please help me!!! i cant install internet explorer 9 why?
2012-10-08 13:19:57 UTC
i download silverlight and then internet explorer but when i install internet explorer 9
it is not installing its writing "internet explorer don't finish to install" what should i do please help me
Three answers:
Computer Technician
2012-10-08 13:30:10 UTC
I use internet explorer 9 and it runs as good as Google Chrome
or Firefox. In the answer above I don't know why people like to cut down
internet explorer. I think it is because they don't know how to use
a computer. I have used internet explorer ever since it came out and
have never had any trouble with it. Your question, Are you using
windows XP? If you are it don't except IE 9. only IE 8.
2012-10-08 13:21:08 UTC
its because its internet explorer, its useless as ****. Why would you be stupid enough to even consider using it?