Why do people hate internet explorer?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do people hate internet explorer?
221 answers:
2015-03-25 14:02:18 UTC
It has been around so long that there are more viruses on it than any other browser. It has just become outdated and clunky over the years with all the **** people have put on it. Of course when you are using old windows programs you actually need to use Internet Explorer to update them. I hope that when windows 10 comes out with its new browser we will see a transfer from the old and into the new.

When ever I go on Internet Explorer I feel nostalgia from when I was in Kindergarten (I have always been a nerd!)
2015-03-25 08:11:25 UTC
I don't hate IE 11 I used to hate IE's Previous Versions
2015-03-25 22:36:09 UTC
Just Because of it's speed . . .
2015-03-25 08:49:28 UTC
It does not comply to standards so websites have to create special pages jut to accommodate IE users...

It is notoriously insecure and so is easily exploited to steal information from the user...

It;s a crap browser and there are far better options available.
2015-03-25 08:22:14 UTC
In the past (and present to a lesser extent) Internet Explorer had very few things going for it. It wasn't as fast as Chrome or as customizable as Firefox, and was mostly used because it came with Windows computers.
2015-03-25 08:03:26 UTC
because people know it for versions 9 and 8 that were for xp and vista that crashed all the time and was really buggy. 12 is actually working and their metro version for windows 8 works really well too. but it gained the reputation early on and stuck with it.
2015-03-28 22:25:16 UTC
All other browsers are superior
2015-03-27 22:53:12 UTC
Because it will creating problems many times . . .
2015-03-26 21:18:58 UTC
Microsoft created a monster to support. Despite being a major contributer to internet standards Microsoft refuses to follow them. Even the ones they themselves introduced and pushed for. So you have standard html and IE HTML. The IE html doesn't do anything different, better or more efficient. In fact it's less efficient and makes browsing with IE bug prone since there are so many places web page developers have to stop and put in special code just for IE.

That is one of the many many many reasons. I could write a full book on the security issues with IE. When Microsoft attached it to the kernel to keep people from deleting it from new computers they essentially opened Windows up to a security nightmare that hasn't ever closed. As long as IE is in the kernel and IE supports VB Script and Active X then no Windows machine can be considered secure.

IE steals ideas without contributing. IE has never innovated something adopted by other browsers. IE is also very slow to adopt useful changes. Opera for example had tabbed browsing 10 years before IE adopted it. IE was the last major browser to adopt tabbed browsing by at least 5 years. Even then it was buggy initially.

I can keep going but I think you are getting the picture.
2015-03-26 21:46:33 UTC
Not that all people hate it but who don't love it because it has a strong reason.

The trouble all started when Microsoft integrated IE into Windows as a required component and made it difficult to uninstall and use an alternate browser. After launch IE6 in 2001, have lots of great features Microsoft just stopped trying to do it more interesting and usable even for five years. They had a 95 percent market share five years and had no competitor so they did not follow the web standerds. It was the only option in the market. But once Firefox and Webkit came around and started following the standards correctly, suddenly they decide to improve it.

Thankfully, it seems like Microsoft has finally learned from their many, many mistakes in the browser world. Internet Explorer 10 and 11 are blazing fast, mostly standards-compliant, and other than the outdated UI that really needs some love, are a solid choice for anybody. There are even rumors that Microsoft might finally release a better user interface for IE in Windows 10. Here’s hoping!
2015-03-28 06:43:28 UTC
Yes Hate Internet Explorer
2015-03-29 07:29:12 UTC
I'm pretty sure the majority of people would hate Internet Explorer because It takes up a lot of unnecessary screen space, it's very slow and unsightly.

When you have the option of a leak, minimalist, straight to the point search engine like Google Chrome, Firefox, or Opera etc in comparison it looks even worse.

Also people may be slightly bitter over having Internet Explorer already built into Microsoft while they have to Download and Install a better Search Engine.

Hope This Helps :)
2015-03-27 07:10:37 UTC
Out of all browsers, it takes the longest to load a page (some reports, even from Microsoft, suggest that it takes twice as long as most other browsers). It has been around an extremely long time, and the only browser that I can think of that is older is "Netscape Navigator," and the last time I used it was when most people were still on dial-up internet. Given this, it also is the most at risk for viruses.

Also, consider the fact that Microsoft no longer plans to update or even include Internet Explorer after the release of Windows 10 this year. They are dropping it in favor of a new browser they have currently dubbed, "Project Spartan." Yes, they are referencing Halo.
2015-03-30 23:46:09 UTC
To answer this deep, complex question, you have to go back decades. Many years ago, the internet was vast and untamed . The first users of the internet did not even use browsers. However Adolf Gateler saw these people as a threat. They were educated, often had money and were getting in the way for monetizing of the internet with their ideals and such. But the internet was difficult to use at the time for normal people. This gave the then named Adolf Gateler an Idea, CHANGE HIS NAME! armed with a new name,bill gates, He started Internet explorer, but those pioneers would just not stop. so gates had to do something for the entire microsoftian country Millions of machines were sent to concentration camps for "updates" These machines were never the same afterwards. Some machines were known to just black out or "blue screen of death" out of nowhere. just after taking an update. years progressed and millions more machines died. THis was called the "compucaust" and microsoft made millions off of it. This has given the company a bad rep and a deep mistrust. No attempt at restitution has been made to the suvivors of the compucaust at this point
2015-03-27 03:06:56 UTC
Because It Is Internet Explorer
2015-03-30 02:13:24 UTC
Nobody hates internet explorer. But, Internet Explorer is so low . In this case people do not use Internet Explorer. Although Internet Explorer is a brower but some people use this. For security purpose internet explorer is one of the best browser.
2015-03-30 00:49:33 UTC
It is really a big Question that why do People Hate Internet Explorer in this World.
2015-03-31 22:24:51 UTC
I hate Internet Explorer.
2015-03-27 02:58:53 UTC
Internet Explorer has a bad reputation. Although modern Internet Explorer is better because of bad memory people don't want to use it.
2015-03-30 07:49:07 UTC
Internet Explorer has a bad reputation. Although modern Internet Explorer is better.
2015-03-29 15:53:34 UTC
Well people dont really hate explorer I mean nowadays people discovered browsers like chrome and firefox its just a personal issue not really a hatred .

A reason why people would hate explorer is because its really slow and not comfy to work with if you a extra thing like showing a file online instead of using a program from your windows
2015-03-26 00:40:28 UTC
It's slow and the competition of Google's Chrome and Mozilla's Firefox is vastly superior. Internet Explorer is a good browser and required to be used by many firms and their employees, but if you have a choice go with the others.
Aaron Amann
2015-03-30 13:44:51 UTC
People tend to hate Internet Explorer because it's speed isn't the best to them, though, they dont realize that they might have downloaded something to make it slow down. Things such as add-ons will make it much slower, just like every other browser. I have no issue with Explorer.
2015-03-28 10:47:53 UTC
Internet Explorer is so low
2015-03-29 21:18:17 UTC
Well for one thing XP is no longer supported. I cannot conveniently change to a version beyond IE 8, whwich I used until it could barely open a page--for whatever reason.

So I turned to Chrome which i already had but found awkward for me. I didn't understand about the no search button. Once I got used to that Chrome is faster and superior in many ways.

But I liked IE probably just used to it--until I was turned out of the gate. I'm on a very fixed income.
2015-03-27 13:28:04 UTC
Not all but most people hate Internet Explorer because it's really slow which may really irritate you.
2015-03-27 05:31:23 UTC
Internet Explorer Is not like as Browser.
2015-03-27 01:45:13 UTC
Internet Explorer Is not like as Browser.
2015-03-30 16:38:25 UTC
I'm using internet explorer right now to answer the question the date I answered it is 3/30/13 it will take a few minutes for you to get it
2015-03-26 13:33:56 UTC
Hi there! I need to agree that Internet Explorer has really lost its shine since Google Chrome came up a few years ago. I don’t believe that people hate the browser, but they simply expect it to be as good as its competitors, which it somewhat failed to do. This will eventually cause its own lost!
Sabyasachi Sarkar
2015-03-28 06:44:47 UTC
Because it is slow and mostly obsolete. Many new features of the web doesn't usually work well with internet explorer. For example some features of HTML 5 doesn't work well and then there are other things.
2015-03-25 20:22:05 UTC
The main problem with IE is it has a history of being very vulnerable to hacking,because of security issues, the result of poor development practices at Microsoft. It was one such problem several years ago that had most techies switching to Firefox and staying with it. Now, Chrome is gaining prominence. I do not think IE will ever be the standard among serious techies and internet explorers.
2015-03-30 06:13:45 UTC
Because it's just so slow. I once scrolled on my Facebook and a post made a joke about Internet Explorer being the slowest,and I agree to that.I tried browsing,but whenever I open the browser,it just loads forever,then closes.And that kind of annoys people,so yeah.
2015-03-31 00:47:19 UTC
Why do people hate internet explorer explain here..................

One of the explanations is as a result of throughout all the time once i.e. was basically the sole browser (after 1st browser war in 90s and before mid-2000s) Microsoft enforced normal during a approach they wished, in spite of however options were presupposed to work in line with aforementioned standards. Thus, i.e. typically does not follow, say, CSS specification, and net designers ought to implement special workarounds to form things work as meant.

Also it absolutely was very slow, unsecure and unstable. i do not grasp if i.e. became higher today (I haven't truly used it anyway).
2015-03-27 19:10:00 UTC
Because Internet Explorer was once on the dark side of the Force
2015-03-26 20:36:42 UTC
It's slow, and it crashes way too much. Whenever I use Internet explorer, it usually takes about 30 seconds to load before I can get my results. As upposed to when I use Firefox, it only takes at most five.
2015-03-30 12:38:44 UTC
Goodbye internet explorer
2015-03-27 14:11:02 UTC
Google Chrome I feel has a larger screen nowadays and top bars on internet explorer seem to take up a lot of space - i personally use chrome, and safari(on iPhone) but to be honest i find chrome faster and much easier to use, except one advantage to internet explorer is that you can save and find you favourites easily, I can't find them on chrome :(. IE i feel is a bit of a joke since it has had no mega updates etc.
2015-03-28 06:36:45 UTC
Internet Explorer is not a best browser
Smokies Hiker
2015-03-26 16:31:57 UTC
Probably because they're unfamiliar with its use or the stigma that IE had years ago is still on their minds. Right now, Internet Explorer is the number one browser with 47% of the people using IE, with Google coming in second with 25% of browser users.
2015-03-31 12:03:34 UTC
Internet Explorer - the name is good enough to hate! (old fashioned name"explorer")

Usage: Internet Explorer is a software used to download - Chrome or Mozilla or Opera etc..
2015-03-26 08:32:36 UTC
People usually hates internet explorer for their negative approach that can be a suffering item to the sufferers. Generally people wants freedom in every sphere of his life. But in this critical movement of life on line stability falls in to q long run. Access to Information is an independent right of people. So, everybody wants to keep safe of their online activity to be personal. And it can be used for business activity by the authorization agreement. Off course I personally agree with the common terms and conditions of Yahoo authority.But all of my personal information should be safe.
2015-03-27 14:53:29 UTC
Since IE didn t have automatic updating, and a HUGE part of the install base, there was (and still is, but its getting better) a significant amount of reeeaaaally old browsers installed.

The older versions of IE (=>7) have really poor support for the HTML/CSS standards, which makes being a web developer a pain in the a**. This is, however, getting better each day - but as Anonymous might ve said:

We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us (to write a bunch of websites that probably will break on your shitty browser).
2015-03-31 10:51:20 UTC
It was mostly hated back in the day when MS didn't release any updates for a LONG time (6 years) for IE6 and it became a cesspool of viruses/spyware and still didn't have many of the features that modern browsers did at the time. It seems like Microsoft will never be able to fully play that move off.
2015-03-29 03:08:03 UTC
I think it largely started as an anti-Big Brother Microsoft statement but the thing is, IE does load really slow, Since switching to FF and Chrome and I've never looked back. I only open IE for testing purposes. I've never been part of the "anti-Microsoft" crowd but as a browser, IE seems pretty indefensible. Heck, it even seemed that Opera on Wii performed better than IE on X Box 360.
Mazed Mazed
2015-03-27 08:03:43 UTC
Specially have some extra facility others browser so that internet explorer is hate but this is strong platform.
SSP Bowl Dude
2015-03-28 12:52:55 UTC
Security flaws

Only available for Windows, no cross--platform use


Lack of customizability

Bloated code

Doesn't handle new web technology well.

Updates and security fixes are fixed very infrequently as code does not allow the use of patching.

Mozilla approached Microsoft to use it's standard commercial license to develop IE9 as a new browser instead of an upgrade. Microsoft would have had to only develop the front end instead of the full code. Microsoft refused and instead of spending less than $100,000; they chose to spend several million.
2015-03-28 05:29:11 UTC
Internet explorer is very slow.
2015-03-26 17:22:38 UTC
I wasn't aware that most people hated Internet Explorer.

I certainly don't
2015-03-30 22:36:31 UTC
people hates internet explorer due to many reasons.

1.It is comparatively slower

2.It occupies a lot of spaces and data to be loaded.

3.It takes high space to load in.

4.It cannot be there is no option of installing alternative browsers
2015-03-28 07:08:26 UTC
think by yourself

you have internet with lower speed somewhere around 2 mbps.

know internet explorer provides you 1 mbps browsing speed,

while other browsers provide more mbps browsing speed.

will you choose slower browser or faster, if faster then you will not prefer IE.

its just an example, there is nothing like that, but browsing speed is the reason of your answer and also interface sometimes, many people just don't love IE's interface.
2015-03-28 06:15:34 UTC
because every one else hate Internet Explorer.
2015-03-30 04:12:12 UTC
internet explorer has very little add ons . Chrome and Firefox have grease monkey and tamper monkey which allow you to install scripts can change things on certain websites . Plus they so may add ons like downloaders translaters screen clippers they have add ons or extensions for just about anything you could think of that is why they are more popular than any other browsers. so internet explorer isnt really hated just outdated . no one really cares about it anymore its like my space chrome and firefox are like fb and twitter
2015-03-31 17:53:13 UTC
I like internet explorer,

internet explorer is just like choosing cheaper clothes over expensive
2015-03-27 01:39:32 UTC
It has been around see you later that there area unit a lot of viruses on that than the other browser. it's simply become obsolete and clumsy over the years with all the **** individuals have placed on it. after all once you area unit mistreatment previous windows programs you truly got to use net individual to update them. I hope that once windows ten comes out with its new browser we'll see a transfer from the previous and into the new.

When ever i'm going on net individual I feel yearning from after I was in preschool (I have continuously been a nerd!)
2015-03-27 22:41:27 UTC
My IE was discontinued several months ago and I can't upgrade on that old computer. Sometimes things have holes where hackers can get in so those in the tech field are always building a better mousetrap (so to speak). If you don't keep up then you get lost in the dust. They didn't hate IE they just improved the technology.
Md biplob
2015-03-27 02:09:13 UTC
It has been around farewell that there area unit additional viruses on that than the other browser. it's simply become superannuated and ungainly over the years with all the **** folks have placed on it. after all once you area unit victimisation previous windows programs you really got to use net person to update them. I hope that once windows ten comes out with its new browser we'll see a transfer from the previous and into the new.

When ever i am going on net person I feel longing from after I was in preschool (I have perpetually been a scholar
2015-03-30 22:04:07 UTC
The previous version of IE, say 8 and 9 have imperfections, which would have breached your security in them, but IE 11 and up it is great, I use IE 11 and FF Version 36, I have never liked Chrome, and I guess I never will although I do have it on my iPad, but I have Safari and Firefox as well, the only reason I have it on an iPad is it is easy to delete history.
2015-03-29 11:53:28 UTC
It's slow, sometimes I accidentally open it then it freezes and I have to use the Task Manager to close it. Then for about the first year I had my PC, the browser wouldn't connect to the internet then it would show an error message and close so I use Chrome now.
2015-03-27 06:16:35 UTC
Simple: it is behind the times. Together with each and every fresh bring up to date, IE fails to meet up with current web browsers in relation to support intended for CSS and current web criteria. As a result, site designers must discover perform around to have the internet sites shown just as throughout IE like different web browsers.
2015-03-28 14:42:26 UTC
Internet Explorer is not much user friendly. Even when it opens up without my concern, I close it soon.
2015-04-01 10:14:32 UTC
Internet Explorer poor features. I dont like it.
2015-03-31 10:34:45 UTC
Yeah , I used to hate it.But the internet explorer 11 is amazing
2015-03-25 18:07:27 UTC
It is very slow and less efficient. Almost nobody uses it and the most common are: Google Chrome (fast) Mozilla Firefox (customizable) and Internet Explorer... it buffers a lot.
2015-03-25 13:12:29 UTC
It still acts like a baby, Chrome doesn't ask questions and works smooth. IE will alert you to all types of alerts which for most users is a nuisance. It also buffers badly and loads pages awkwardly unlike Chrome.

It's also ugly, only software developers can use to validate their web code.
2015-03-27 00:00:41 UTC
Windows has never been good with its peripheral software. IE just isn't as safe as it could be. It's too intertwined with the operating system instead of being a separate independent application that we can remove or keep however we want. Firefox is simply better. Actually, Firefox is the best one because of all the plugins available. You can customize your Firefox with plugins to make it more secure.
2015-03-26 17:42:51 UTC
Internet Explorer,by itself is OK. However,it is finding it difficult to manage different browsers with different operating systems adequately.
2015-03-28 07:47:03 UTC

- it is so popular it makes itself a magnet for viruses and hackers

- it tries to automate actions for you in a way that aggregates stuff, settings, offline files etc that eventually some sites won't work until you reset all settings in IE and clean it up

- it's startup is slow (regular user including me won't know how to set it to prevent unnecessary initialisations to go through each time)

- it has some settings but still seems to not give you control of what is loaded on a site (like the stop button won't actually stop slowly loading page with lots of ads etc) - other browser's stop button actually works much faster.

- it is many times unresponsive until the whole site is loaded

- it has a long history of bad user experience thus earned bad name

- being made by microsoft it inherits its name too for those who don't like microsoft
2015-03-27 02:33:55 UTC
I love explorer
Zaid Ansari XTM
2015-03-27 07:39:34 UTC
If you hate internet explorer , try updating it to IE 11 ,its really good ,try it once!
2015-03-29 05:31:30 UTC
Because, Internet Explorer provides thin facilities of other accessories/plugins.
2015-03-31 03:09:45 UTC
Internet explorer is a very slow & not friendly uses.
2015-03-26 07:38:14 UTC
Reasons are..

No add-on support

Slows down with newer versions, such as IE7

May be less secure than other browsers

Becomes buggy easily

Targeted by hackers
2015-03-25 17:48:11 UTC
Internet explorer isn't as updated as Firefox and chrome and can't run as much code in html5 as the others also it doesn't run as many animations as the other two using the canvas element
2015-03-31 04:53:12 UTC
internet explorer low now because some people use this.
2015-03-30 20:06:48 UTC
Like all Microsoft products, it is slow and buggy. Microsoft also showed signs of being predatory towards alternatives (like Netscape) years ago (much like Apple behaves today). Many years ago Microsoft was more nimble than IBM, now Microsoft has grown bloated and structured as an organization. I have no use for closed software products.
2015-03-25 22:09:21 UTC
Reasons are..

No add-on support

Slows down with newer versions, such as IE7

May be less secure than other browsers

Becomes buggy easily

Targeted by hackers
2015-03-25 19:27:38 UTC
You need to learn the accurate history of the Microsoft Corporation, its operating systems, and its Web browser to begin to have an inkling of the animosity some people have for the company, its OSes, and its Web browser (not the history as Microsoft would paint it, but the actual, true history of the Microsoft Corporation).

It would take 100K characters to even begin to provide a sound, reasonable answer to this question.
2015-03-27 05:20:17 UTC
seriously Internet Explorer has a really bad reputation.or it has to improve its design and more important is the memory of user ... user history .. what user want and what he search mostly... that's why most of the people use Google chrome
2015-03-29 08:43:02 UTC
I dont hate IE.. I used to use IE... Until IE always have script and java error that cause the internet to force close or crash.. And Browsers like Opera,Chrome or firefox they automatically lets u go back to the websites u been before u close.. If you are in some website that is important and u didnt save it and IE crashed.... How about it.. And IE has no accessories and boost like Ad-Blocker and Turbo-Boost etc..
2015-03-30 13:37:02 UTC
Other browsers are generally more stable and secure like Mozilla's Firefox web browser! This browser is used with a community of developers who create add ons to the browser to help make it more secure, fun, easy to use etc... This makes it much more fun and safe of a web browser to use in many peoples opinion.
2015-03-30 05:27:02 UTC
I think only reason of hate is Explorer is back dated.
2015-03-31 12:56:58 UTC
It's where the bad memories come from. Reminiscing to the XP days, Internet Explorer was just bait for damn toolbars, stupid glittering cursors, fake anti-viruses, loud ads on the side, and that god forsaken "CONGRATULATIONS YOU'VE WON" sound. Ahh good times.
Md. Mahabubur
2015-03-28 00:38:57 UTC
to know more,search google about internet explorer.
2015-03-31 13:14:55 UTC
I never did I still use it and am said that Microsoft is stopping it in Windows 10.Its like Vista a lot of people didn't like it but I never had problems with it
Jeffrey M
2015-03-26 16:11:22 UTC
2015-03-29 13:06:26 UTC
I hate internet explore. because others browser i use.
2015-03-31 09:20:37 UTC
Except for Darth's, most answers above are correct. The reasons that people don't like IE are various, and most involve IE's and MS's propensity for taking over your computer and making you do things their way. Also, too many intrusive ads.
2015-03-28 11:21:39 UTC
people hate internet explorer because of low browser.When addresing the website I need to open then it also open some unwanted website.These disturb our current website to see distract our concentration.It also harmful to our pc because of it also gets some malware & spyware viruses which slow down our pc.It might risk for pc to crash.
2015-03-31 03:08:40 UTC
Because everyone likes Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
John D.
2015-03-28 17:31:46 UTC
I can literally clean the house in the time it takes for internet explorer to load and render a homepage. lol j/k
2015-03-28 22:15:38 UTC
It's slower and there are less addons (obviously because people prefer other browsers). In my opinion, it's an alright browser and the speed matches with firefox, although there's just something about it.
2015-03-26 03:12:49 UTC
most of the people hater internet explorer because:

it doesn;t have more function

2. less security

and no add support
2015-03-26 06:42:29 UTC
because internet explorer is now work slow
Johnny G.
2015-03-26 14:00:11 UTC
It has been plagued with many viruses and problems in its long history, especially in its later years when more reliable and stable browsers like Chrome and Firefox came onto the scene
Jennifer L
2015-03-29 06:07:18 UTC
It crashes all the time, and don't say it's my computer, Brand new computer, and at work we have 12 new computers...................IE freezes, lags and crashes. Yet, you have to have it for many programs, I try to use Google Chrome, most of the time. Even Mozilla Firefox has issues, and that ued to be a great program.
2015-03-30 10:45:06 UTC
Slow, lacks features that all the other browsers have. No bookmark syncing, always has security issues, ugly interface, doesn't have a mobile equivalent to sync with... want me to keep going?
2015-03-31 08:34:04 UTC
I think it is because you can do more with Firefox, and Chrome. Personally, I don't hate IE, but the other browsers on the market work better for my use.
2015-03-27 21:11:41 UTC
internet explorer is not like any browser.
2015-03-29 12:20:27 UTC
It's kind of outdated, which is reflected in its performance as well.

Better substitutes simply came to exist and now IE is becoming less and less popular
2015-04-01 01:57:28 UTC
i think the main issu on the browser internet explore for slow speed
2015-03-26 16:54:55 UTC
Because all the other web browsers are faster and are more compatible with today's internet.
2015-03-28 11:52:06 UTC
Not all people
2015-03-27 21:17:53 UTC
because it is slow, buggy, a nuisance, needs constant fixes and updates, doesn't manage add-ons or plugins decently, and is less than secure. That's why it should NOT be used unless you absolutely HAVE to.
2015-03-25 17:23:24 UTC
It's slow
2015-03-26 00:36:47 UTC
highly vulnerable to hacking and viruses.

it's outdated and soon to be obsolete.

luckily, Microsoft will come out will a new web browser called Spartan.

R.I.P to IE
2015-03-30 09:59:00 UTC
yes , this is bore , I want to show it through an example , Suppose you have to used windows operating computer since your boyhood, And you enjoyed it, But after 25 if you have no computer , and you has a android mobile phone you dont like it, cause before you used windows operating , I think you have to understand .
2015-03-30 02:30:42 UTC
The earlier version of IE made a bad reputation among users. But the updated version is quite good.
2015-03-27 22:28:28 UTC
I love chrome because you can browse a webpage on you android mobile device then the page will automatically sync to google chrome when you are on you pc
Shawn H
2015-03-31 11:28:00 UTC
It's processor intensive.
2015-03-25 18:20:36 UTC
It's like you want a Ferrari but can only afford a used Ford.
2015-03-30 18:38:51 UTC
It's really slow. I now use Google Chrome, which works well for me.
2015-03-25 10:26:26 UTC
It's functions have become redundant. More buffering. Less efficient .
2015-03-28 14:53:30 UTC
It's not that secure, nor is it very good as a browser. Firefox is much better, Chrome is better yet.
2015-03-30 06:25:39 UTC
It doesn't look good and also it doesn't support some new things in internet.
2015-03-27 11:52:38 UTC
because it cannot display several webpages (due to a script problem) making browsing sometimes an obnoxious experience. ofc that's just one reason but a major one
2015-03-30 01:19:35 UTC
Slow connection speed.
2015-03-29 11:38:56 UTC
I don't hate it. I just find it buggy and temperamental. I like Chrome better.
2015-04-06 23:01:02 UTC
I think this browser is not convenient to use. It has less options, slow and no extensions. Besides, this browser is only for Windows
2015-03-25 21:24:29 UTC
Because IE has too many holes that can be exploited by hackers. And is full of bugs
2015-03-28 12:23:19 UTC
It's just extremely slow and the technology is older.. I use google chrome now.
2015-04-03 14:03:26 UTC
It's UBER slow
2015-03-26 16:37:47 UTC
Slow AF
2015-03-31 06:19:21 UTC
Its a direct gateway for serious bugs that can cause your windows system to go down.
2015-03-30 02:24:08 UTC
Because of speed. Users addicted to work fast.
Hunain Hafeez
2015-03-29 07:53:35 UTC
Because of less features and low publicity
2015-03-27 11:59:03 UTC
Ie Is just not like seeing that Browser.
2015-03-29 19:31:06 UTC
It runs slower than other web browsers in my personal experience.
2015-03-27 08:19:43 UTC
Because it's working is very slow.
2015-03-29 23:08:24 UTC
It's really slow.
2015-03-28 02:41:33 UTC
because of its weird & complex layout,slow & un_smooth speed.IE often hangs .and it doesn't looks like a cool or friendly browser instead that of browsing n surfing sites..& So more...
2015-03-28 21:12:40 UTC
it comes with windows, but who use it, download chrome, its good, it will save passwords, and you can create a toolbar, just go to the sites that you like and click on the star to the far end in the address bar.
Michael B
2015-03-25 13:08:58 UTC
Poor security, poor speed, mistake prone
2015-03-25 17:13:15 UTC
I have no issues with IE 11, of FF, I use them both, with no issues. Configure your browsers correctly and you will have no issues
2015-03-29 08:07:15 UTC
It's very slow
2015-03-26 19:33:38 UTC
IE sux as bad as chrome and safari
2015-04-01 01:05:42 UTC
Slow speed.
2015-03-28 21:20:31 UTC
Its a critical browser to browse.
2015-03-26 00:09:25 UTC
People love be updated
2015-03-31 06:58:17 UTC
the slowest internet browser and randomly installs toolbar that slows it down even more
2015-03-28 08:29:34 UTC
It's slower... and firefox has a better icon
2015-03-28 13:08:56 UTC
Its not that it is horrible in my opinion, its just the worst: slowest, ugliest, least customizable, etc. Get firefox or chrome!
2015-03-30 12:26:24 UTC
Because it's always crashed.
Charlene B
2015-03-25 12:27:08 UTC
It is horrible brower, so bad that even Microsoft is about to discontinue using it.
2015-03-30 11:39:40 UTC
Just because its not so user friendly like chrome.
2015-03-27 00:36:28 UTC
It's soooo sloooooooow and doesn't work half the time
2015-03-27 06:46:58 UTC
It's quite literally the Hitler of browsing.
2015-03-29 21:27:01 UTC
Why do people hate school?
2015-03-30 01:39:21 UTC
It takes high Uploading time.
2015-03-27 08:01:26 UTC
Because once you used it, you've no clue how to print things..
2015-03-29 12:43:52 UTC
because they gave up on it a very long time ago. Forgot it existed
2015-04-01 13:45:04 UTC
its only useful for office work
2015-03-30 22:24:14 UTC
It create network problem
2015-03-25 07:54:35 UTC
It is inferior to other browsers in my opinion, yet it is still functioning and many times comes down to personal preference.
2015-03-25 18:29:10 UTC
Because justin beiber likes it
2015-04-01 01:21:24 UTC
It's just the name I am allergic to.
2015-04-01 22:55:58 UTC
Because it is not look easy as like chrome
2015-03-31 15:42:01 UTC
It's so slow and the interface is terrible.
2015-03-26 01:10:35 UTC
Old fashioned and slow
2015-03-31 01:58:56 UTC
It's just really slow..
2015-03-28 12:52:29 UTC
Becouse of them. It do not have a loving appearence.
2015-03-27 07:27:08 UTC
2015-03-25 19:39:42 UTC
I don't use it much, so it's become slow for me.
2015-03-25 11:01:43 UTC
Lack of functions
2015-03-30 22:34:54 UTC
I love mozilla
2015-03-30 18:40:19 UTC
It has a bad UI and is very slow.
2015-04-01 20:44:17 UTC
2015-03-25 12:07:06 UTC
Becauz its unsafe and lacks of functions and plugins
2015-04-01 18:40:16 UTC
Because it produces too many errors.
2015-03-25 16:24:54 UTC
because it gets a lot of viruses, the search results arent as vast and it keeps freezing
2015-03-25 20:48:01 UTC
Chrome seems to have more features.
2015-03-30 08:35:42 UTC
because it is slow and some times it does not respond.
2015-03-27 16:44:33 UTC
it's slow and i just wouldnt prefer to use it
2015-04-04 05:41:49 UTC
It is very slow browser than other browser.
Jimmy Sanchez
2015-03-26 19:39:44 UTC
i find it slower than Google chrome or safari
2015-03-30 22:28:45 UTC
Chrome is best
2015-03-30 09:42:05 UTC
2015-03-30 03:21:24 UTC
It is not as efficient as other web browsers are.
2015-04-01 17:33:44 UTC
because it's boring like your question
2015-03-30 05:44:29 UTC
because it is slow. I always use google chrome
2015-03-30 09:31:28 UTC
It constantly crashes.
2015-03-28 09:45:49 UTC
they hate it because it is a hate-able product
2015-03-28 14:16:54 UTC
The other browsers are easier and more advanced to use
2015-03-27 05:34:04 UTC
Because is slower than other browsers...
2015-03-31 00:53:28 UTC
I love it and use it all the time. because it is already pre installed, and it is the fastest for me
2015-03-29 21:04:52 UTC
should not hate as it renders service to many.
Foreva Young Do You Wanna Live Foeva Young
2015-03-30 12:23:05 UTC
Not fast enough
2015-03-28 15:35:10 UTC
I love it
2015-03-27 12:20:52 UTC
its a ford, that's why
2015-03-27 06:39:10 UTC
oh i can tell you

1) its slow

2) its slow

oh and 3) ITS SLOW!
2015-03-29 06:49:01 UTC
Its stereotype is that its too slow ;p
2015-03-26 11:51:27 UTC
i do not get it too... i love it, but i know it's is not good but i like it how it is...
2015-03-29 20:16:15 UTC
It is so f***ing slow, that's why.
2015-03-30 20:24:29 UTC
activeX + no anti-XSS + poor plugin support = nope.
Admiral Smith
2015-03-29 14:33:11 UTC
People cannot rename the executable (iexplore.exe)
2015-03-31 12:13:48 UTC
it is slow . thats why people hate it .
2015-03-29 09:22:12 UTC
it's very slow
2015-03-30 08:06:30 UTC
it's so slow
2015-03-29 19:14:41 UTC
for its operating system
2015-04-04 08:41:37 UTC
because it's hate-able (?)
2015-03-30 11:07:56 UTC
It is very slow.
2015-03-30 22:25:23 UTC
Other is best
2015-03-26 13:49:56 UTC
because it sucks!! chrome is much better
2015-03-29 00:05:57 UTC
its slow af
2015-03-31 18:22:17 UTC
bcause it sucks
Sam P
2015-03-28 10:01:27 UTC
2015-03-29 03:56:59 UTC
2015-03-28 06:12:56 UTC
it is very slow
2015-03-30 06:29:49 UTC
chrome is faster!
2015-03-30 22:11:22 UTC
Because it is slow . . .
2015-03-27 06:38:34 UTC
because is not popular.
iqbal s
2015-03-29 13:57:37 UTC
its slow
2015-03-31 06:01:12 UTC
keep frozen my computer
2015-04-02 23:45:19 UTC
Because it sucks ***.
2015-03-26 16:28:02 UTC
not everybody does
2015-03-28 19:43:11 UTC
it suks
2015-03-27 13:00:31 UTC
chrome is the best
2015-03-29 20:39:01 UTC
i dont know.
2015-03-27 05:42:34 UTC
2015-03-28 22:15:18 UTC
2015-03-30 16:47:00 UTC
Safari is wat better

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.