Im out email me if you need to addy below-vicmc
I tried enlarging the picture for you it would look really crappy
try this one
it is large alredy
or this one
or even the nice friendly starbucks logo gotta luv it lol
your orig pic was too small
tileing the image works (or fixed image) with the style tags but stretching the image to fit the page that would require alot more codeing a div overlay and a content overlay
My page is a div overlay myspace/vicmc3 i am not sending my code and you prob wouldnt want it as it covers everything of myspaces except for there ad on top then you would have to start building your page all over again :-(
read up on how to do it at
I had visited your myspace link above and seen it worked it was tiled if that wasnt what you were wanting go to the web addy above if it was what you were wanting then my code did work and you have to clean out your history and cache perhaps or simply refresh the page
visit my myspace help site
Victor C