Would you recommend fat cow web hosting?
2009-08-15 22:35:52 UTC
I'm trying to find the best host for a merchant website. I need a reliable website. I am currently on a 60 day trial with MobileMe (.Mac) but I'm not very happy with it so far. I did some research and found fat cow, but before I commit I'd like to get an idea of what I'm in for. Anyone have any experience using fat cow? Or any idea of who the best company might be to host a merchant website?
Eleven answers:
Mohd Hazwan
2009-08-17 12:07:29 UTC
if you looking for unique webhosting review, u can check out on twthosting. they pull tweets from user who comments and critiques on their webhosting service.

I thnk its the best way for review honest complain from user.

2014-10-24 11:48:19 UTC
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2009-08-15 22:48:10 UTC
I wouldn't recommend fat cow. Their control panel is very limited and their HTML editor is terrible. Also, their support is bad and doesn't offer much help. I have used it and will never use it again.

I like Avahost. My websites are all hosted with them. You mentioned a merchant website. They have 3 different shopping carts that you can add to your site with a click of a button. Support is great and the features are excellent. Lots of easy add ons for websites.
2009-08-18 13:29:27 UTC
Well, there are many cheap web hosting services out there that are better than the expensive ones. I myself only pay around $3.67.month for fatcow hosting which I got from a special promo link at . I get A+ support and basically Unlimited Everything. I really am satisfied and even though I'm really picky. I hope it helps you. Thank You and God Bless!
2009-08-16 10:10:02 UTC

We would recommend Bluehost.

This is the list of the cheapest and most reliable web hosting providers where you can host your small business and personal websites.We've reviewed all these web hosting providers for your easy selection.We are a non-profit organization .Check it out here:
2016-10-02 01:47:18 UTC
i might propose you employ an ecommerce shop builder. not that it will assist you bypass coding the seem and experience of the area, that's going to easily make it lots much less annoying with outfitted-in inventory administration, order and messaging structures. For the cyber web web site seem you have perform a little coding, or you could hire somebody one time to do it for you. FYI: you could hire somebody on domestically or on freelance sites like odesk
2009-08-18 05:40:23 UTC

I use this hosting company and absolutely love it. I am sorry. I do not know anything about fat cow.
2009-08-16 06:48:03 UTC
Take a look at:

There you can reach the three reputable companies that are leaders in the E-commerce web hosting industry.

My recommended service is:

And a perfect business web solution is:

Hope this helps.
2009-08-16 01:23:12 UTC
fatcow is a well known company but i don't have experience with them. I personally use Chime Host for my hosting needs. If you are aware of things like cPanel, ftp, PHP, MySQL, you should have no problem with Chime Host. They are fairly cheap too**http%3a//
2009-08-17 01:49:36 UTC

try which is where i have hosted my college's website, its good and relaible
2009-08-16 21:39:08 UTC

Now a days most webmasters using webhosting pad bcoz less expensive and reliable



good luck!

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