turn off the power to whatever connected to the internet (modem, router) for a few minutes
configure ie7 as below
Slow computer IE freezes
Note: only have to do Safe mode if the files will not delete in normal mode. Try normal first.
Slowly tap the F8 key while the computer is powering up
Just after Verifying DMI files occurs the F8 key will point the computer to a menu where safe mode can be selected.
Note if you mistakenly tap F8 key again, it will continue through to normal boot
Scroll and select safe mode with network
Use explorer to delete the contents of the folder datastore.
Datastore can be found in c:\windows\softwaredistribution.
You may have to do this regularly when the computer slows.
The folder rebuilds itself and the contents are to do with windows updates and logs for errors. There is no harm in deleting the contents.
Over time IE7 seems to set its own (or programs do) tick boxes in the advance tab.
In IE7 Tools >Internet Options >Advance Tab
Click Restore advance settings defaults
scroll the listings down to near the bottom then:
Tick empty temp files when browser closes (this empties the cache, which if not empty, will stop you from going online).
Bullet disable phishing filter (optional. Leave it on if you want that type of protection)
Delete Browser History, cookies the whole lot regularly.
Close the browser to set the settings.
NOTE: 2008 will be the year of add on malware and spyware. I advise NOT to install active x when asked to on unknown websites. If you allow an active x install and it contains adware or such, no antivirus or anti-spyware will find it, because you have given permission to install it. The cleanup programs think that you want it installed. It will be very difficult to remove..