Hi Mezarkabul,
Microsoft IE intends to add ‘private browsing’ to its version 8 of Internet Explorer by allowing the user to prevent the caching of personal information. The comment about Mozilla.org not having nor even thinking about adding such feature to Firefox is disingenuous and shows that the author must not have used Firefox very much. Mozilla Firefox ( at least from 2.0 on - possibly older versions too ) has a setting option to prevent any site ( any is in all being denied or only selected sites ) from being ALLOWED to set cookies. It’s under “Tools”, “Options”, “Privacy”, Cookies - “Exceptions”. You also have control over other aspects of content. If you install the FREE “NoScript” plugin extension, you will have that much more control over which sites are allowed to execute scripts ( and also Flash Objects ).
Firefox was built with the security of the user’s(s’) data security in mind. Not perfect, but better than anything Microsoft has come up with! Mozilla Firefox gives the user much more control over content and access to the user’s computer from and by the internet than Microsoft Internet Explorer would ever think of. Plus, the folks at Mozilla respond to security-related concerns and “bugs” very quickly; much faster than Microsoft has done. Mozilla also responds more quickly to the user’s(s’) requests than Microsoft has.
The only bash I have on Firefox is that the windows version ignores your system security settings if you are managing an network of public accessible computers. There again, maybe a savvy programmer can write a plugin extension to deal with that issue.