Don't trust dishonest claims like "Best web hosting only $1 /month" or "Get the cheapest web hosting without sacrificing quality and features!!". Take into consideration that some hosting companies are cheating and lying to their customers. It is very important that your service be uptime (functioning and available for use) . It means you can access your account whenever you want to update your web pages, and users can enter your website whenever they refer to your site address. If your hosting service is not uptime it can be catastrophic!
As an experienced webmaster I recommend BH web hosting which I’m sure it would work for you and fulfill all your requirements. They have a really great offer for hosting & I have used them for over 3 yrs now, and have never had a single problem with them.
You can reach reviews about this web hosting provider and its latest DISCOUNT COUPONS at:
($3.95 /month)
* This service was awarded “The Best Web Host OF The Year”.
* If you sign up for this service you will have $75 credits to advertise your website with the google & yahoo search engines for free!
* You Can Register A Free Domain or Use Your Existing Domains. They Support All Domain Names.
If your website is not a business site (is personal), you can also refer to this cheap, reliable service:
($3.99 /month)
Hope this helps.