Want to earn $$$ out of Google Adsense?
Here is the solution, follow the steps below.
1. Visit http://www.exooom.com and sing up for a free account as a seller.
2. Choose few products you would like to sell & have the pictures of those products ready.
3. Login to members section using the password you registered as a seller.
4. Click on New Ad in the control panel and upload the products you would like to sell online.
5. While filling the product details, there will be a field to paste HTML coding.
(Example: Paypal Buy Now Button, Google Adsense)
6. Repeat Steps 4 & 5 to all the products you would like to sell online.
1. Free Advertising for the products you would like to sell online.
2. You get paid in return by Google Adsense when user clicks on your ads instead you pay to advertise your products online.
3. Get more page impressions easily.
4. No hassles of maintaining own website & other expenses.
5. Totally Free of charge.
Note: Do not click on your own Google Adsense, instead promote your products and let users do the clicks.
If you needed more support you can reach me on MSN Messenger my ID: nisreenmajeed@hotmail.com