What are your best tips for staying safe on the Internet?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What are your best tips for staying safe on the Internet?
154 answers:
“Simpℓy Fαbuℓous”
2011-02-04 07:20:54 UTC
>> Don't reveal your address, zip code, name, birth date anywhere.

>> Don't say when you're going on a vacation on your Facebook status. That's like hanging a 'gone fishing' sign on your door. When you come back, you can say 'I had a great trip' or something like that.

>> Download things in download-safe websites.

>> Download a malware/virus scanner to protect you from threats. ( but don't download fake rogue anti-spyware like Pallidum Pro or System Tool)

>> Don't accept random friend requests.

>> Don't chat with random strangers

>> Don't use a weak password. Avoid simple names or words you can find in a dictionary, even with numbers tacked on the end.

>> Don't use a child's name in photo tags or captions

>> Don't let search engines find you.

>> Don't permit youngsters to use Facebook (or other age requirement websites) unsupervised

>> Don't bully or use people. Things could backfire.

>> When you see bullying take action. Report it

>> When you see ads, don't click on them.

>> Don't click on scams like 'No Joke! You are the 1,000 visitor! Click here to claim your reward'

>> Don't use proxies. Your information could be stolen and you may have to pay an unknown fee.
2011-02-05 04:01:02 UTC
I have many tips for you.

First of all I'd like to say I agree with Dililah.

You should do something about the clones on y/a's. I made a suggestion to the yahoo board, it got about 400 thumbs up as well as 100 comments, making it one of the most popular suggestions.

Apparently yahoo didn't like the way people were posting on the suggestion board. Many were posting links to clone accounts. So after it became popular I got an email fromm yahoo saying they removed it from the suggestions because to many people were posting links. I was rather irritated about this because the reason why people were posting links was because we couldn't get ahold of you any other way.

I sent several complaints to costomer care reguarding the cloning and I'd get response back like and I'm parpaphrasing, "If someone is violating the yahoo guidlines, you should report them". It got me irritated, because of course I should report them. I reported my clones all the time for asking stupid questions like "I'm hot and your not, what do you think about that?" and "Is it okay if I watch hot guys change?" I mean they were rediculous questions. And I almost left yahoo because of it. And I may sound like I am exagerating, but I swear to God, I had over 30 clones. Over 30! One night half of the questions on the first page of P&S were filled with clones. They would also name themselves things like "gay guy", "Transvestite guy", and "Mr. Seal You girl".

And I did finally get rid of most of the clones, but I still see them on here every once in a while.

But lately I've been getting harrassed in another way. I'd like you to check this out. Bungo and Hillary's answers.

So my tips to you are get rid of the idiots that are harrassing people on here. I report them, but they don't get taken off all the time. That also goes for the people with lewd avtatar pics. I think some people should have a lot more reporting power and some should have a lot less. I mean I never report something unelss it is very rude, insulting, or illegal. I think Level 4's and up should get more reportin status and level 1's shoudln't get any.

And that isn't even it either. I've had trolls going around spamming the P&S section with things like this

"Ry guy you liar you azz hole you hypocrite! You claim to be against reporting, yet you report all the askers in Polls and Surveys. You are nothing but scum. I had a friend once who told me liked you, but you reported him and backstabed him one to many times!"

And he would post theses as answers to 20 different questions. Then he'd get on a backup account and post it 20 more times. So basically, if you can crack down on people harrassing others, y/a's would be much better.
2011-02-13 08:19:28 UTC
Don't chat with people you don't know, especially from Yahoo Answers. This site is Heaven for pedophiles and stalkers.
Ginny Jin
2011-02-04 07:13:17 UTC
don't give out personal details, don't post photos and be polite to other users
2011-02-12 21:17:03 UTC
for staying safe in suggestion would be that don't share any of your personal information, don't own any account in social networking sites like orkut,face book even if u like to own your account in these sites just ensure that u don't share any of your personal information in internet, and be friendly with others, keep yourself away from internet hackers,always scan important documents , or files while downloading from internet its because they may contain harmful viruses which may damage your pc or laptop!
2011-02-12 14:33:43 UTC
never provide private information

a good antivirus program
2011-02-04 07:16:42 UTC
I would say, everything from things like not putting your personal information out there on the web through facebook or myspace, talking or meeting strangers you don't only using sites that are registered as safe
2011-02-04 08:21:46 UTC
Never Give Out Your Personal Details On The Internet, Like Your Address, Any Telephone Numbers, Any Bank Account Details, And Don't Stand By Watching Anyone Being Bullied, As This Could Be You In Their Shoes, Be Polite As Well As Good Mannered, As Well As Treating Everyone With Respect, By Treating And Speaking To Others As You Would Wish To Be Spoken To And Treated Yourself.
Ʈђі§ʈƖє™ ❤ First Ascent
2011-02-04 07:45:15 UTC
Just a common sense.....don't give out any info about yourself.
USAF, Retired
2011-02-25 15:09:38 UTC
Using Anti-virus and a Firewall. It's the Internet equivalent of a condom.
2016-12-20 08:57:18 UTC
2011-02-26 22:07:34 UTC
How to stay safe on the Internet

1) Never divulge your personal information like your name, address, phone no. , password, bank account no. ,etc

2) Be anonymous . Never use your primary email account for online services like forums. Instead, make a gender neutral account and use it.

3) Update your system. Make sure, you have latest firewall, antivirus(updated), spyware, malware ,etc

4) Don't go for mouth watering offers. Most website out there are scam and before buying anything from any website, do take time to have a review of that website and customer experience. Use google or yahoo , search " Website name review" or "website_name scam".

5) Use secure passwords. Make a password which is hard to crack. Don't put your name, mobile NO., DOB , spouse name or just any random number as password. It's better to add numbers too along with special symbol

6) Don't put your password on HTTPS server which certificate is not valid.

7) Don't open any file downloaded from Internet. Before doing so, scan it with antivirus. That also includes attachments. It's better to use or yahoomail or any other popular email service provider since they have all the files scanned first.

8) Report. Get a habit of reporting user with inappropriate behavior .

9) Don't fall into trap of website selling screen saver on any random site. They most often includes Trojan, Spywares too.

10) Use latest browser and install a Internet monitoring software for your children just in case.
2011-02-23 04:37:23 UTC
I thought I would give 5 tips on ways to stay safe while on the internet. These are some very simple tips, but you would be surprised how many people fail to do these things. Anyway, let's get right to them.

First off, never give your passwords out to anyone. I don't care if someone instant messages you claiming to be from AOL, you shouldn't give your password out. You also should be careful of websites that look like official websites that ask for your password. If you are uncertain about the website, just type in the regular homepage address. That way you are sure you are on the actual homepage.

Make your passwords difficult for people to guess. This is such a simple tip, but you would be surprised how many people forget to do this. It's usually recommended to pick a password that has letters AND numbers in it. If you just pick a word in the dictionary, it is easier for someone to guess. Putting letters and numbers together makes it much more difficult. Also, putting special characters in your password is also good.

Do not download software from pop-up boxes. I'm talking about those boxes that sometimes come up when you go to a website. Often times they will pretend to be a warning message that says your computer is infected with Spyware. Don't download those software programs! They are most likely Spyware. If you want to know some legitimate Spyware removers, check out my blog where I have some listed. My blog address is at the bottom of this article.

Do not click on links in spam e-mails you receive! I cannot stress this enough. There is absolutely no reason that you should click on a link in an e-mail from someone you don't know. What is the worst that could happen if you do? Well, the link could take you to a website that will infect your computer with a virus through a security hole. That can happen just by visiting a website. Seriously, there is no reason to click on a link from someone you don't know. If you've got an e-mail from someone claiming to be from eBay wanting your password, then log in from the main website. If eBay really needs you to log in so bad that they are e-mailing you, I'm sure there will be a big notice right on your account when you do log in through the actual website.

And finally, be careful with what personal information you put on the internet. Unless you are ordering something, you should not need to give out your last name, home address, or home phone number. If I sign up for a website and they need something like my phone number, I just give them my cell phone number. Even that though I don't generally recommend.

Like I've said, there are a lot of people that are taken advantage of through the internet. If you make sure to follow these tips, you should have no problem.

Stay safe!

I have been into computers for over 10 years. I enjoy helping people stay safe on the internet from viruses and spyware. If you would like download links to legitimate spyware removers, software reviews, tips, and other program links, then check out my blog at
2011-03-02 20:11:10 UTC
These are just a few:

Find and regularly use a good anti-malware program and anti-virus software

Do proper computer scans and updates regularly.

Be careful how much personal information you share online.

Don't share sensitive information with strangers

Be cautious of what kinds of photos of yourself you put out there for everyone to see.

Don't open emails/attachments from people you don't know.

Hope this helps!
2011-02-19 14:59:49 UTC
well all I can say is that Im glad Im not a young kid using YA or the internet in general, because there is no help for you whatsoever if you are getting bullied. I myself have been the victim of a "cyber bully" on YA and got no help when I told you about him. He openly admitted to hacking my account and got my home address off it and my email address, so I tried cyber911, and they were as much use as the YA staff, which was absolutely none. It got so bad that in the end I tried to befriend him, thinking that if I had no help then I had to take matters into my own hands, but he is a psycho and threatens me whether Im nice or nasty, so my tip to anyone is if you are getting bullied on-line then put up with it or delete your account, because that is the only option as nobody will help.
2011-02-26 01:50:37 UTC
For me to be safe a few step i should take into consideration :

1. Use the original software especially your Operating System.

2. Keep update the patching.

3. Install Anti-Virus system (buy original)

4. Avoid downloading unknown software, files

5. Stay away from giving your personal info

6. Use longer password for more protection.Write somewhere else.Not to save at your pc.

My 2cent advise.
2014-09-26 18:10:26 UTC
Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate. Numerology is an occult science and for me it's fascinating. It is perhaps the easiest of the occult arts to understand and use. All you need is the birth date and the complete name of an individual to unlock all of the secrets that the numbers hold.

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2011-03-01 17:58:07 UTC
A GREAT and probably one of the GREATEST anti-virus programs is called Microsoft Security Essentials.

It's easy and monitors your computer actively. It also (for me) scans anything and everything before I download it. It's amazing, great, awesome, excellent, smart, easy, and SIMPLE. You can easily set it to do a daily/specific day(s)/weekly/monthly/etc scan and you can scan anything at any time. Quick scan, full scan, and custom which scans a specific thing(s) of your choosing. It's amazing and works spectacularly.

I highly recommend it for an anti-virus.

I used to use AVG but Microsoft Security Essentials works SO much better for me (at least) and is much easier to use and more organized and it watches your computer at all times. And if it sees a threat it will immediately let you know and ask to unable it and/or delete it |etc|

You also have a history folder which shows all the threats it has ever detected. It will say when you saw it, what it did with it |ie| remove, unable, allow, etc. and the description of it, what it's called, what it is |ie| spyware, virus, advertisement, etc.

Also it doesn't JUST look for viruses but also unwanted advertisements and stuff! it's simple and works GREAT!!!

highly recommend it :-)
2011-02-28 17:18:11 UTC
I try to avoid using my name online. I have one private account to manage all my real life relationships and everything else is kept out of that picture. So that way i don't get in trouble between both of my lives. I can explore other worlds usining the internet without my friends wondering why i'm friends with "emo" kids or "attention hogs' or anything like that. I sometimes let my location slip but really its more of an area. Anyways if someone wanted to find you they could by what you say the weather is it. Process of elimination. Or if you say you have a concert. If i haven't slipped i like to randomly say Ohhh its so cold outside when its really hot. :D
2011-03-01 06:16:40 UTC
If a parent is truly concerned about their child's internet safety there is only one sure fire way to do so: do not allow them to get on the internet. There is really no possible way to make the internet browsing experience safe for a child, and honestly there is no reason whatsoever a child should even be on the internet.
2011-02-14 08:40:51 UTC
Do not go onto random websites, if you do want to, use to check if the website is safe to go onto.

Do not give personal information on websites that is untrusted and not well popular sites (these personal information would include bank details, address, telephone number etc), something like google, yahoo and youtube is where you can give personal information to.

Do not click onto adverts, many of these can install an adware on your computer without you knowing. Or, they can lead you to a website that gives you a virus.

Use a browser with good security, im not sure what browser has the best security, but i would say just stick with Internet Explorer.

Use a good anti virus, do not use free anti virus if you want good protection, as they have low detection rate. I would suggest buying norton, mcafee etc.

Even though you have an anti virus, its best to install malwarebytes as well. This is good for a secondary anti virus when your primary anti virus has failed to protect you.

There have been some cases on MSN when your friend would send you message with a link, do not click onto this, it will give you a virus and give you the same problem. Also on facebook, there have been many of these wall post which is something on the terms of "OMG you would not believe how DIRTY this girl is", do not click onto these, clicking onto these will results in it being posted onto your wall, and in some cases give you a virus.

Do not open emails from people you do not know, these can be spam or viruses. Only open emails from friends, and emails from website that ask you to activate your account because you have signed up for their website.

That should be all.
2016-04-28 15:06:08 UTC
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2011-03-06 05:42:19 UTC
Use a secure operating system like Ubuntu. Use an updated web browser and never visit sites that can potentially harm your computer. And also make sure you don't share too much about yourself on the internet and avoid spammers and trolls.
2011-03-01 00:57:25 UTC
Don't surf the Internet with a user account that has Administrator rights. If you only have one account on your PC, it's probably an Admin account. Create a new user account and make that one an Administrator rights account and make the original one a Limited account. Use the admin account only for installing new software or system updates. Use the Limited account to surf the Internet.
2011-02-23 12:11:29 UTC
Do Not Give Out Personal Information.
2011-02-14 07:29:38 UTC
there are several things you can do to stay safe online.

1. do not reveal your address or personal info to anyone online even if u know them.

2. make sure everything and anything you put online are things you would not mind going viral.

3. be careful with what you say online cause anybody can see it (including your boss).

4. dont put your phone number or email address online or soon everybody will have it.

5. for sites like Myspace and Facebook that have a privacy setting use it. this will enable you to limit what people who are not your friends will see on your page.

6. if you are going somewhere do not put it on a site that is not on privacy setting because thats just inviting prospective buglers to steal from your house.

7. also never say if you are alone unless in a private setting online.

8. never give out your i.p address or people will be able to hack your computer (even if you have a mac).

9. do not broadcast your entire life online unless you do not mind having no privacy whatsoever.
2011-02-24 13:38:41 UTC
Just be smart and don't give away information online because you never know who's watching. Also, don't post things such as, "All alone at home for next 2 days" on your facebook wall.

I've seen a post that actually read "My family is off to Ireland for the next two weeks!"
sharavanan .
2011-02-26 00:45:18 UTC
First of all, filter and delete all the spam messages and spam users, whoever it may be. This is the very important thing to note. Delete all the history and network proxy history using some softwares so that the stored passwords and all other things get deleted. Stay safe.
2011-02-23 21:35:05 UTC
I would say that you shouldn't post any personal information that can help the person know you, you also shouldn't add pictures, because from a picture it's easy for a person to find out who you are just by your photo. I would also, if you have social interactive sights add a privacy setting, for example Facebook, where you can switch the setting to "friends only" therefore, only the people you have on Facebook can see your pictures and your imformation.

Hope that helped :)
2016-03-04 10:11:51 UTC
First off, never give your passwords out to anyone. I don't care if someone instant messages you claiming to be from AOL, you shouldn't give your password out. You also should be careful of websites that look like official websites that ask for your password. If you are uncertain about the website, just type in the regular homepage address. That way you are sure you are on the actual homepage.
2014-09-29 02:46:17 UTC
The best way to make money online is by learning affiliation marketing. Here you can find a lot of useful information to start making money from today

It's everything free! I have been doing that method and I am earning good money now.

Good luck!
2011-03-05 07:10:36 UTC
There is doing so many things to stay safe internet. But I think first we need good Antivirus software, to protect our PC & safely browse on internet.
2011-03-04 17:02:13 UTC
The best you can do is purchase a top notch virus program and a spy-ware program and not give out free information in ANY FORM over the internet.

You should also buy a porn blocker program that is top notch.
2011-03-01 23:04:45 UTC
Criminals steal Interpol chief's Facebook identity :

Criminals stole the Facebook identity of Interpol head Ronald K. Noble and used it to obtain information on an operation by the international police agency, Noble has said."Just recently Interpol's Information Security Incident Response Team discovered two Facebook profiles attempting to assume my identity as Interpol's secretary general," Noble told the first Interpol Information Security Conference in Hong Kong."One of the impersonators was using this profile to obtain information on fugitives targeted during our recent Operation Infra Red."
2011-02-23 03:32:10 UTC
This is just a common sense or if you want to stay safe on Internet then never reveal your personal identity and information or if you want to share your identity then before that check every thing related to your task and if everything is ok then you can share your all required basic information.

And whenever you want to download anything from Internet use anti-virus for each download.don't download anything without scanning.
2011-02-17 09:29:14 UTC
Here are some tips!

1) NEVER give out your personal deatails.

Like your phone number or email address, where you live, what school you go to and also what AGE you are

2) If anyone is acting strange to you on the internet tell someone. (Mum, dad or teacher...the list goes on.)

3) DON'T show a picture of yourself to someone EVER!

4) NEVER have web cam chats you know over the internet.

5) Report someone if they are acting weird to you or others around you.

Hope this helps!

2011-02-13 10:24:07 UTC
Yes I do. Don't use yahoo answers as the staff do not help anyone who has been the victim of serious harassment and bullying. I myself have been the victim of this from one person for the past 10 months now and all yahoo does is suspend the person then she makes another account. The last time it took yahoo a month to answer my emails, this time I'm being ignored completely, not only regarding the numerous emails I have sent you with links to four of her accounts and questions she has asked to bait me into fighting with her but also all the questions I have had unfairly reported and appealed against are also being ignored. So I would say the best bet to stay safe is use another internet site and not this one as your complaints are not taken seriously enough.
2011-03-04 19:16:35 UTC
Just use common sense, and know that Nigerian Princes are NOT real. Also, the "click me to grow penis size" on porn websites are also viruses. If you get bullied on a social network and too scared to tell an adult, punch them in the face - that'll settle the score. Passwords should be both numbers and letters, cuz ya know 123456 and password are the two most common ones. You can let your inner feelings loose on passwords so feel free to have one that says S3xYb1atc4 or hug3b0n3r.
2011-02-23 06:30:30 UTC
Go on safe sites, don't join something that requires you to give your actual name, don't insult someone on the internet, don't buy something off the internet without your parents' permission, and lastly, don't give personal info out.

Some people say its unsafe to have your face shown online, but I disagree. People show there face on Youtube and Facebook all the time.
2011-02-24 07:26:50 UTC
Hi, This is the best keylogger I have ever seen. It records keystrokes, chat activity, clipboard , websites visited and takes screenshots and many more. It runs on total stealth mode. You can view the log in the same computer or if you have installed it in a remote computer, you can get it as email or ftp. You can spy on your cheating spouse or employees or monitor children. There are many more exciting features in this wonderful piece of software. It is a must-have for employers,parents,teachers and many more. Please go here for more details.
2011-02-25 06:47:48 UTC
safety from user side is a good thing.

But security from the server side is also needed like encryption of passwords etc. Websites we browse must have some security certificates.

And https protocol is needed for money transaction websites.
2011-03-04 06:32:02 UTC
Buy Norton Internet Security or Norton 360 and install it that way you will be safe you could also install the Online Family software free with Norton.keeps kids safe while online.
2011-02-27 13:21:13 UTC
1.Don't reveal your ip address to anyone

2.Install any good internet security to protect yourself from malware,spyware etc

3.Reveal less personal information

4.Disable Wifi & Webcam when not using.(Hackers can hack your webcam and get images)

5.Don't visit suspicious websites

6.Don't try to unblock blocked sites

7.Try to stay away from less visited and infamous sites.

8.After downloading a file from internet,scan it and make sure no threats are there in the file.

9.Don't try to access websites which support piracy,gambling etc(These sites contains more virus)

etc etc might keep you safe on the internet
2011-03-02 10:21:56 UTC

2011-02-28 09:40:52 UTC
Dont talk to strangers/add peoples email addresses.

Dont give out contact details.

Dont meet up with anyone you don't know.

Don't trust anyone, they may say and look 15 or w/e, but really it could be a 50 year old.

And dont argue with people lol.
2011-03-03 13:29:12 UTC
Dont give any personal information, or the best one is to not go on internet at all.
Hi There'
2011-03-06 06:34:16 UTC
Do not ever give away details and dont talk to anyone you do not know. Dont post pictures or other rude things. Be polite to other users and dont go on any rude, unsafe or anything similar. If its a chat game do not add people who are strangers as they may ask for details. Dont reply to emails or things from people whom you dont know. Just delete them.
2011-02-25 12:01:38 UTC
look up lots of grainy looking underground porno, download as many different music files as you can (if it says trojan in the description thats just a plus) and then give out all your personal information to anyone that asks its ok they just want to be your friends you know? cmon gimmie your social i won't do anything with it, o and a credit card number always helps if you are trying to make friends
2011-02-27 11:34:55 UTC

Enable the regular (e.g. monthly) automatic installation of updates/patches. Use anti-virus software


Cybercriminals are trying to trick you! Be cautious and... Do not open unexpected or suspicious e-mails or attachments, delete them if they do not concern you or if they appear weird.


A cybercriminal, who knows your password, will abuse your computing account. Consequently... Never share your passwords with anybody, do not make them public, and beware of attempts to trick you into revealing them (so-called “phishing” attempts). Nobody legitimate will ever ask you for your password.

4)Do not run file sharing applications like Bittorrent, eDonkey, Emule, KaZaA. In particular, respect copyrights.
2011-02-19 14:50:02 UTC
i agree with whats already been said i'll recap

don't give any real info about YOURSELF or ANYONE ELSE you no in real life

Not even hair or eye color and only use your Ccard or Dcard where you see a padlock ( secure sites )

Kids under 8Yrs should only be on the net with a parent watching an only if they can resite the rules
2011-02-13 18:33:36 UTC

install spybot

update spybot

immunize your system with all browsers closed (first it scans for open security holes then you click immunize again to close the holes)

run the check for problems then fix the problems

keep spybot updated and scan regularly

this will keep your computer from slowing down after extended internet usage

2 also beware downloading anything you don't know for sure is safe

3 keep social networks private to all except friends even with friends be careful what information you allow to become available
2011-02-24 22:07:18 UTC
Maybe you should stop worrying about the rest of the internet and worry more about yahoo answers. I was harassed by email by a spam moderator of your current suggestion board for 4 days straight . They didnt suspend me , only harassed me by email and reported my questions and answers that were not in violation. My case is currently escalated.
2011-03-05 04:33:37 UTC
Use proper firewall ,antivirus and always use on screen keyword while entering passwords coz you never know who might have installed a keylogger in your pc.There is also a firefox addon anti- keylogger
2011-03-03 02:47:01 UTC
That's a good question, you might find this short video helpful. I think it's from Kim Komamdo's site, very big here in the US as the digital goddess
2011-02-22 12:13:57 UTC
Have a good excuse for when Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC shows up.
2011-02-21 01:13:25 UTC
Don't Talk to strangers and don't add them on social networking site and head teachers and our boss can be trusted with your personal info
2011-02-24 23:53:45 UTC
Use Google Chrome's "Incognito" feature and stay safe.

Visit here to get more tips and Freelance Jobs in Pakistan
2011-03-01 01:06:29 UTC
Be precaution don't give any important details about you like your date of birth and other information where your address, school and work because it is not good idea to give your personal data.
2011-02-24 15:47:53 UTC
Dont ever give out personal details ie: address credit card (unless for places like amazon when thats how you pay) and get something like norton.
2011-03-04 03:16:12 UTC
Don't go on the internet unless it neccesary and only go to certain websites ONLY certain few ones.
Ian Somerhalder
2011-02-26 06:45:27 UTC
always be polite to othe peaple,always make sure who u are chating with?

are you shopping online a reliable website? always be aware off hackers dont type your personal information credit card on msn,facebook,twitter,

make sure you have a good anti-virus and firewall,dont watch illegal movies online,dont go bad websites,always clean your computer and if you suspected something always change your password,make sure the person you are dealing with? dont insultt other peaple relief, if he is muslim or christian or ethinast always respect dont say something the person made him feel bad.

dont be racist,like you watching something on youtube and calling him/her fat or ugly or white or black,be always gentle ^_^
2011-02-21 09:56:40 UTC
Don't hand out personal info, use anti-virus, don't be rude to other users and don't post any pictures giving any detail about your address or something you wouldn't show to your mum.
2011-02-19 00:47:12 UTC
First of all, to stay safe, you should never give out ANY personal information. You could puta fake name instead. Next, avoid clicking on pop ups and ads that say you have won prizes, because those could lead to viruses.
2011-02-20 10:40:27 UTC
Get an Internet security software like Kaspersky or BitDefender. Use anonymity apps like TOR. AT lastly, keep your fingers crossed that your gmail or yahoomail is not hacked
2011-02-23 23:02:52 UTC
try not to get on to any websites that ask for any personal information and don't download any things that you dont know the maker or source because they may be a virace sender or a hacker
2011-03-05 17:25:04 UTC
dont talk to people you dont know

dont give out your password

dont give out personal info.

dont send pictures. ( the can be copy and pasted)

do not go on unprotected websites,

anyone can be an online predator.

stay safe.
2011-02-17 03:14:10 UTC
I think will be a very difficult challenge for internet onwer, employed. In my case, I´m a reviewer and sundelly my picture and my profile disapeared in this page "gmail". We know, how dangerous is it. I´m a serius professional and, never more, I will help in any question if it is dangerous for me. For me is simply, I will never more use internet for subjects importants in my research area. Stilll have mail! If you have a business, you most need to find out to get it on. If is not working good, stop and review, but, never put inocent people in dangerous situation.
2011-03-01 09:53:04 UTC
Aliases, Proxies, and Fake birth dates ~ All part of mi arsenal.
2011-02-15 12:21:02 UTC
Stay anonymous, consider the given information as false.

Don't take advice unless you're virtually familiar with the "nickname" you speak with.

Use your head, in short.
Muammer K
2011-03-02 04:13:12 UTC
I totally agree with яємιxχ§мf™©2011 ~On hiatus~

The Answer is Norton 360
2011-02-28 16:06:55 UTC

check for the little safe on the top of a page

and if you really don't know go to Norton safe checker
2011-03-04 17:13:56 UTC
Don't give out personal info,and don't post pictures of YOU.

You can still put photos of avatar
2011-03-02 11:31:26 UTC
it can be very easy if you just install various antivirus program and enable all the safety setting on firewall computer and try to prevent some danger websites and so
George W. Bush
2011-02-15 19:16:07 UTC
don't let people know who you are, and what you're job is

On another note, do you know who the greatest president of Amerricuh is?

I'll give you a hint, his name begins with George, and it ends with Bush, and there's a W. in the middle.
2011-02-21 11:32:55 UTC
1.Never share your name, age, number, address, e-mail, or your time zone.

2.Don't download anything before you research it.

3.Tell your parents if someone if your sent a threat or something inappropriate.

4.Not every one is who they say they are.

5.Tell your parents every site your using.

I hope this helps!
2011-02-21 19:52:31 UTC
Wear an E-Condom
2011-02-16 13:01:20 UTC
Dont put ur info out there such as ur full name, address, hobbies, phone numbers, social chat info, sport jersey #, team, etc..

Basically keep ALL your info out of ur computer/internet.
2011-03-03 15:48:01 UTC
to be safer don't run run windoze systems either run linux unix or mac and never put personal details on there
Andrew C
2011-03-01 14:05:03 UTC
dont give out info where you live and dont accept or do nude pics and be carefull of virus sites and dont say swears like on fb and get smart
2011-03-01 20:34:31 UTC
Use your common sense, do not meet strangers you talk to on-line, and keep personal information personal.
2011-03-04 21:03:06 UTC
Don't click yes to everything.
2011-03-02 19:39:48 UTC
Seat belts
2011-02-18 11:08:02 UTC
Never give out your address

Never give out your phone number

Never give out your last name

Be polite online

Don't get too popular online (You'll get stalkers)

Don't give out your facebook to people who are not family or close friends

Don't give out your age or grade

Don't skype with people you meet online

Don't become too active online

Stay away from internet Trolls or anyone who bullies others online

Stay away from anyone who asks any one for their personal information

Don't give out the country/ City/ State you live in

To be safe use a fake name not your real one

Only comment on friends (from offline) profile/ video/ drawing/ ect.

Don't post pictures of your self

Don't post videos of yourself

Do not talk to people you meet online often

Don't date people online (People do date online my friends had 2 online Girlfriends)

Don't give out your email

Don't give your credit card number out

Don't spend a lot of time online

Don't keep online journals

That's all I can think of sorry
2011-03-03 07:02:09 UTC
Don't watch Porn. Simple.
2011-03-03 09:17:47 UTC
To stay safe, do not do anything fun.
2011-02-28 15:27:11 UTC
steer clear from dodgy sites, get a certified anti virus System and scan for viruses often.
2011-02-16 18:51:28 UTC
Don't give out any personal information,be polite to other users,and don't post inappropriate pictures,
2011-02-14 08:57:41 UTC
No one is safe online "textbook message" Fight the power and finally Peace out.
2011-02-21 20:30:49 UTC
Dont go to insecure web sights.
2011-03-01 13:25:43 UTC
don't give your personal information, photos and watchout for social onlining as well
2011-02-26 05:50:29 UTC
delete all of your accounts, get new credit cards, new ID, burn any computer you may have EVER come in contact with, change your name, move to another town (but make sure to check in at 4sqaure when you arrive at your destination)
2011-03-04 20:41:24 UTC
don't post photos and be polite to other users
2011-02-27 17:54:27 UTC
Only send your nudes to trusted friends and family
2011-03-03 05:07:08 UTC
don't give out personal details
2011-02-15 12:23:08 UTC
the best tip for staying safe on the Internet is this: Do not use windows.....ever.

Use Linux, FreeBSD...whatever, just not Windows.
2011-03-02 19:33:01 UTC
Don't share anything you're not comfortable with.

Get malware protection.
Bomb-omb Man
2011-02-25 08:42:53 UTC
NEVER give out personal information, even to another person through email :)
2011-02-23 18:19:36 UTC
throw computer out 2nd floor window. stare at blank monitor until content.
vikash chokhani
2011-02-12 03:51:03 UTC
I have realized that internet has become a part and parcel of my life as today I use internet for banking & shopping transactions. I remember, just a few years back, I have started using Google to search, Yahoo for e-mails, then came the social media boom – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn which has proved to be a good way to keep in touch with friends, relatives and professional contacts and I sugeest never to giveup social networking & internet use for safety reasons.

Following are the some of the best tips from my perspective to stay safe on the internet-

• Use social networking portals/websites like Facebook ( and Twitter ( to meet and greet people and never discuss private matter or issues at these places.

• As a working professional I suggest not to discuss your income / salary on any website.

• Use websites that have SSL certificates (https://) on the page where password is required (

• Use virtual keyboard to reduce password theft wherever you access your account from cyber-cafe or from shared personal computers.

• Prefer websites that have their hosting on their own servers.

• Use websites wherein all pages have SSL Certificates including homepage. (

• Never hint or discuss your password with anyone.

• Never open emails received from unknown people/person.

• Use digital signatures wherever necessary.

• As in real world, think twice before you write / speak on the internet because whatever is written/spoken on the internet can never be undone.

• Never divulge any information on the internet till you are sure for which purpose it is needed. I recommend you to read Privacy Policy of websites before using it.

• Use known, renowned and globally acclaimed websites - Wikipedia( for information/definition, Flickr( for photo sharing, Gmail( or Yahoo Mail( for e-mail etc.

• For taxation and government policies related information use your country’s government websites’ (,
2011-03-05 00:01:56 UTC
Dont play online games, hackers can get your ip and track you. Like yahoo. and dont watch porn >_>
2011-02-14 03:54:36 UTC
Common sense. If something seems supsicious, chances are it is. Research before deciding on an action.
2011-02-26 10:22:13 UTC
so the best way is to wear a condom before connecting with the internet..... it make you safe and pleasure.....
2011-03-02 05:01:57 UTC
Its better to mind your own business.
2011-02-16 19:02:58 UTC
NEVER give out personal information.

use a fake name if anything.
2014-04-16 20:43:57 UTC
install best anti-virus and firewall....if it is possible to get both premium or paid
2011-02-24 05:43:01 UTC
don't give out personal information, and if anyone ask for some, report them (if you can) it will keep you and anyone else who talks to him/her safe
2011-02-13 04:20:54 UTC
use any gud internet security software

use software like ccleaner to clean ur webpage/web browser to make sure when somebody use ur PC to get ur history, login site n others...
2011-02-10 06:50:57 UTC
1. Be a responsible cyber citizen.

If you use the Internet, you're a citizen of a global community-a cyber citizen. Just like being a citizen of your local community, being a cyber citizen has responsibilities. Use the Internet to share knowledge that makes people's lives better. Keep safe, use good manners and respect the laws.

2. Use anti-virus software.

A computer virus is a program that can invade your computer and damage or destroy information. Anti-virus software is designed to protect you and your computer against known viruses. But with new viruses emerging daily, anti-virus programs need to be updated regularly. Check with the web site of your anti-virus software company to see some sample descriptions of viruses and to get regular updates for your software. Stop viruses in their tracks!

3. Do not open email from unknown sources.

Delete email from unknown sources. Watch out for files attached to e-mails, particularly those with an "exe" extension-even if people you know sent them to you. Some files transport and distribute viruses and other programs that can permanently destroy files and damage computers and Web sites. Do not forward e-mail if you are not completely sure that any attached files are safe.

4. Use hard-to-guess passwords and keep them private.

Do not write passwords down on small pieces of paper taped to your computer. You would be surprised how many people are sloppy about keeping their passwords private. Passwords that are easy to-guess are a bad choice. In other words, if your name is "Dan" do not make your password "Dan." Change your passwords regularly and don't give your passwords to anyone! Tell your family that combinations of letters, numbers and symbols are harder to crack than just words.

5. Protect computers with firewalls.

Install firewalls for your family-it is not difficult. A firewall helps prevent hackers from breaking into your computer or the computers that belong to your family. Firewalls help prevent thieves from stealing and using private information including your phone number and credit card numbers, which may be stored on a family computer.

6. Do not share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks.

Your computer operating system may allow other computers on a network, including the Internet, to access the hard-drive of your computer in order to "share files". This ability to share files can be used to infect your computer with a virus or look at the files on your computer if you do not pay close attention. Check your operating system and other program help files to learn how to disable file sharing. Do not share access to your computer with strangers!

7. Disconnect from the Internet when not in use.

The Internet is a two-way road. You get information and also send information. Turning off the Internet makes sure that someone else on the Internet can't enter your computer and cause harm. Disconnecting your computer from the Internet when you are not online lessens the chance that someone will be able to access your computer.

8. Back-up your computer regularly.

Help your family back up all household computers onto external media such as CD's or diskettes.

9. Regularly download security protection update "patches".

Security flaws are regularly found in operating systems and application software. Companies that make software release quick fixes called "patches" that you should install to correct the latest software flaw. It is a good idea to check for security updates on the publisher's Web site for all the software you own.

10. Help your family to check computer security on a regular basis.

Evaluate computer security at least twice a year. To help remember, do it when you change the clocks for daylight-savings time! Check for all of the items listed previously.
2011-03-02 14:18:35 UTC
don't use the internet is the safest way to go!
2011-02-12 08:13:11 UTC
use firefox wih norton internet security 2011
2011-03-02 19:13:59 UTC
do not give out personal information DO NOT DOWNLOAD wedsites you ARE NOT SURE ABOUT
2011-02-05 04:06:30 UTC
Change your password once a week, can use the names of horses listed in the racing times and cross them off as you change the word. Also change your bank card at least once every 6months.
2011-03-05 19:29:44 UTC
net nany
▒▒ Da Terra ▒▒
2011-02-06 11:00:46 UTC
1. You need to have two computers, one confidential only to work and store yours documents, photos, videos and files with sensitive information or confidential information, a computer that will never be connected to the internet.

2. You must have another computer just to access the Internet, a computer configured with the operational programs essential for navigation, a good firewall and antivirus also a good computer but that there should be no personal or confidential file.

3. If you need to save something from the internet, save a pendrive, diskette or CD, examine the contents with the antivirus and after analyzed make the transfer to the hard disk of another computer confidential.

4. Never use a computer that can be connected to the Internet to store on his hard drive, passwords, home addresses, phonebooks, names of acquaintances, personal photos, videos, Word files with sensitive information, because a computer connected to the Internet can be invaded at any moment, there is no firewall or any antivirus invulnerable and perfect.

5. On Web sites never use your real name, do not post their personal photos real, not to publish confidential documents, navigate always anonymous.

6. Important: Most of the attacks, intrusions of hackers occur when the computer is starting.

Correct procedure: Let the cable that gives access to the internet disconnected. Start the computer and wait until all programs are started, especially antivirus programs and firewall, then everything is already up and running, connect the cable that provides Internet access and start browsing. Move away from the computer, unplug the cable and just reconnect it when you return to witness alerts of the firewall and antivirus at the moment they appear on your screen.

7. On social networking sites do not let your pictures accessible to the general public, always setting the more tighter you can never add friends if you do not really know.

8. In emails you receive from strangers, never click on links or download attachments contained in these emails, there is 99% chance of these files and links to viruses. Never believe in messages from strangers, banks do not send e-mail to its customers, if you read some message too tempting not believe, never go to anything that came from strangers, tell the system what is junk , so if come another from the same sender does not enter the mailbox.

9. We add in messengers whom you really know in real life, one of the easiest ways to hack into the computers of others is precisely through the programs of the messengers.

10. In forums and chats, never give out your personal name, your personal photo, your phone, your address, never give any confidential information in public, behind the photo of the beautiful person you are communicating can be a cruel villain.

8. Use strong passwords with uppercase and lowercase letters mixed with numbers in the middle, never use familiar words from dictionaries in their passwords, there are programs to crack passwords and these programs contain all the words in the dictionary.

11. Do not trust anyone you do not know really.

12. Do not give details of your personal life in social networking sites in forums and chats where she lives, where he is studying or where you can be found, if you want to flirt is better you go in specialized sites that aim.
2011-03-02 12:36:30 UTC

2011-03-04 14:44:58 UTC
no personal details and dont say any thing you wouldnt say to your grandma
Surah Spider
2011-02-27 09:25:02 UTC
where you safety belt
2011-02-08 16:16:22 UTC
Be careful with the details about yourself, that you give out on yahoo answers.
2011-02-27 16:25:52 UTC
Stay off of the porno!
2011-02-20 10:15:14 UTC
use ABP blocker flash blocker.
The Patriot
2011-02-04 12:59:25 UTC
There are loads of sites to provide advice on this.

The main ones are not to give away information about yourself. The more information you give out, the more people know about you.

Keep your name and address secret. Be careful about the photo's you put on the internet and even telling people if you are on holiday!

Remember that the internet is there men are men, women are men and children are police agents in disguise.
2011-03-03 08:41:31 UTC
Use a proxy.
2011-02-15 18:30:21 UTC
Click on this;_ylt=A0oG7knINVtNkxEArPJXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBzYTJzc20zBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0RGUjVfODg-?p=What+are+your+best+tips+for+staying+safe+on+the+Internet%3F&fr2=sc-sb&fr=moz2-ytff-grpj

and click on the numbers at the bottom of the pages. hope this helps, Paul.
2011-02-08 13:32:55 UTC
Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself,

dont give any personal information,

use courteous and clear language
2011-02-28 02:39:03 UTC
carefull about your personal identity
2011-03-03 00:58:19 UTC
Be nice.
2011-02-20 02:44:58 UTC
it is great internet like so good
2011-02-26 10:32:07 UTC
tell me where you live little boy I've got candy!!!
2011-02-23 19:13:31 UTC
DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT: don't give people your information. ya dumb blitch lol jk but just don't give it out seriously just don't do it .............just don' it...............:)

P.S. Hope IT Helped
2011-03-05 06:51:34 UTC
be careful,allow those about you know something.
2011-02-28 06:30:20 UTC
dont connect
Ty ty
2011-02-18 05:47:18 UTC
download wot at it will help you know bad websites.
2011-02-17 05:24:57 UTC
Do not use programs that are not useful :)
James Carey
2011-03-02 09:19:52 UTC
Don't get naked on webcam.
2011-02-25 06:48:41 UTC
2011-02-12 14:42:11 UTC
tip 1: don't reveal ur password

tip 2: don't reveal ur real address,postal code,phonumber,or ect.

tip 3: don't put ur real name

i hope those tips will help
2011-03-01 17:25:20 UTC
Don't go on it.
2011-02-27 14:59:19 UTC
dont go to animal pporn sites!!!!!!
2011-02-07 08:01:30 UTC
Only go to websites that have content you would be happy to show to your mother.
2011-02-09 01:13:42 UTC
not to use internet is much safer
2011-02-04 07:24:52 UTC
Always be nice and considerate on the web. Sure, you might get mad but I'm sure you have a lot more problems in life. Don't make anymore problems on the web.
2011-02-10 12:07:36 UTC
just stay away from strange people you dont know
Cj B
2011-02-13 08:21:27 UTC
dnt go on websites
2011-02-27 12:50:03 UTC
2011-02-21 14:37:20 UTC
2011-02-04 09:34:21 UTC
I can't gaurantee the safety of any of my contacts. I could "go off" at any moment!
2011-02-24 10:16:14 UTC
don't be ******* stupid. simple as that.
2011-02-20 15:17:26 UTC
don't watch porn/ adult entertainment
2011-03-05 05:39:32 UTC
hide and seek,.)
2011-02-09 16:54:41 UTC
don't go to any websites where chatting is allowed.
2011-02-15 02:17:54 UTC
There are NONE!!!!
2011-02-04 08:26:31 UTC
Stay as anonymous as you possibly can.
2011-02-12 22:45:01 UTC
dont talk to strangers...?
2011-03-06 05:07:40 UTC
its POT-LUCK ?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.