Have you ever thought about having your own moneymaking
With over 147 million blogs on the Internet, thousands of
people are already making big money just by creating blogs.
And by using the popular Wordpress platform, you can very
easily set up your own blog in just minutes from now.
But while it's quick and easy to create a blog, it's not as
easy to monetize it
...until now!
Today I'd like to tell you about our new Money Blog Pro
solution, offering you a quick and easy way to have your own
moneymaking blogs.
Money Blog Pro is a range of packages, providing powerful
features for all Wordpress blogs.
Each package is sold separately, so you only pay for the
packages you need.
The first package is our "Easy Ad Unit Package".
This offers a quick and easy way to incorporate Adsense,
Amazon and Clickbank ads into your blogs.
Simply get your own IDs for Adsense, Amazon and Clickbank,
enter them into the software and pick a few settings from
the drop-down controls.
The software will then create a standard Wordpress plugin
that you upload to your blog using the supplied special
Plugin Installer Tool (or you can use any other method to
upload the plugin to your blog).
Just click the "activate plugin" link and your blog will
instantly start showing moneymaking ads on your blog.
It really is that easy to turn any blog into your own
personal money machine.