I might shows my age I have to it or annoy someone. but I am going to say it. Underground (well, back in the day) was a references to something "counterculture" or just available but not main stream(usually becaue of it's contents).
First yes something can be underground and on the web. Secondly, I don't ever remember restricted access to anything underground in the real world before-even with illegal activies.
but just because a guy posts a blog doesn't mean it's underground either. When, honestly it's pretty status quo. I mean come on-12 year olds are doing it And you know what and still Strongbad is funnier!! - and personally am glad to have checked out some of the other sites. So lets us all just enjoy.
Sorry Now that I lost almost all possible readers let me include some site I enjoy
Nice music site free mp3 tunes
Insane-the only thing I could do when I read this was shake my head and Laugh. This kid had to be pretty fearless.
A great and beautiful web site for a great artist-not really underground but there might be people who might enjoy it.-
This web page features one artist that caught my eye but the site as a whole is worth checking out. http://www.beinart.com.au/page/page/828515.htm
People send this guy-sam brown- titles and he draws pictures from it. A really enjoyable site-I wouldn't be surprised if someone already mentioned it. http://www.explodingdog.com/
Another web site that might have been mentioned is this touching one http://www.foundmagazine.com/
I remember seeing this documentary( about the Cockettes)on pbs-Very interesting this site Clips and all covers it well. It will seem crazy to some(well most because it is) but still very interesting
Funny guy check out the muffin video(bits of glass is my favorite)
also good for a chuckle or two- a faux wiki site
Funny and original site-tongue in cheek
Great written text including interviews, books excerpts, essays etc, informative and still very interesting, one of the best sites on the web. this link takes you right to archives- http://feastofhateandfear.com/archives.html
Pretty funny & very original spoken word performance set to a cartoon http://www.screenhead.com/funny/dance_monkeys_dance.swf
Another great site-
funny cartoon site
Another great & funny concept site
another funny site
So Funny-Kind of twisted
another great site and free
other cool sites or links-