◙ If you have Yahoo Toolbar click on the edit button to disable the AutoComplete function.
◙ Internet Explorer
1. From Internet Explorer, choose "Tools" then "Internet Options".
2. From the "Internet Options" multi-tabbed dialog box that appears, select the "Content" tab.
3. Click the "AutoComplete" button.
4. Uncheck everything.
5. Click the "Clear Forms" button.
6. Click the "Clear Passwords" button.
7. Press "OK" to close the dialog boxes.
◙ NOTE: AutoComplete may not stay off completely because some webmasters have autocomplete="on" in the form tag in their web forms. If you come to one of these and you can't get the AutoComplete to leave you alone while you type something in to the form. Simply paste the text in from a wordprocessor or notepad and it won't bother you.