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Filters and reporting
Your junk e-mail filter is set to Exclusive. As a result, all messages from addresses that aren't in your Contacts or safe senders are sent to your junk e-mail folder. To receive more messages in your inbox, change your junk e-mail filter to Standard.
Choose a junk e-mail filter
Select the filter level you want to apply to incoming messages.
Low - Obvious junk e-mail is sent to the junk e-mail folder.
Standard - Most junk e-mail is sent to the junk e-mail folder.
Exclusive - Everything is sent to the junk e-mail folder except messages from your contacts and safe senders, Windows Live Hotmail service announcements, and alerts that you signed up for.
Note: You should occasionally check your junk e-mail folder to make sure that good messages don't get put there by mistake.
Safe and blocked senders
Safe senders
Manage who is allowed to send you e-mail. Messages from safe senders will not be sent to the junk e-mail folder.
Safe senders
Messages from safe senders will not be sent to the junk e-mail folder. You can allow an e-mail address or a domain (the part of an e-mail address after the @ sign).
To allow an e-mail address or domain, type it in the box below, and then click Add to list. To remove an allowed address or domain, select it in the list below, and then click Remove from list.
Safe mailing lists
Messages from mailing lists often have an address other than your e-mail address in the To box. Windows Live Hotmail may accidentally classify these messages as junk e-mail.
To allow messages sent to an address other than, type the To address for the mailing list in the box below, and then click Add to list. To remove a safe mailing list, select it in the list below, and then click Remove from list.