights to access the KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT. So you

either need all users of your app to have their phones in a one-tier

security model (via SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe or similar), or you need

to sign your app with a privileged certificate.




Hi danny,

thanks for your reply.

I can't understand why (and how) I cannot access to a particular piece

of memory because of a security policy. I mean that I should not have

been able to create the hook, instead.

However, I signed the exe using the smartphone privileged devlopment

certificate (generated for myself),

still does not work on emulator (IsBadReadPtr on KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT

returns true)

What am I doing wrong ???


I bet it's failing because the process isn't in kernel mode. SetKMode(TRUE)


Scott Yost

Software Development Engineer/Test

Microsoft Corp.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"manitoba" wrote in message

> Hi danny,


> thanks for your reply.

> I can't understand why (and how) I cannot access to a particular piece

> of memory because of a security policy. I mean that I should not have

> been able to create the hook, instead.


> However, I signed the exe using the smartphone privileged devlopment

> certificate (generated for myself),


> still does not work on emulator (IsBadReadPtr on KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT

> returns true)


> What am I doing wrong ???

> Manitoba


Hi scott,

Well, I call SetKMode as you suggested, but I still get the error.

Note that SetKmode(true) always returns false even when I call it twice

(second call should returns true). Thus, I suppose Its a security


I guess my app is not signed with the privileged development

certificate or the root privileged certificate is not load in the

emulator's certificate store.

But I don't even know how I may check that signing is correct.

Any ideas ?


m- [27 Apr 2006 07:14:33 -0700]:

>I can't understand why (and how) I cannot access to a particular piece

>of memory because of a security policy. I mean that I should not have

>been able to create the hook, instead.

What's the address? If it's way up in K space

(like 0xCxxx_xxxx) you won't get far. Custom

menus (MF_OWNERDRAW) are like that, too (in

Smartphone) -- you can set the MF_ flag but

when it comes time to draw, welcome to GPF City.

It's a bug in the OS as far as I'm concerned,

at least WRT creating owner-drawn menus. PPC

returns a Ctl pointer in the process space,

for example, which works fine.

It was like this in SP2003/SE. Maybe (o) it

(OD menu) was corrected in Wm5.


40th Floor - Software @

iPlay : the ultimate audio player for mobiles

parametric eq, xfeed, reverb; all on a mobile


> I bet it's failing because the process isn't in kernel mode. SetKMode(TRUE)




I doubt that. In my app I do not need to call SetKMode to gain access to





> I guess my app is not signed with the privileged development

> certificate or the root privileged certificate is not load in the

> emulator's certificate store.

> But I don't even know how I may check that signing is correct.

> Any ideas ?

What IDE do you use? In Visual Studio 2005, the signing procedure is the


Don't forget to select that you want to privision the device with the

certificate (can't remember the exact name at the moment, I have no

VS2005 here).



Hi danny

You get it !

I switch from EVC to VS2005 and it works !!

I can't understand why, because in both IDE, I set the code-signing


(on my point of view, I 've done the same !

So no need for SetKMode and not a bug in SP2003 (thanks to both scott

and 40th floor for suggestion)

Note that KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT address is 0xC2.... without code signing and

0x22... with code signing

many thanks ...


cant resolve error

Hi all,

I m trying to add a dialog box to the inboxmenuextensibility

example..when i add a dialog box and build my application the following

errors are obtained:

------ Rebuild All started: Project: InboxMenuExtensibility,

Configuration: Debug Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK (ARMV4I) ------

Deleting intermediate and output files for project

'InboxMenuExtensibility', configuration 'Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0

Smartphone SDK (ARMV4I)'






WINVER not defined. Defaulting to 0x0400, which is appropriate for all

supported Windows CE versions

_CE_ACTIVEX was not defined because this Windows CE SDK does not have


_CE_ACTIVEX could be caused to be defined by defining

_CE_ALLOW_SINGLE_THREADED_OBJECTS_IN_MTA, but it is recommended that

this be done only for single-threaded apps.

_ATL_NO_HOSTING was defined because _CE_ACTIVEX was not defined.

c:\program files\windows ce tools\wce500\windows mobile 5.0 smartphone


: error C2065: 'IDD_SMARTPHONE_PORTRAIT' : undeclared identifier

Generating Code...

Build log was saved at "file://c:\Program Files\Windows CE

Tools\wce500\Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone


Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK (ARMV4I)\Debug\BuildLog.htm"

InboxMenuExtensibility - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

plz help...will be grateful to you all


kapil kaushik




Posted via


OK - Cancel Softkeys Handle

Hi all,

I'm currently working on a full screen application- written in C++ using

win32 api- for SP 2003. I intend to handle the key events which come from

the OK-Cancel ( I don't really know what the names for these keys are. In

symbian, "we" call it softkeys which I guess it's the same).

I've noticed that if no menu bar is instanciated I only get a KeyUp msg from

those keys. If I instanciate a menu bar with let's say an left "ok" button,

I get the WM_COMMAND msg with the right id. My question is how can I

subscribe to the key event? If I absolutely must have a menu bar, how can I

hide it and handle WM_COMMAND messages in my app?

Thanks in advance,


Mobile communicate with PC

Hi All,

I am new to this kind of development. But we have a requirement to

develop the required modules to communicate betweeen Mobile phone and

PC. Can anybody tell me the required tools for this project. I

understand that Mobile phone needs to have OS. I think we need to

Bluetooth for communication.

Here the OS on mobile comes with Mobile phone itself or ? (Basically

what OS s are installed on Mobile phone).

What are the modules we need to develp and install on mobile and as

well as on PC.

What are the tools we need for the development.

What are the SDK we need to use for this development.

Basically I am VC++ developer. We had experience working Tablet with PC

via Bluetooth. There we developed one Windows service which worked via

messaging with the main application. I am expecting something like here

also, but the main difference, we need to some modules (?) and OS (?)

on mobiles also.

If you can, please provide me the links also where I can get more

information for this kind of requirement. I really appreciate your


Thank You


Location with GPS receiver


Can some body throw me a light on using Location API's on WM5.0 to fins lang

lat info, Sample code snippet may help me a lot.

Thanks for your time.



Help about placing a file on a FTP server


I have already made some post about this topic, but I decided to do some


I want to develop a program for a Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone. I think the

better and the more simple language to do this is the C#.

The goal of the program is to take a snapshot with the camera's phone and

automatically send it by placing this picture on a ftp server.

So to take the picture, I'll use CameraCaptureDialog() of

Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms, I think it will be not too difficult.

But my problem is to place it on the FTP server. I don't know how to connect

the device on Internet by a GSM/GPRS/UMTS connexion in C# and I don't know

how to put files on the server too.

I found some function to do this, like that :

System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();

wc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(@"Username", @"Password");


System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile, @`"\file.jpg");


BUT it is not possible to do this with Windows Mobile 5.0 (the librairy is

only usable with .NET Framework). So i'm a bit lost.

So please, if someone knows how to make a Internet connexion in C# for a

smartphone and place a file on a FTP server, help me to start or tell the

good way to do.

Sample codes are greatly welcome.

Thx, Jerome

Where do i find my Application on Smart phone emulators?


It seams to be a funny question but seriously i need guidence.

When i try to run my application on WM 5.0 Smart phone emulator i

couldnot find my application exe.There is folder inside programs named

as DebugApp where i find my exe only if i run the programe in debug

mode means by applling a break point on init or create window.But i am

able to run pocket pc programes from root.

So if anybody take some time and answer my query its a great

support for me.



Converting BYTE to LPWSTR


I'm writing a plugin for WM5, but I can't find any explanations on how

to work with strings. This is what I have:

BYTE* pAllbyteData;

pAllbyteData = new BYTE[dwSizeLow];

if (ReadFile(hFile, pAllbyteData, dwSizeLow, &dwBytes, NULL))


LPCWSTR str = (TCHAR*) pAllbyteData;

DrawText(hdc, str, -1,



DrawText needs the string to be a LPCWSTR. This compiles fine, but when

I debug pAllbyteData contains the correct text, but then str contains

all boxes (the ones you get when a font can't be found).

Anyone have any ideas how I can get DrawText to print whatever is

returned in pAllbyteData?



invoking dialog box on click of menu item

Hi all,

i have dynamically added a menu item in the menu of smartphones

now wai i want ia that when end user click that menu item a dialog box

should appear..can u plz send ome sample which i can work upon and

proceed in my project...or refer me some link by which i can acheive


plz help...will be grateful u to all


kapil kaushik




Posted via


invoking dialog box on click of menu item

Hi all,

I have dynamically addded a menu item in the inbox menu of

smartphones..wat i want that when the end user click that menu item a

dialog box should open up consisting of some contols..can u plz tell me

any link for such samples which i can study and proceed..i m using

visual studio 2005 and windows smartphone sdk 5.0..plz help will be

grateful to you all..


kapil kaushik




Posted via


Smartphone Home vs. WM5 Today screen plugin lifecycle

We're porting an app from Windows Mobile 5 to Smartphone; in WM5 the

plugin DLL stays resident from when it is registered and first invoked;

the lifecycle in Smartphone appears to be quite different with the DLL

being instantiated/streamed to persistent storage/destroyed before

home.exe loads it. If the user changes the home screen layout or turns

off the phone, the whole process repeats. An app implemented in the

context of a DLL that is not always resident will not always be


What's the best way to implement a persistent app like a Today screen

DLL in Smartphone? Needs to be able to intercept/process windows

messages whenever the phone is on. Is there a better alternative than

a plugin?


VS 2005 Home screen CAB project CESelfRegister: how?

After getting the SDK homescreen example project to work, I tried creating my

own project that is just a trivial revision of the sample. I set up my new

dll and CAB projects' properties to mirror the settings in the homescreen


I am unable to get the smart phone CAB project to include the line

"CESelfRegister=.dll" in the inf file it builds as part of the

CAB creation process.

Visual Studio 2005 creates the inf file as part of the build, so I cannot

manually edit the inf file; any edits get discarded when the CAB build

occurs. Is there a VS 2005 property or dialog screen to specify that the dll

needs to SelfRegister?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook

Hello all,

I'm porting a PocketPC ( program to Smartphone 2003.

This program hooks all keyboard event. Thus I use the unsupported

SetWindowsHookExW function (coredll.dll).

The hook is correctly setted, BUT when I try to access to the LPARAM of

the HookProc (pointer on KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT), I got an Access Violation.

However I CAN read the KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT in the debugger !!

I'm still on the emulator right now.

I guess other people got this problem (several post), but nobody tells

the resolution (if any !!)



Deployement of signed cab on multiple devices


I would like to understand the portability of signed cab on multiple

devices. For instance, if I have developed an application using Smartphone

2003 SDK and that I have signed it through Mobile2Market program, will it be

possible to :

- install it on any Smartphone 2003 device having the Mobile2Market root


- install it on any Smartphone 2002 device having the Mobile2Market root


- install it on a windows mobile 2005 device having the Mobile2Market root


Thanks in advance for clarification



Not full screen Dialog Box


I have dialog box, and now I want to show it as modeal:

CInputText iText;


But this window is full screen now. How can I resize this window?

I'm using VS80, WM5.0 and smartphone.

Best regards,


Blackberries: Can you make them?


I have made a program using Microsoft Windows XP Excel and was wondering if

Microsoft could make a Blackberry that supported this program. I don't want a

mini PC, just this one program.

Is there anyway you could do this? How much would it cost?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by marekc


Hw to create menu in mfc app for windows mobile/smartphone?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?eWF4aXhp?=

How to emulate callevent with Device Emulator?

My problem is described in the subject bar.

Any help appreciated.

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by

Strange Scrollbar Issue on ListBox

My Listbox scrollbar is either only 1 pixel wide or is drawing too far

over to the right. Can I not have a scroll bar on a listbox on

SmartPhone? Here is the creation code:

// Create the history list

m_hWndList = ::CreateWindow(_T("LISTBOX"),












Anyone come across this problem or am I doing so obviously wrong I just

can't see it?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?SG93YXJkIEN1bm5pbmdoYW0=?=

How to install a new root certificate on smartfon during developme

I am trying to produce a way that my testers can install a root certificate

on our smartfon without needing to be connected via KITL to modify the

registry. This is NOT a problem with PPC.

1. I can install the certificate by modifying

HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001017 to 144 (was 128 - CARRIER_TPS, I am

adding USER_AUTH), copy the CER to the device, view the CER in FExplorer,

click it and it installs.

2. This would be OK, if I could get a local RegEdit that can update the

registry, but RegEditSTB cannot update the registry (probably a security

issue - can't tell).

3. I tried follwing the MSDN steps to export the CER, create _setup.xml,

package this in a CPF and sign the CPF. But when I click on the CPF, it

always sends a failed message to the device inbox complaining of insufficient


We do build the image for the device so I looked for a way to include my

root ceritifcate in the image registry (like the other default certificates),

but no luck.

We would prefer NOT to hack the platform.reg in the image to change

HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001017 and of course changing

PUBLIC\WPC\OAK\FILES\project.reg is a bad thing.

; Grant Manager Policy

; (default: CARRIER_TPS for phone skus; USER_AUTH for non-phone skus)








Can anyone give me some advice here?



Howard Cunnningham



Access violation using a keyboard Hook by cronopi

MaskBlt and ShLoadImageFile

Hi all,

I'm loading Images from files (png type) using ShLoadImageFile but now I'm

stuck because I can't show properly the transparent bits of my image. Does

anybody know how to extract the mask from the image that I load?

Also, when trying to use IImagingFactory and IImage in SP2003, I get some

compile errors due to missing include files such as:



Does anybody have a workaround for this?

Cheers All,


Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?eWF4aXhp?=

How to make the left soft key disable?


In some condition, I need disable the left soft key, simultaneitily make

the text on the left soft key ,e.g. "OK", become gray. How could I do ?

hope anyone's help.

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by marekc

Transparent List Box


I would like to put on dialog (smartphone, mfc, wm5.0) LIST BOX with

transparent backgroud. I can not find any word about how to do this?

Best regards.

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?amVyb21l?=

Help about placing files on FTP server !

Hello, I'm a newbie about programming on smartphone, and I have just few

notions. Actually, I want to make a soft for a Windows Mobile 5.0 smartphone

which can take a picture with the camera and automatically place it on a FTP

server. I have to do this for my training course. I have Visual Studio

Professional 2005 and I downloaded the Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK.

I want to know if it is possible, and if someone did a similar program

already. I just want to be sure that is realizable.

I made few searchs, and I found I can use the

function SHCameraCapture of the Aygshell library to take picture. And I can

use the Connection Manager API to connect the phone on Internet and finally,

I can use WinInet library to place the picture on a FTP server with the



Access violation using a keyboard Hook by marekc

Using bluetooth


I'm looking for sample code or something about how to start with

bluetooth with smartphone.


Access violation using a keyboard Hook by

TAPI lineSetAppPriority: How to check which application has top priority.

I could set my application to be high priority by executing

LONG WINAPI lineSetAppPriority(

LPCSTR lpszAppFilename,

DWORD dwMediaMode,


DWORD dwRequestMode,

LPCSTR lpszExtensionName,

DWORD dwPriority


How I could check which application now has top priority.

I mean how to get application name for some media mode.

Or how to get all application names that listening for calls, without

reference to media mode.

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by Patrikpl

How access contacts database on WM5


Could you please advice me how to access the Contacts database which is in

the volume PIM.VOL, i.e. on smartphone with OS WM5.

Function CeMountDBVol(&vol1,L"\\PIM.VOL",OPEN_EXISTING ); it does not open

the volume, even when I make a copy of it as a file under different name and

it is then not used in any other way.

Definitely I need to work with mentioned database so that the changes made

in original OS application will be shown immediately in my application and


Thank you


Access violation using a keyboard Hook by Gernot Frisch

Override back key

I have a simple window. No dialog, no controls, no nothing. Just a


Which window do I send the SHCMBM_OVERRIDEKEY message to? Mine?

SHFindMenuBar(mine)? SHFindMenuBar(someone_else_s)?

Somehow I don't get it.

Problem is: If you press the back button too quick (or my program is

too slow to handle GetAsyncKeyState(VK_TBACK)), the window is 'gone'.

I can't see it in the task manager, _but_ the process is running. I

see this with the rapi toys.



int main(int argc, char** argv) {printf

("%silto%c%cf%cgl%ssic%ccom%c", "ma", 58, 'g', 64, "ba", 46, 10);}


Looking for a good game? Do it yourself!

GLBasic - you can do

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?bHVjaWE=?=



Has anyone used MSMQ on Smartphone 2003 (second edition, with certificate

security disabled)?

I installed it (after renaming the device), reset the device, but I cannot

get the MSMQ service to start.

I tried it using visadm.exe, I get "Operation failed. No error code


I have also a small application for sending messages, but it always fails


The registry value CEStartAtBoot is also set to 1.

Any ideas?



Access violation using a keyboard Hook by marekc

Resize bitmap from resource

I have bitmap - resource, and I have now:

CBitmap pic;

CDC memDCCover;



I'm trying to resize my bitmap like this...


... but Bitmap is not resizing...

What can I do?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by marekc

Smartphone desktop jpeg where is it?


Now I'm want to write app with one dialog box, and I want to use image

from smartphone desktop in my dialog.

I'm coding in MFC/C++ WM5.0

Thanks for help!

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?SWFuIENsZWdn?=

OMA Client Provisioning - WBXML Tokens for Microsoft extensions

Hey folks,

Does anybody know where I can find details of the WBXML tokens for

Microsofts extensions to OMA Client Provisioning? (See MSPROV.DTD). I was

lead to believe these were documented in the Mobile Adaption Kit, but a

response to a previous post has indicated this may be difficult to obtain

without OEM status.

My aim is to configure a number of Windows Mobile devices over the air via a

Connectionless WAP Push. I have read through the may OMA WAP specifications

and have written classes to build a WAP Push and send this via SMS - I now

need to know the WBXML for Microsofts extensions



Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?SWFuIENsZWdn?=

Windows Smartphone Adaptation kit

Hey Folks,

I've seen a number of references to a Windows Smartphone/Mobile Adaption

Kit, this appears to include additional documentation, headers and sample


I've searched around MSDN and the Windows Mobile website, not to mention

google - but it seems rather elusive.

I would like to know whats in the kit, and who to speak to about it

Many Thanks,


Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?VFJleA==?=

Branding files

I have an application which requires different branding options. At present

the branding files (bmp and txt files) are being copied across to the

platform via the CAB installation file. This is fine, but does potentially

allow the user to corrupt the files. I do not wish to add the branding files

into the exe as this will mean creating a new exe for each customer, but I

would like to avoid the possibility of the user corrupting files. i.e

Changing the bmp file etc.

Is there a way around this?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by Moon

Debugging APP using Physical Device not Emulator in VS2005

Hi, all

I developed a simple application for smartphone using VS2005.

When I started debugging, emulator for smartphone runs automatically

and it wroks fine.

All I want to do is that I'd like to debug in physical device not

emulator. So I upload my APP image using activesync and I run "Attach

to Process" menu in VS2005.

I selected "Smart Device" for Transport and "Windows Mobile 5.0

smartphone device" for Qualifier but I can't find my app.

what's wrong ?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by Jo

Programatically displaying a softkey sub menu.


I have trapped the softkeys and when the user presses the button I wish to

programatically display the submenu but can't work out how.

(The reason is unimportant but for information I

hide the menus until the key is pressed. So the menu goes from being hidden

to display the menbar and the submenu with one keypress. I then wish to hide

the whole menubar when the softkey is pressed again)


SendMessage (SHFindMenuBar (hDlg), SHCMBM_OVERRIDEKEY, VK_TSOFT2,



Then (pseudo)


case VK_TSOFT2:

HMENU hPopupMenu = (HMENU) SendMessage(hMenuMB,



So I have the handle of the submenu, but what to do with it?

IDM_POP is the ID of the popup displayed by . But how do I prompt the

submenu to display?

I have tried various ways without success.


SendMessage(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)IDM_POP, 0);

SendMessage(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)hPopupMenu , 0);

As you can see I havn't a clue - Any help appreciated.


Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?QW5kcmV3RWFtZXM=?=

Project types in VS2005

Hopefully this is an easy question.

I installed the Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for Smartphone (and the one for

Pocket PC too) but when I create a new project in VS2005, I dont see any new

project types under Smart Devices. I can create an application for Pocket PC

2003 and then afterwards change platform to Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK but I

thought there were supposed to be new project types



Access violation using a keyboard Hook by cronopi

nicely Formatted text

Hi All,

I'm porting an application from Symbian O.S... After rather successfully

porting some features, I'm stucked with a couple of them. One of them is amr

audio rendering which doesn't seem to come built-in (it's not accessible).

Anyway, passing on, I need to display formatted (rich) text (with colors and

styles...) is there a control I can use? Can anybody point me to any

information on the wince sdk's? I don't need the user to be able to edit it


I'm targetting PocketPc 2003 and Smartphone 2003 devices...

Thanks all!


Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?eWF4aXhp?=

How to custom the font and background of control?

Hi everyone,

I need to custom the font and background of controls in the dialog,

e.g. the font and background of static text. The dialog I expect is the

same as the dial dialog.

I'm a rookie, please help me to start.

It'd be really appreciate if anyone have any ideal regarding to this subject.

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?c2ViYXBp?=


How to create OpenFileDialog on Smartphone CF2.0 ??

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by

text won't wrap ??

Hi !

I have a problem with text wrapping in my mobile application. In my

mobile list control I dynamically add text strings from a resource

file, which is working just fine. I also set the Wrapping attribute to

"Wrap". This seems to work on most mobile phones except sony ericsson

W800 ! I have to scroll sideways to see all the text. Anybody have

similar experiences or anybody know's how to fix it ??



Access violation using a keyboard Hook by cronopi

Audio rendering

Hi all,

Could anybody point me to any resources on how to render audio (amr,wav,mp3)

programatically on a PocketPC and Smartphone 2003 platforms?



Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?QmxvY2tOaW5qYQ==?=

Smartphone Dialog Windows

I am trying to develop a CF 2.0 app for WM5 that will provide me a custom

application to receive calls (i.e. when a call comes in I want to play a

custom animation, and an mp3). I have set TopMost = true and WindowStated =

Maximized, however, it seems to be "fighting" with the normal WM5 dialog for

the incoming call.

When I click anywhere on the app when a call is coming in, it shows the

normal dialog for a second and then goes back to my app, and continues to do

this until the call is missed.

Is there a way to either:

1) Tell WM5 not to use its normal dialog for incoming calls

2) Tell the dialog to hide, send itself to the background, etc?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by Yoshitha

how to deploy smartphone application


my application will run on microsoft smartphone 2003 plat form.

i've developed application using (VS2003).

and i made cab file for my application.

can any one tell me is cab file enough to deploy in Smart Phone device using

active sync4.1?

if it is not what is actual exectutable format to deploy smart phone

applications in real device?

Can any one help me ? this is very urgent .

Thanx in advance


Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?U2hpdg==?=

Strange HTML control behaviour on Smartphones


In my applicaiton i have this HTML window (DISPLAYCLASS) which i create on

launch of my application and use it to display different topics in my

application. So the same window is used to display different documents.

To load each topic i use the following sequence:

DTM_CLEAR (or SetWindowText(hWnd, L"") )



So iam not using DTM_NAVIGATE to load pages but read the file into a buffer

and then load the control with the text using DTM_ADDTEXT message and use

DTM_ENDOFSOURCE to indicate end of data.

I have 2 pages coded as follows:

1. Page1 has a hyperlink which loads Page2. So Page 1 has just ONE hyperlink

2. Page2 has 2 links. One link that takes the user back to Page1 (it could

be to another page too but to a page which has just one hyperlink)

Here is the behaviour i have noticed:

a. I load Page1 first.

b. I use the down arrow in the 5-way navigator. The focus rect comes on the

hyperlink (which points to page2)

c. I tap on this link. This takes me to Page2.

d. In Page2 i use the down arrow. Interestingly the "SECOND" link is

activated. I use the up button now to tap on the first link (which takes me

back to Page1)

e. Back in Page1 i use the down button, the page scrolls but no way can i

get the focus on the hyperlink.

If i use DTM_NAVIGATE message then the programs works fine.

My suspicision is that when i use DTM_NAVIGATE it creates a new instance of

the HTML document whereas if i use the ADDTEXT route it is the same document

iam writing onto. Unfortunately the control does not clear the active link

when i try to clear the control using DTM_CLEAR though it is supposed to do

it i guess.

I could change my code to use the DTM_NAVIGATE route but that would be lot

of code change which i would avoid if there was a workaround.

Thanks in advance.


Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?cGF1bA==?=

GPS Smartphones

Does anyone know of WM smartphones with built-in GPS?

I've been asked to determine possible phones for running WM 2K5 with GPS



Access violation using a keyboard Hook by

Smartphone SE Emulator stopped browsing Internet

I need some help and hopefully someone can point me in the right

direction. I was in the middle of a Smartphone app using vb and VS

2005. I got pulled away on another project and a few weeks later I'm

back and now the Emulator gives errors when trying to call my live web

services. After a while, I figured out that any of the net apps on the

emulator can't connect to the internet either (IE, MSN messenger,

etc.). I've looked everywhere and tried everything and can't seem to

figure out how to get the emulator to work again.


Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?eGluc2hpbmU=?=

How to Create a Camera View

Sample "CameraCapture" is using directshow to take an photo, and how to make

a preview before we exactly take this photo, like SHCameraCapture function,

which create a Camera window, called "Camera View" to take a preview.

That's because I want to take a photo under my way, maybe saving it to a

buffer, not to a file, so I want to rewrite the SHCameraCapture API, Anyone

can give advise?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by Marks Zhu

Implement GIF animation

I have implemented the GIF Animation by self-decoding the gif file


I will post the source codes lated.

If anyone here need such codes. Please send an email to me via

Thanks all.


Marks Zhu


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Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?QXNoYW5tYXg=?=

How to capture notification data?


I am trying to capture notification data with Windows Mobile 2003 SE. WM 5.0

does have a Managed State & Notification API, but how to access that same

data with WM 2003 SE. I know there is no managed code supporting my request,

so, is there any native code support. How to get down into win32 and do it?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by walter

Get antenna signal in embedded c++

Hi all,

Is there lib to get information of the PDA's antenna strength in

embedded c++?

Thank you!

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?Q2hyaXM=?=

Emulating SDIO


I want to develop a Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone application that interfaces

with an SDIO card which is not a storage card. Does the Device emulator

support the full SDIO API?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?U2l2YQ==?=

Embedded VC++ License

Is embedded VC++ is available as a separate product package? Do we need to

purchase the license for EVC++?

We want to develop the commercial product and we will be using EVC++ as

IDE/compiler. Is it legal to use the downloaded version of EVC++ from

Microsoft website

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?dHdlbHZlb2Frcw==?=

How to use tapi?

I use lineSendUSSD to send USSD message, it is a asynchronous function. when

i send a message, it returns a positive request identifier, so i present a

wait screen. later, an other thread which i create at the beginning of

program to receive line messages, will receive LINE_USSD message and then

LINE_REPLY message. when i receive LINE_USSD message, i will change wait

screen to USSD message screen. what is the purpose of LINE_REPLY message?

My sencond question is: sometimes, when i use lineSendUSSD, it return a

positive value, but later, i won't receive LINE_USSD message, neither

LINE_REPLY message, i can't determine what to do and my program pause on the

wait screen.


Daylight is so so long, that i am sleeping

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by trakman

SMT5600 runing WM 5.0 & BT sync

I understand this is not a programming issue, but i don't know who else

to ask.

I have a smt5600 runing WM 5.0. I am trying to connect ms active sync

4.1 via bluetooth with a dell M170 laptop runing windows xp media

center.Can someone please explain how i can get ms active sync to

reconize my 5600. Can this be done via bluetooth ?.






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Access violation using a keyboard Hook by trakman

SMT5600 runing WM 5.0 & BT sync

I know this question is not programming related, but no one else seems

to be able to help me solve the issue.

I have a smt5600 runing WM 5.0. I am trying to connect ms active sync

4.1 via bluetooth with a dell M170 laptop runing windows xp media

center.Can someone please explain how i can get ms active sync to

reconize my 5600. Can this be done via bluetooth ?.






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Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?cm9ja21hbjc=?=

CE support of 1 gig mini-sd card in Audiovox SMT 6500?

I recently installed a 1 gig mini-sd card but can only copy about 430 MB to

the card before I get the msg "Error Copying File" Cannot copy xyzfile:

There is not enough free disk space. Delete one or more files and free disk

space and they try again". I totaled the files loaded and they indeed come

to only about 430 MB. In CE on the phone the system info shows that the

storage card has 968 MB available, 430 used, 538 Free. There is nothing in

the phone manual that says there is any limit to the size mini-sd card it

supports. Does CE have some limitation on the amount of disk space or

mini-sd card space it will support? If so why does it recognize the full 1

gig yet lets me copy only about 1/2 that to the card?

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by Todd Saylor

"May not display properly" message during install


I've been testing under the new landscape emulator image, and I find that

whenever I install my app I receive this message: "The program you have

installed may not display properly because it was designed for a previous

version of Windows Mobile software". The app was compiled under eVC3 (for

WM2002 compatibility). I thought the answer would be to set

BuildMax=0xE0000000 in the .inf file, but that hasn't helped. I've had no

luck with VersionMax or PlatformMax settings either.

How can I prevent this message?



Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?VG9tMjU=?=

VS 2005 and SP5 very slow


I am trying to develop a SP5 app using VS2005 Pro. Just a simple Textbox

and Menu takes 10 minutes to load in the emulator. I have a 2Ghz processor

in my PC, so I am wondering why is this so slow?

Thanks for any ideas,


Access violation using a keyboard Hook by Tony

Play WMA/WMV using DirectShow

I am trying with a simple directshow application (using 'renderFile'

method to render WMA/WMV file) on Windows Mobile 5.0 for smartphone.

The renderFile method is returning an error code of 0x80040218L which

means that "VFW_E_CANNOT_RENDER" "No combination of filters could be

found to render the stream".

Why am I getting this? Since WMA/WMV is a standard file I thought it

must be supported by the SDK. and one more observation is that I tried

to load a WMA/WMV file from Pc to smartphone and played it using media

player and that is playing fine. What does this mean?

Any Suggestion would be appreciated.

Access violation using a keyboard Hook by =?Utf-8?B?cWlzaw==?=

How to Customize the main menu in Windows Mobile 5.0 for smartphon

I would customize the icon in the Smartphone main menu,e.g:messging

icon,Calendar icon,contacts to implement it?

otherwise,how to customize the icon's position in the main menu?

So please, help me to start! Thanks a lot! smartphone

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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.