What would you like to be able to do online that doesn’t exist yet?
Yahoo! Contributor Network
2008-07-29 06:31:13 UTC
Technological advancements have transformed our lives quite dramatically.

The internet has been no exception: new web sites that let you broadcast yourself, social networking sites, maps, music... nearly everything is available online.

Well, maybe not. Still in its infancy, the internet is developing at a great pace and it seems that only sky is the limit.

What is the one thing you'd like to do online that doesn't exist yet?
229 answers:
[Captain Holly]
2008-08-04 09:06:38 UTC
It's fine the way it is.
2008-07-30 11:54:42 UTC
I agree with some of the other posters on here, but one that I feel strongly about is cinema releases. Instead of having to leave the comfort of my own home, and having to pay fuel, cinema entry ( which is very exspensive these days ), I would like to see any movie as soon as it's released put straight on a web site either avaible to download or stream. This is already available on the internet, but the sites that host these movies are bootlegs and are not very good quality.

But I cant see this happening because it would surely put many cinema complexes out of buisness, and thats what puts all the revenue in all the major studios in hollywoods pocket. People simply would not be prepared to pay cinema prices for downloads or live streaming off a website. So I cant see it ever happening on a major scale.
2008-07-30 11:34:42 UTC
Have control. Basically the Internet is a vast source of information more than the average person will ever be aware of. Almost everything can be done on line, I remember a few years back when a reporter tried to live for a whole year off the Internet and it was viewed as groundbreaking. Now thats normal life. I can virtually sit at home for whole days and have everything done from work, to shopping, ordering a pizza, taking care of my finances, everything.

The only thing it does not offer is control of who knows what and why about me. The simplest registration of my email exposes me in countless ways I may not even be aware about. If there is one thing I would want, its a greater ability to be able to control what is available about me.
2008-07-30 22:43:46 UTC
I'd like to able to earn online, i agree there are a lot of websites today that claim to offer to help u earn from the internet, but all that is Scam.

I am a housewife, I don't want to work online even though i dont have kids yet. But there are other women as well who want to stay @ home and take care of their kids. So, i hope we can earn from home as well as give our kids the best upbrining.

InshaAllah, I hope it will come true one day.


Cottage: My husband was checking out this software called "Microsft Money" where u can make a live account and pay through the Pc by clicking. i'm not so sure how it works but u can download the trial version of this software and check it out.

I dont know if u have this service but HSBC in HK allow u make some transcations through the internet.
2008-07-30 11:38:24 UTC
Reading the answers..., I must say most of those are already possible online, for example, ordering food, pizza, filing for divorce, cyber doctor etc. and some mentioned some silly things like touching or smelling. Don't forget you are still dealing with a machine. Computer would be able to smell for you only when it can cry for you. My answer is not what I would like to do online, it's what I don't like to be done online. I still think it is very easy to stop porn sites to be accessed that easily just by clicking to confirm you are 18.. and stop the spam emails and many others.
2008-07-30 11:38:42 UTC
I'd like for all the world's information and history published online, (besides back detail and personal files) everything onto one website. Basically like a bigger better Wikipedia. I'm talking about previously classified documents and what-not.

Anyway, since the above will never happen, I hope for a all round free access internet where everyone can join and experience it's wonder the world over for no fee.
2008-08-01 17:41:28 UTC
Every Music Downloads Were All Free :-) And If You Tried To Charge The Public Your Website Would Automatically Get Deleted =D
2008-07-30 12:03:51 UTC
Get Free Website Disigne Banners To Put On My Website Also Publish Books Free On Line And Get A Free Website With No Catches To Buy .
Granville S
2008-07-30 12:03:29 UTC
I would like to see, a software which a architect can use on to the internet, which will enable him to communicate more drastically, with the clients, and the contracters, and a system that will rather deal with drawings, that can be ammended right in front of the engineers, and contractors. so as it shall reduce the present time of design development, and architectural design.

Also with that a software should be developed collaterally with the above needs, to get the tender, quantification done automatically, and easying the task for the contractors.

Also along with that a software that will help to limit the architect in designing with the limitations on the amount of use of nonrenewable energy and making it more safe and sustainable.
2008-07-30 11:54:14 UTC
how about , a tag for a blind browser ,

this accesses a ftp : wich has a prerecorded amount of content in audio ,

could be information , music , times , dates

mixed content , but the beuty would be in the speaking browser for the blind

maybe its a dumb ideal but maybe it could be done

was on a website saying the short sighted people are struggling with not being able to read every font or operate the g.u.i skin on the browser maybe , activ x plugins and a new browser skin could display pages buttons everything more clearly ,

we once thought that watching radio was simply just playing music , now we have music the artist name , name of the album , track information

i think if we can ajust our ideas slightly maybe

a blind type of browser might be possible

who knows but its an interesting thought

could you surf the net just using audio

if so how would you actually be able to do it

maybe such tecnology is already there but i never herd of it

ok maybe i am daft , who knows
2008-07-30 11:24:44 UTC
Oh where do I START? OK I agree with the person who said try clothes on. ALSO I would like to be able to taste samples of food or even get food - from a different country. I mean I hear on USA TV all these references to your junk food & not living in the USA I'm always what the hell is THAT? (food just mentioned) yes I can wiki it but I can't TASTE it (e.g. moon pie, s'mores) Also wish I could do my teaching job online, just video conference! And finally it'd be great if you could talk to the computer & it would type for you & yes better translation between languages! Great question!
2008-08-03 12:23:30 UTC
We haven't begun to use the existing internet services to their full potential. However, as rapid prototyping technology becomes more advanced and accessible (3D printing and cutting tools) I can imagine when we won't be buying products on-line, but designs that we will be able to customise and fabricate.

Instead of having products delivered, we will have raw materials delivered to be woven, pressed, carved, moulded or printed into whatever design we were able to find and download.

These designs will of course be subject to copy write law and there will presumably be a bit of piracy but that's what we have to look forward to.

In fact, imagine if you didn't launder your clothes, you put them into a device each night, that disintegrated them and processed them to be ready for weaving into a new pattern the next day, maybe one you have on file, or the new design on the market, or one you cooked up yourself.

I'd also like to see society cast off the economy. Without the need to work for money the only crimes would be that of passion and morality. However I think it will be the robots that set us free, not the internet.
2008-07-30 11:52:52 UTC
well the future of the internet will be changed forever, with the introduction of THE GRID, which will not require any broadband or dial up, when it arrives, everything will change anyway, in the last five years alone we've managed to create artificial DNA based computer strands, which can store more data in one strand than multiple hardrives linked together,.

space travel is within our reach, and the development of cybernetics has increased dramaticly, the future is here.

and the answer to your question, what i would like to do online is have a holographic touch screen, so its easy to navigate without the need of a mouse. a bit like minority report.
chris h
2008-07-30 11:31:55 UTC
Apart from the housework I would like wifi to be so advanced that getting internet would not be a problem anywhere in the world. This way we could have a computer (the size of an ipod) to completely keep me organised based on my personal preferences.
andrew b
2008-07-30 11:32:31 UTC
when buying an item such as, lets say a bicycle I would be able to see a complete 360 degree plan of the item and pan the item around as i wished,also have a 3D image with 3Dimensional glasses so that the image looks even more realistic.

When shopping for clothes I would like a virtual me with all my details such as inside leg size, height, weight age etc and place the items of clothing onto the virtual me to see how they may look.
2008-07-30 11:48:38 UTC
going back in time to when the Internet was a open free source as berners-lee wanted it to be. Without the governments censoring, monitoring and making the decisions what we are doing/can do online. Just keep the speed now and faster ha.14kbs used to take forever Way back when!
2008-07-31 04:47:19 UTC
Is this a marketing ploy by Yahoo perhaps?

There are lots of things I'd like to do over the net but this is a family show!

Seriously, I'd like to see a serious attempt at building a practical and affordable 3D headset. I would like to visit people's homes in other parts of the world and walk around in them like I was actually there. I'd also like to experience virtual flying or play some decent 3D games in virtual worlds over the net.
Ronaldo y Beckham
2008-07-30 21:36:15 UTC
1. make doctor appoinment for my mom.

2. vote.

3. take driver exam (writing part).

4. connect my computer with intel and let them take control over my computer n fix it when problems show up.

5. be able to translate any websites into various languages precisely.

6. meet with my school councelor through the internet, or at least make appointment through internet service.

perhaps some of the above has already been done but they are what i could thought of.
max d
2008-07-30 11:53:53 UTC
In answer to a couple of suggestions you can order takeaway online and send text messages to phones already.

I would like to see a site where you can check out your neighbours to see if there are any dodgy characters living in your street as I have 3 kids and you just dont know
2008-07-30 11:46:16 UTC
A giant index of every website on the internet. Website should go under a category so that you can just click a category and then click sub-categorys to find exactly what you need. An easier alternative to Google. (Unless it's made by google lol)
2008-07-30 11:33:20 UTC
Send messages to people who are not on the internet. For example, instead of sending letters by post, I would like to send an email in a folder that is then delivered by the post office to the person concerned. The stamp price would be charged as we submitted the email to the post office (possibly via a paypal account).

Magazines such as woman's own, woman etc - sent via email -(cheaper cost obviously due to not having to print).
2008-07-30 10:37:45 UTC
A good, easy to use universal translator that broke down all language barriers would be handy.

Apart from anything else I'd like to go onto, say, the Chinese Yahoo Q&A, and ask and answer questions that do not lose anything in the translation.
Blah blah blah
2008-07-30 05:29:58 UTC
In an ideal world I'd love to be able to know that the internet was 100% safe and that absolutely noone could hack into email and bank accounts etc. Hmm, a very tough call I know!!
2008-07-30 11:34:04 UTC
I'd like the internet to become fast enough to download videos instantly and to do away with buffering and streaming. That we could could watch live TV all the time. Also if we could choose from any TV channel anywhere in the word.
2008-08-01 11:33:38 UTC
free security you can trust, or every one has the same and it doesn't let any viruses though,


yahoo as a ISP and was cheaper than everybody else like £2 a month or a one off payment of like £50, everybody in the uk would join so yahoo would make loads of money.


free music downloads for all, it could be called ytunes, lol
2008-07-30 11:37:57 UTC
A little checkbox in search engines saying "inhibit online sellers" so that when I search for information I don't have to wade through a million sites trying to sell me something in before I get to the useful page.
2008-07-29 23:17:51 UTC
A Yahoo anti Virus/spyware/malware thats good Free

Text message any Phone in the world Free

Call anybody in the world with your computer microphone Free

A Yahoo version of myspace/facebook Free

A Yahoo tv channel that shows popular tv shows thats on 24/7 Free

In yahoo Games the is a pool game but no snooker game they should make one of them

A website with out adverts

A yahoo shop
2008-07-30 05:01:55 UTC
Travelling through time.They could have a list of years starting from the present to the earliest time possible(the Big Bang perhaps)and you could click on which one you wanted to travel into and then choose the month,week and day and even time.

Maybe you could also travel forwards in time too.
2008-08-03 08:07:56 UTC
search for other photos/images in a series or matching ones, by uploading a photo/image to the search engine, it then scans said photo/image and brings back matches from parts/ all of it.

so, say if i've got a photograph of a house on a road somewhere, but i do not know the location, an advanced search engine that can find photos from that location or near or similiar characteristics of that photo, like bringing up all houses that have a red fence in front of them etc.
2008-07-30 15:20:24 UTC
Subtitles for Youtube and other online video sites. What's the point of having news videos when people like me can't understand what's being said?
2014-10-28 20:03:22 UTC
so, say if i've got a photograph of a house on a road somewhere, but i do not know the location, an advanced search engine that can find photos from that location or near or similiar characteristics of that photo, like bringing up all houses that have a red fence in front of them etc.
2008-08-03 14:17:19 UTC
I would like an online spam remover that works for web-based e-mail. At the moment I have a junk mail folder but I still get junk mail delivered to my inbox folder which is annoying.
2008-08-01 04:01:57 UTC
Shut down Yahoo! And see its market share listing at very bottom of the list. Google coming up with super new applications for free. And CEO and directors of Yahoo working for Google
Haha that's funny!
2008-07-30 11:43:43 UTC
I would like to surf the web without being able to catch viruses or internet predators or fraudulent deals online.
2008-07-30 11:40:47 UTC
Having just read through a few of the answers there are loads of them already available to do online - get surfing people!
2008-07-30 11:37:23 UTC
I would like to be able to achieve fame and fortune by selling my work.

When i send an article the address to which i send it to returns. If the Internet is so efficient why do certain addresses not accept the attachment.
Matthew H
2008-07-29 13:50:10 UTC
I'd like to be able to control my house from my computer, if say I was on holiday and I forgot to lock my bedroom window, I could get on my laptop and check on it remotely then if need be, lock it.

or if I rushed off to work in the morning and im not sure whether I switched the cooker off, I could get on my computer at wortk and do it from there, or If I'm on a night out and I want a nice hot bath when I get home I could send a message to the house telling it to run a bath for me, I'd also be able to specify the temprature and depth.....

2008-08-04 15:31:18 UTC
Have a virtual identity that could be recognized by all websites so that you wouldn't have to sign up for every new website you want to buy from, chat on etc...

Also if the identity had payment and shipping details attached to it so you could order anything with one click
James W
2008-07-30 11:34:40 UTC
I would like to seea "search Engine" that really works correctly, and not just by traffic or listing.

If I do a search for say - " House prices in London", I do NOT want to see in the list of results such as "London eye", "price of coffee", "house prices in the Arctic".

I want what i asked for, nothing more, nothing less.
2008-07-29 18:39:15 UTC
Have a forum such as this one where you are allowed to say exactly what's on your mind without fear of being in violation of some code. A truly open soapbox,where freedom of speech is indeed free of recriminations. Saying that black youths are too involved in knife and gang culture is not rascist-it's fact but many will disagree and report such a statement-then bang-violation notice.
Andrew P
2008-07-30 12:31:59 UTC
have internet in my front room connected to my TV , i would turn TV on, and watch tv on demand without adverts, i would pick my favorite programs to watch when i want, TV license should be taken away and pay as you go. would have a VOIP connection with out noise on the line, on my tv and a internet browser. the TV would actually ring when some one called. take driving test online cause car will drive it self
2008-07-30 12:16:37 UTC
Be able to ring someone in yahoo or other company online using messenger. An speak to them face to face (webcam) to solve an issue or just to ask a simple question.
2008-07-30 11:39:39 UTC
I'd like to be able to plug my brain in and download knowledge. Books, maps, songs etc...

Just a little cable that I connect up to and increase my Brian Size...

Its like Brain Training 2010...
david h
2008-07-30 11:37:46 UTC
I would like to see online courses that are free which have exams and tests instead of going to college, there are a few but not enough.

Also free tutorials on line not enough of them.

dating agencies that dont charge you for e mailing or chatting to people
2008-07-30 11:33:46 UTC
you can already order pizza online..

I would like more personal security for the computer like finger print recognition, eye scans etc for online banking and things.

I like the idea that you could have a virtual character exactly like you that could do online shopping, try on clothes, hair styles etc.

*For Mature Use*

Also they should have vibraters that hook up to the computer so when your watching porn they could react :P
andrew m
2008-08-02 13:43:35 UTC
I'd like to create music so I could ask "Hey, what's this tune called?" if I'd heard the tune, but had no idea about its identity. E.g. if I heard a tune on telly or radio, but had no clue about it, I could play it over the internet and folk could tell me what it was from.

Or I could use it to write my own music and get folks' opinion on it.
2008-07-30 11:41:56 UTC
The capacity to share the love of Christ in early morning and late night devotionals with others world-wide using my PC
Samba N' Blue
2008-07-30 11:51:04 UTC
I'd love to be able to recieve goods bought online direct to my home through molecular restructuring and a 22nd Century micro wave type machine.
2008-07-30 11:23:17 UTC
Buy a house from start to finish without having to go through estate agents, solicitors, etc. Would save loads of time, money and hassle.
Gareth G
2008-07-30 11:19:43 UTC
I would like to be able to walk threw the internet virtually picking what i like being, stimulated threw electronic devices on fingertips as i select different pages
Stephen L
2008-07-30 00:57:26 UTC
Transfer money on the same day, so that the banks don't earn interest on it whilst it's in "limbo". Also the admission that computers don't do weekends or Bank Holidays.

Despite computerisation, the underlying system is still the same as in an 18th Century coffee shop!
2008-08-02 00:39:59 UTC
Have one page in which you can get all websites you like with a touch of a button, find the whether, ANY e-mail account, see the news, and loads more!
2008-08-01 10:06:39 UTC
Well,it would be really fantastic if you could virtually send things through the internet,like there could be a portal,and things could somehow be compressed and sent through the void of the internet.Impossible,yes.But it would be pretty darn cool.
2008-07-31 14:13:21 UTC
speaking user interface, so you say something out loud, and ure pc does it, like typing in a web page address if you said something like '' that would be pretty cool, i now theres software that does the opposite, so the pc talks to you and tells you what your doing, i think its mainly for disabled people or people with impared sight, but if it worked the other way round then that would be realy good :)
2008-08-04 07:04:01 UTC
Wonka Vision


No virus or spam worries
emma b
2008-08-04 09:35:46 UTC
I'd love to beable to call up my boyfriend on Skype when hes working in Ira and reach through and hug and kiss him, let him give my little boy a hug good night. Impossible...but would be amazing
2008-08-02 15:43:42 UTC
I would like to see an artificial intelligent program which should looks like a normal person on screen and talk/answer my questions correctly. Basically, lot of people want to have someone to talk to and expect the other person to listen to them.
All Sound No picture
2008-08-02 11:30:49 UTC
Better security.

I know some lap tops have fingerprint recognition, but what about somehing similar to log on email, ebay, make credit card payments etc?
Baz .Abroad
2008-08-01 13:17:48 UTC
Teleportation over the net,

like the contact service in the film Logan's run.
2008-07-29 15:03:51 UTC
A monthly computer bill using your computer through the internet and paying for the amount of resources used.

David Westbrook April 2008.
LouLouu - XxX
2008-08-04 02:57:17 UTC
I would love to be able to donate money on-line to charities, especially animal charities. I'm not sure if you can already do this, but it would be great..donating money to help animals in just a matter of seconds. Imagine the difference it would make to the world...
Desmond R
2008-07-30 11:37:51 UTC
Creating an online business where products I sell can be delievered within 10 hrs anywhere in UK.
2008-07-30 11:26:15 UTC
Lets start with the basics. Broadband access all over the country!
2008-07-30 14:14:45 UTC
When on sites like this, the ability to speak instead of type would be useful.
Colin D
2008-07-30 11:20:59 UTC
I would like to have the experience of visiting a country, without actually going there. It wouldn't be the same, but it would cut down my carbon footprint!
Mr Economist
2008-07-30 09:53:48 UTC
What would be really good (and this seems a bit off the wall, but anyway...), connect your car to the internet somehow, tell it where you want to go, and the car drives you to your destination.
2008-07-29 10:46:25 UTC
Have my house like bill gates (like everything is controlled by computers) and keep an eye on it if i was in another country using the internet.
<3 Oreos
2008-08-04 04:26:34 UTC
i'd like to be able to order food and it just popping out beside you..

i'd also love to have a personal shopper that shows 3d images of you in different outfits/make styles

this would be helpful to be able to teleport over to a friends house during msn.
2008-08-04 05:25:02 UTC
be able to touch things, smell things, and use a 'liquid' screen, the other person you are talking to, has a webcam, you put the webcam on full screen, climb through the 'liquid' screen and you pop out where the place is on the screen. you can go where ever you want to go, even for holidays! sweet. just reach through the screen and touch them. *sigh* if only that were possible. :(
2008-07-30 11:28:04 UTC
I'd like to be able to download menus from restaurants and important information about my house, like a buglar alarm system that emails me if my house is broken into.
2008-07-30 02:26:47 UTC
Get a top-up by typing in mobile number so it takes how ever much you want to put on and gives u the top-up automatically x
2008-07-31 16:41:17 UTC
i already order takeaways online & also can send text messages

It would be good to have one of those chip trackers ,For my children ( when there late home) & be able to log on to my pc & have a map on it & see what street my kids are on ect so if i was ever worried about them or they were late i could trace them imediatly .
Alal A
2008-07-30 11:43:07 UTC
let the whole world see what atrocities, lies, war crimes, genocide, america cause when they claim they are fighting terror...its such a shame...try watching Loose Change 2nd edition and maybe third edition out now...its a place to start and then the ignoramuses might be able to open their eyes...
2008-08-04 11:40:10 UTC
Physically make love on line. Imagine no worries about catching a cold.
2008-08-04 08:34:15 UTC
Holograms and Troll Stunners!
2008-07-30 11:56:25 UTC
To Surya (the answerer): You are getting what you wished for! email me on & I will be for you to satisfy you.

See! the internet is great!

Please attached some of your lovely photos, So I can get excited & ready for you.

Mr Yo
2008-07-30 11:31:19 UTC
2008-07-30 05:26:52 UTC
Communicate one to one with a Yahoo official instead of them hiding behind a corporate logo.
2008-08-02 23:06:19 UTC
download FREE music online, like every track possible not just ameteur artists also its not really on the web more about it but... get a connection ANYWHERE kind of like a mobile connection but better that would be revoulutonary
2008-08-03 10:33:47 UTC
Quote: Fish - "feed the world"

You can already feed the world with various charities and some of them are free such as the hunger site (donations paid for by ad banners).
2008-07-30 11:52:53 UTC
Upload and Download myself - go anywhere without restriction at the speed of light.
2008-07-30 11:43:29 UTC
I would like to be able to surf the internet safely, knowing it only carried family friendly articles, information suitable for children & adults alike.

I would like this to include blocking/banning of all obcene or pornographic websites, international agreements to stop these sites.
Alan S
2008-07-30 11:41:55 UTC
free to air satelite television via web browser over 500 channels
2008-07-30 11:24:28 UTC
Do a blood test and send the result a clinic
2008-07-30 11:20:12 UTC
Being able to vote on individual issues of the day-so we are no longer dictated to by undemocratic politicians.
2008-07-30 11:56:05 UTC
Be able to uniquely and securely identify myself when ever I'm purchasing something or signing in to any site using one simple means like a finger print reader. LETS HAVE AND APPLY ONE SECURITY STANDARD...that works!
2008-07-29 11:21:08 UTC
Buy stuff without a credit card. Just put some funky machine on the base that you put the money in which then get's transfered to whatever the heck the company you bought stuff from =P
2008-07-31 13:37:28 UTC
Online purchase with INSTANT delivery via a console.
2008-07-30 12:12:41 UTC
I would like to see more sites like so that everyone can work from their home and earn. I will also like to see add the possibility of seeing people right from space.
chris buk
2008-07-30 11:40:54 UTC
I would like to go inside a real las vegas hotel and gamble on their slot machines.
2008-07-29 11:17:35 UTC
Teleport a virtual sexy cam girl (or boy!) to dance on my desktop.......(there is a word for this that I can`t think of at the moment - is it hologram?)

Imagine chatting to a camgirl, and then being able to download a virtual small image of her to dance and perform on your desk (I honestly think this will happen very soon).

Well, you could `download` anyone - even your boyfriend who is serving in Iraq. Or your sister from Australia. A fortune awaits the person who can invent this.
Aimee M
2008-07-30 12:44:35 UTC
I would like to be able to call my friends on the internet.
2008-07-30 11:49:18 UTC
Be happy, get married again after 3 years by myself, what a selfish thing to say, really you know that everything you know will help someone. and of course, be married again to be with someone special.
Barry B
2008-07-30 11:39:42 UTC
Anything Fast or big! I can't have Broadband anyway, wire, fibre or 3G!, so no downloads, no software updates, no e-mails with photo attachments, no Youtube etc.
Cool kid
2008-07-30 11:38:29 UTC
A virtual shopping world.
2008-07-30 11:34:57 UTC
Have Total Security and safety
2008-07-30 11:32:54 UTC
Someone mentioned getting a divorce. Im just waiting for my decree absolute after getting my divorce online.....
2008-07-29 13:12:28 UTC
im sure you can already vote online now cant you?.....

to be fair theres not alot you cant do online anymore you can even live another life online make phone calls do everything..... Maybe if you could have some kinda of scent/heat so when you access certain places you can hear smell and feel them.. i dont know
2008-08-03 09:06:24 UTC
3d vision, smell-o-vision, Feel-o-vision, transport items across the internet (E.G i buy a......slice of cheese, i then wait however long it takes for the website to dispatch one, i then open up a compartment in my computer and voila! a slice of cheese is in there, however once they can do this then they'll probably make transporters for living things like in Star Trek)
Sarah XxX
2008-08-03 10:24:24 UTC
touch my boyfriend when we talk on Msn messenger, as we are in long distance rship i see him only once a week. so to touch him 3 times evryday would be soooo nice 4 me x
Derek Flint
2008-07-30 11:42:49 UTC
Touch screen internet use computers.
2008-07-30 11:33:07 UTC
It would be good to be able to sell what was on the screen that way you can get high when at home.
2008-07-29 11:42:54 UTC
Gain a proper university degree, not a dumb meaningless online degree.

Online interactive lectures would be cool.
2008-07-29 10:23:39 UTC
This is a hard one so where do i start i'm not suref there is anything as i can think of but for what i read there loads of stuff thee is you cannnot do voting you can all ready
2008-07-30 12:16:32 UTC
i want to be able to DO MAGIC. Like control things. I am not joking!! Please make this possible, even if it is not real magic!!!

or stop conputers from storing the history or converstions or site u went on.

I would also like to stop buy thing(not like stuffs on ebay).(not important)

But i would like to communicate with God!
Robert B
2008-07-30 11:37:02 UTC
To be able to go online knowing that it's totally secure.
Rob D
2008-07-30 11:35:56 UTC
where you can use the internet with no buttons or no mouse !!! make a lot of things 3D or a virtual world as if you were walkin around in it !
paul h
2008-07-30 10:49:49 UTC
delete all polticians that have forget they our servants to the benefit and well being of the country and its people and not in a job for just a salary and ridiculous expenses
2008-08-02 11:37:02 UTC
Be able to properly touch (eg: hug/kiss/ect)

someone who lives hundreds/thousands of miles away by computer screen.

2008-07-30 11:37:32 UTC
TELL MR BROWN that our money is going up below inflation, WHY is gas and electric going up SKY HIGH above inflation.
2008-07-30 11:33:38 UTC
If I send an e-mail but change my mind and want to take it back, I would like to be able to delete it before they read it.
2008-07-30 11:45:28 UTC
i would like to stop all the wars an fighting feed the hungrey an sort out this broken world.
Ali White
2008-07-30 11:43:26 UTC
Have the choice of a free ultra fast download!

I'm a bit sick and tired of waiting for my download while it goes at 0.1KB/s!
Mike M
2008-07-30 11:20:05 UTC
Sorry but i cant think of anything that is not available at the moment,it has changed my life so much and its amazing.
2008-08-04 07:56:58 UTC
find people randomly on the internet, like a personale thingy.

without having to sign up before ou can be found
2008-07-31 14:03:53 UTC
Buy fake passports to sell on for millions
2008-07-30 04:01:03 UTC
110% security for all FREE, FRRE net for all

to be able to have 3d screen and hoographic projections on things images , people online.

regards x kitti x
2008-07-30 01:46:37 UTC
someone to do my cleaning, not necessarily to hire someone online who then comes round, but to click on a button and pay and then walk into the kitchen and find the oven is clean, the washing up is done, the floor is mopped,, that sort of thing, that would be great
Helper of the day
2008-08-03 10:22:13 UTC
Go to school online that would be sooo cool
truluv exists!
2008-07-30 15:09:23 UTC
i wouldn't mind getting a fair and just decision when i have appealed a contravention on yahoo answers but alas i think that day will never come!
2008-07-30 17:13:26 UTC
cash point. i would love to get some money out of my account from my laptop and pay in cheques without having to go to the bank.

payday from my laptop
2008-07-30 11:33:09 UTC
I would like to be able to have the sense of touch on my monitor
2008-07-30 02:47:16 UTC
Smell things. Like if you see a picture of some pie or something actually be able to smell them. But that won't be good in all cases. LOL
2008-08-03 01:13:27 UTC
be able to buy products online and for the products that you buy to come out of the screen so you don't have to wait for delivery
2008-08-02 07:49:54 UTC
you cant order your own bank notes to your door or get an assistant to bring you a cuppa a virtual servant would be nice. like robot one lol
2008-07-31 09:13:49 UTC
If I knew that I'd already be trying to do it, not telling all and sundry about my possible investment worthy venture.
2008-07-31 06:36:09 UTC
Get cash out - it seems to be the only thing I really have to leave my house for!!!
2008-08-02 08:00:57 UTC
Be able to send physical things to other people.

Is that too "sci-fi" of an answer?
2008-07-30 10:57:02 UTC
When I chat I wish to be able to hear the person's voice.
2008-07-30 11:33:47 UTC
i would like there to be sites where you can watch films online for free.
2008-07-30 03:11:34 UTC
to be able to connect your mind to your computer and be able to download all your thoughts and dreams, it would need a lot of memory capacity, then like photos and vidoes we make, can look back over the years and see how things have changed.

I think that would be a cool thing to happen
2008-07-29 09:21:27 UTC
Play advanced technology games online, like RPGs and MMORPGs.

Runescape is the starting of the most popular online web based MMORPG. But I want better graphics and more interaction.
2008-08-03 09:43:26 UTC
Get cash delivered to your door - from your own account of course!
2008-08-04 09:11:05 UTC
Find a picture of someone I hate, punch the screen, and make them feel the pain.
**Fairy Princess**
2008-07-31 12:45:04 UTC
order cash to be sent to you from your bank... like u go on internet banking, type in how much u want and it gets sent to you next day delivery!
2008-07-30 11:26:52 UTC
a place where you can get your vids without them being removed for the littlest of things like being bloody
2008-08-03 06:28:49 UTC
Hum something into google, and it will tell you what song it is, i always want to know what songs are that pop into my head, but alas, i can never know :(
2008-07-30 14:51:00 UTC
Be able to identify every individual in the UK who is here Illegally.
2008-07-30 11:50:09 UTC
I would like to work from home!
Arlene D
2008-07-30 11:24:23 UTC
look into the future or see what coming from around the corner
2008-07-30 11:22:27 UTC
Connect with other peoples minds, literally sense what they are feeling.
2008-07-30 08:40:33 UTC
IM helplines to replace call centres
2008-07-29 10:53:19 UTC
Ooh, I love the virtual reality ideas!
2008-07-30 11:32:44 UTC
Stop Spam!
2008-07-30 00:23:53 UTC
Jamers Moor! How could you! Runescape has just had the "big upgrade" in graphics! We can also interact with anyone who plays runescape around the world so stop complaining!
2008-07-29 11:14:17 UTC
I would like to grab things out of the computer screen.

Like Google a Cake image and then just grab it out of the screen

Doctor Superman ツ
2008-07-31 17:23:48 UTC
Life my ENTIRE life.


all 5 senses,



alan m
2008-07-30 12:41:28 UTC
go online without spyware or adware getting dumped on my pc
2008-07-29 10:56:11 UTC
I would like a service online which has the power to permantly remove any trace of your name, photos, personal identity, etc.
smiley me :D
2008-08-07 21:03:54 UTC
it would be so cool if there was like an interaction thing where u like interacted with other charicters and it was like 3d so if u were playing tennis then u would see a ball coming at u and u would swind at it! that would ROCK that would be a BEST SELLER!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-08-03 06:34:44 UTC
i would like go through the screen and touch someone up .lol and before i get in trouble i would go through the screen and come home
sock it to me
2008-07-30 01:37:08 UTC
touch someone through a touch someone webcam, being in a long distance relationship and everything i would love that. or to be able to transport myself through the internet. get working on it!
time crisis dude
2008-07-29 12:59:20 UTC
to go into the game-to teleport into the computer-if your on runescape you go on to runescape and do the stuff instead of your character doing it which would be awesome-if u want to flame me cause i play rs i was using it as a example-if you was playing a gta you should be the one stealing the car sooting having prostitutes at ou instead of ur character
john doe
2008-07-30 11:26:07 UTC
give richard branston owner of virgin media a good kick up the ****
2008-07-30 11:23:22 UTC
Kill an e-mail spammer button on my keyboard
2008-07-29 17:25:28 UTC
Being able to.........

Fly me to the moon

Let me play among the stars

Let me see what spring is like

On Jupiter and Mars
2008-08-01 12:36:04 UTC
put some helmet on so i can play WOW virtual like
clare h
2008-07-30 11:43:01 UTC
video phone connections for free as part of your broadband
2008-07-30 11:29:06 UTC
Speak to my dad in heaven
2008-07-30 11:23:53 UTC
be able to build a virtual human
2008-07-29 09:14:04 UTC
Have the freedom to browse and listen to what I like without federal or other agencies tracking me, where is the freedom if you listen to a speech or visit a political website that is on the radar of having your ip logged, or having your ip submitted for downloading music using p2p.
2008-08-07 15:54:33 UTC
holograms like off futurama
2008-07-30 11:41:29 UTC
To have telekinesis power with your PC .
2008-07-30 11:33:31 UTC
make it voice activated so you wont need a mouse and can access things quicker.
2008-07-30 11:24:25 UTC
See what I'm buying in 3D
2008-07-30 04:28:38 UTC
definetly order a chinease or curry and be delivered to your door. by plane. lol

it would be cool though!!
Adem T
2008-07-29 12:37:06 UTC
put my hand into the monitor and get a item out of any website. eg a computer just get it with ur hands dat would be cool
2008-07-31 19:20:14 UTC
be suked in to the computer and live in that world
question asker
2008-07-29 12:51:57 UTC
Go to the cinema.
mac kantots
2008-07-30 11:29:27 UTC
to provide a main/central bills (i.e. mortgages) calculators...fair deals!
Helpful Chad
2008-07-29 06:37:01 UTC
As a building contractor I would like a place that I could find all my building suppliers. There is a site that is in it's infancy stages ( but it's just not popular enough to really provide me with all the supplies that I need.

Maybe someday that site will become big enough to handle all my supplies.
2008-08-01 02:44:14 UTC
To be able to get on it fast!!!!!!!!!!!! But seriously I would like to actually be in it and explore it, so it is like 3D, that would be wicked!!!!!!!
2008-07-30 11:49:19 UTC
would like to know from which places emails have come from..if someone is cheating on me.
2008-07-29 10:13:14 UTC
To be informed by email when a contact asks a question on YA.

Oh, silly me, this is not exactly a new idea is it?

YA used to offer this service but sneakily withdrew it without a by- your- leave.

Alf B
2008-07-31 11:56:52 UTC
Travel in time!!
2008-08-01 21:33:10 UTC
rapture the believers
2008-07-31 20:50:22 UTC
Feel my love, right here x
Adrian P
2008-07-30 11:23:49 UTC
i wanna be able to make photos with the computer when my partner is on line....can you do this??
James Crawley Maximus Meridius
2008-07-30 04:13:53 UTC
i would like to invent my own time traveling machine
2008-07-30 00:28:42 UTC
Can 11 and above be aloud to do Yahoo answers as my cousin is 11 and can't do Yahoo Answers and he is desperate to. He is very mature and he won't do anything stupid.
2008-07-30 11:46:59 UTC
entire virtual realm. touch screen maybe...
2008-07-29 06:49:33 UTC
This question is really hard because people have lots of ideas, but they are all open to abuse. Sitting exams, voting, marriage etc.

I know this sounds completely stupid, but I wish there was an online personal shopper. You send in your pictures, and they tell you what clothes and colours would suit you. That would be pretty cool.

Ordering a pizza online would be helpful too. Instead of waiting on the phone, you could just e-mail your order to them.
2008-07-29 06:47:56 UTC
I would like to buy a solar-powered remote controlled helicopter/plane/car hybrid with built-in cameras. This way I could control it from my computer and go travelling. Solar power means unlimited range. Could have built in GPS to travel to foreign countries. For long trips – autopilot – while I’m not at the computer. Great for the elderly and disabled.
Raven Dariel
2008-08-03 09:19:47 UTC
it not to cost anything FREE internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unlimited downloads and 3d experience with feeling, smell and tasting would be really cool.
2008-07-30 11:31:58 UTC
I would like to help the orphans.. : - )
Shahab H
2008-07-30 11:26:50 UTC
be examined by doctor online !!
2008-07-29 08:29:32 UTC
I'd like to have some kind of virtual-reality room, whereby you can interact with other people (play games, chat, etc.) from around the globe, as if you were really there with them. You could create your own 3D avatar - a bit like IMVU, but better graphics and animation.
2008-07-30 14:24:10 UTC
instant teleportation
gordon c
2008-07-30 12:36:40 UTC
get a haircut!! can't wait for someone to invent that...
2008-07-31 14:38:42 UTC
physically touch, hug etc someone!
2008-07-29 09:13:42 UTC
OK, text messaging to phones. Lycos used to do it and it saved me a fortune but I guess its not really viable now is it?
2008-07-30 12:23:04 UTC
go on holiday :-(

i still need to travel
2008-07-30 11:49:32 UTC
Have virtual sex without listening to her bullshit
2008-08-04 09:04:00 UTC
to smell and taste
2008-07-29 16:17:06 UTC
be able to touch someone, but obviously only when u want to so it is safe
2008-07-29 16:13:17 UTC
like on the film willy wonka do a try before you buy .
2008-08-03 09:03:45 UTC
order takeaways!
2008-07-29 09:10:49 UTC
Order a pint of my favourite beer in advance so i can print out a token or cupon and redeem it at the pub so i don't have to try and get myself heard in a noisy place
2008-07-29 06:56:58 UTC
people will submit new ideas to their congressmen web site for a better law making.
Tony M1
2008-07-30 11:28:37 UTC
I would like to be SECURE !
2008-07-30 10:53:17 UTC
try clothes on
2008-07-29 07:46:05 UTC
Travel.Like Arnies movie.Whats it called?
2008-07-30 11:34:49 UTC
Have sex online.
mithilesh k
2008-08-06 10:57:47 UTC
2008-08-01 10:09:45 UTC
richard m
2008-07-30 11:44:35 UTC
i cant answer this question , as it is patent penting!
Jonathan W
2008-07-30 11:17:40 UTC
track down the queer who answered, "feed the world", tie him to a chair and feed him nothing but spaggheti till he bursts, ala 7even.
2008-07-29 07:30:48 UTC
Virtual reality travel.
2008-07-30 18:03:01 UTC
smell stuff!
shane o
2008-07-30 11:32:34 UTC
Have sex x
Wasim Y
2008-07-29 08:16:14 UTC
live satellite viewing to see whats going on around world
2008-07-29 08:10:45 UTC
id like to order food and it comes out of the cd ejector.
2008-07-29 06:44:53 UTC
market research yahoo??

Do we get paid for our ideas if we come up with something good??
2008-07-29 06:36:34 UTC
Vote. But I suppose it'd be too open to abuse.
2008-07-29 06:36:11 UTC
Learn to drive lol, might be better than I was on the road x
2008-07-29 08:41:32 UTC
order a takeaway
2008-07-29 06:49:24 UTC
Never to receive any spam again.
2008-07-29 06:36:08 UTC
3D computer screens,,smellovision and total internet security
2008-07-29 06:35:57 UTC
Have cinema films to download to disc instead of having to go to the cinema.
2008-07-29 06:34:13 UTC
well if i am going to buy perfume or something else with a scent online, i would like to smell it before i buy it
2008-07-29 09:44:33 UTC
Have a shag
2008-07-29 06:37:57 UTC
Interactive porn loooool


I really don't know, its a tough question
2008-07-29 06:34:37 UTC
if i share my idea, do i get credit for it? heh
2008-07-29 06:34:25 UTC
Lorraine R
2008-07-29 06:34:06 UTC
obtain directory enquiries for personal addresses etc, to find people......but safely.
2008-07-29 06:34:01 UTC
Touch someone. No I'm serious. Feeling sense.

2008-07-29 06:33:54 UTC
get a divorce
2008-07-29 06:33:40 UTC
I would like to know who insults, who makes personal attacks , etc.....

Greetings from the USA.
2008-07-29 06:33:30 UTC
feed the world

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.