Jak H
2008-08-27 11:26:18 UTC
I'm very annoyed.
When I go on youtube it buffers every 2 seconds.
When I play runescape the person just wont move.
It is also very hard for me to access certain websites.
The reason why we have such terrible lag is because every night there are 5 computers playing very high powered games online.
Now heres the question. Would upgrading my computer help the lag abit.
Here is my computers information.
105 watt power supply
2.4 GHZ
80 GB hardrive
512 MB of RAM
Oh by the way, we have talk talk :( and we're on wireless :(
My dad, who is a computer engineer said upgrading the computer would help internet lag.
I personally believe it wont.
It is impossible for us to have better speed.
What do you think?`