I have many experiences... some are worse than others. But I'll give you the worst, because some aren't that bad. These are in no particular order... just the order I remembered them in.
1) In my old house, I went up to the kitchen for a reason I don't remember. But we had a phone that over looked the back yard. And this particular night when I went upstairs I saw my dad in the kitchen talking on the phone. Surprised to see him, I called his name. He looked at me, he looked surprised to see me as well and scared. He turned around and disappeared into thin air. (my dad is still alive by the way).
2) Sometimes when I'm on my bed and falling to sleep I sometimes feel cold hands grab my ankles and pull me towards the end of the bed. This has happened about three times.
3) I was also on my bed this time, but I was asking myself many questions. One of them being "who created this world?" I heard in a bunch of kids voices around me say, "we did."
4) My bed has shook while I've been on it for no reason. No one or anything was around me that could have done it.
5) I thought I heard my sister come home one day, I heard her talking outside my room. So I went out to greet her, only to realize I was home a lone.
6) At times, I will feel like I'm being watched by a little girl. I don't know why a little girl... but that's how I feel.
7) I was about to hop a very large fence around my backyard. We had a pool and by state law we had to have a very tall fence around it... to give you an idea of how tall it was. But I was with my friend this day, I was on the fence about to hop and in the wind I heard a women's voice say "Billy, don't do it." I asked my friend if he heard it, he said yes. But it said to him "Grant, don't do it."
8) I was with another one of my friends we had a sleep over. We built a fort out of blankets and pillows and fell to sleep in it. We woke up at about the same time the next morning, and in the hallway we heard someone say, "hey Pete." the problem is, there is no Pete in my household.
9) I had another sleep over with three of my other friends this summer. We all fell to sleep in my sunroom, I was on the couch. I woke up in the middle of the night and was really relaxed. I thought I heard my dad open the door to the sunroom and cough. I looked up and he wasn't there. It wasn't one of my friends coughs... my dad has a very distinct cough. But when I looked up and he wasn't there. there were no lights on outside the door.. no movement at all.
10) I was playing my guitar one night, I was home alone again. I had a light to my back so on the wall I could see my shadow clearly. But every now and then another shadow would show up, I would look behind me and no one was there.
11) I came home from my friends church, and as soon as I walked in the door I felt very uneasy about my house. I felt like I wasn't home alone. I couldn't figure out why I was feeling this way... until I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. From my kitchen I can see the TV upstairs. And I noticed that it was on. This wouldn't have bothered me, but I also noticed the Wii was on. This is strange because the Wii almost never gets used at all. I called my dad and asked if My sister or him had used it today. He told me that they haven't been home all day and that none of them had used it. It's only my dad, my sister and I who live in the house.
12) sometimes I will hear people talking outside my bedroom like the TV is on. I will go out and everything will be off, no TV on. No one outside talking.
13) I used to have deja'vu a lot. Not over important events, besides one where I think I saw my friends mom die. I didn't know it at the time. But I saw this women in a pick-up driving along getting into a head on collision. She was very pretty, had brown curly hair, very thin (from what I could see in the dream. I saw a picture of her after she had died, she looked exactly like the person I saw in my dream and she was driving a pick-up and got into a head on collision. Was probably coincidence though.
DREAMS - only a couple I can remember very well.
1) I was with my family at the zoo or a mall I don't remember which one. But we were walking down the hall or path and all of a sudden randomly this river was flowing down the middle of it. We proceeded to go further to the food court which was in the direction that the river was coming from. About half way to the food court we saw dead people floating down the river. We got to the food court and all I could see was people punching each other, ripping their insides out and eating them. My family started to do it and said to me "join us!" I woke up after that.
2) I was outside with my friends in the snow playing it was in my backyard. Everyone had went home because it was getting late and they were getting tired. I stayed outside for a while because I wanted to finish something in the snow. When I finally did come in I headed upstairs to change. And on the stairs my friend was running up and down the stairs laughing this evil laugh. Except my friend wasn't there. It was just his clothing, the rest of him was invisible.
3) I was walking down the hall past our front door. I looked outside as I passed to see on of the neighborhood kids at the door. I screamed and so did he. But his mouth got huge and his eyes started to bulge out of his head.
That's about it.