2009-03-11 23:11:19 UTC
Ok so I have a web site (xyz.ca) the DNS for this site is DNS1 and the Web-Hosting for this site is WEB1. So WEB1 is costing me to much for them to Web-Host my site so I switch to WEB2, because they are cheeper. So I sign up for WEB2 and I send the sites DNS1 the new server information and ask for them to update my site. I also make changes myself on my DNS admin site and change the name servers to WEB2 server information(ns1.web2.ca and ns2.web2.ca)
OK COOL. So I receive an email from WEB2 stating that my domain is up and ready and now its time for me up upload my website files( the files that make up my site). But OPPS I forgot to back up my files from my old Web-Hosting provider(WEB1)!!! I dont have a hard copy o my desktop, because I never got a copy of the site from the person who made it for me.
So now when i go to my site (xyz.ca) it says "This Site Is Under Construction". I dont know what to do... Can anyone pls let me know waht I can do???!!? I have tried email my old Web-Hosting provider but they have not gotten back to me, and I have tried emailing my DNS and they have replied, basically saying that they do not hav any files on there server and I need to back them up off my old server!!..
Again pls help!!!!!!!!!!! :-(