What would make you switch your email provider, either on desktop or phone?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What would make you switch your email provider, either on desktop or phone?
143 answers:
Miss Luke
2015-05-29 06:34:35 UTC
Funny you should ask. After 15 years, I am about ready to switch my service FROM Yahoo because I am fed up with it! The whole thing, not just email, but also Answers, Messenger, Profile, News, etc. You make changes that DON'T improve these services but remove features that I've liked and added new ones that I DISLIKE, such as the email history that another answerer mentioned or no longer being able to vote for "best answer." When I log in to Yahoo, I am constantly prompted to change my password (which I DON'T want to do) and enter my mobile phone number (which I don't even have!) and there's NO default setting that bypasses these daily prompts. To boot, your news articles are poorly written. And why did you remove the public profile features?? You're deaf to the wishes of Yahoo users: you don't respond to feed back, and you're almost impossible to contact in the first place.

In fact, the ONLY reason I have NOT closed my Yahoo account is that, since it HAS been my primary email for 15 years, I'm afraid that some long-lost friend or acquaintance might be unable to locate me if I close it. But I'm not a "happy camper" anymore; that's for sure.
♥♥♥𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓖𝓸 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 ♥♥♥
2015-05-29 04:53:32 UTC
The only thing that would make switch is IF the Yahoo email format get any worse-er...YOU as the Yahoo Team should know if it gets bad from what you have done the last time by not excepting my OLD FF browser and I had to switch to a newer version of FF to get my Yahoo emails to work because I could not forward,delete,or reply. Now that I did do it I see no problems with it like others on here are complaining about.

When you go to Yahoo Answer sub-category you can see all the questions from people having problems but nothing is being done to help them. You never answer people questions when they need help.

Good Luck Yahoo it's looks like you're going down pretty fast!
Martin T
2015-05-29 04:56:02 UTC
I switched my main email provider from Yahoo to Outlook a while ago. This was a lot of work; porting my old emails across; changing registration details on dozens of web sites; telling friends and family my new email address.

I have to admit that since them Yahoo email has improved - so i still use it for about 15% of my email.

However the reason I switched is still sound - I no longer trust Yahoo. Yahoo have a habit of making sudden drastic changes to their products. This happens with no warning. No explanation or help is offered for several days at least, so we have to use trial and error to figure it out. The new version is often untested, so it does not work properly and takes weeks or months before the bugs are fixed. Some bugs are never fixed.

I have seen Yahoo do this several times. Yahoo provide some good services - but I do not think the people who run Yahoo care about their customers.

A lot of large corporations do seem to care. Sure, they are in it to make money, but at the very least they have a maxim like "We must play fair with people or they will stop trusting us".
2015-05-28 16:30:11 UTC
Simple answer is Frustration with it as it exists now. On a Laptop.

What would make me switch is the fact that having had my email since 2007 and adjusting to all the changes and not complaining...The one time I tried to get Help there was absolutely no Help to be found.

What will finally make me switch / shut this email down is when I have moved all my emails and content I want to keep to my Outlook Hotmail account and no longer answer on Y!A and that will be soon.

I have a lot of things to move.

It used to be great but as with all things changes are being made that make it much more difficult to be happy with, all those useless unnecessary frills happened.

Who decided we had only seconds to write an email before it goes to draft?

I like to keep my email tidy but Deleting is bad because you can't mass delete so now you have to do one at a time now and before could do a page at a time.

That endless scrolling is BAD.

The Starred questions is limited and un-starred recent emails show there, it used to be a separate list and should have stayed that way..

That very annoying Link box that keeps coming up when typing a message.

Now that box that drops down when you type in a letter of an email address with other people you email..

**********The fact that trying to get help with a problem is a total waste of time as all you ever get is an automated robotic non helpful reply.

I tried many ways to get help BUT still my issue is ongoing and using my email as I had been for 7 years is now an annoying, irritating nuisance to use.

One day it was fine and next day it wasn't.

You need People to help People not robots.

I have 2 email accounts here, same settings on both BUT one I cannot have post live links

sending or when receiving emails from others, while on the other one I can <<<

For example my question here

My trying to get help on the Mail Help forum was also a waste of time

Also emailing the Mail help was a bust...No Help at all.
2015-05-29 06:51:21 UTC
I agree with all the other answers: RELIABILITY!! It is so frustrating when you can't access you email or some aspect of it (i.e. attachments, old email ,etc.) so often! And when there is a problem it is so difficult to get help. Either there is limited access to any Yahoo page BECAUSE of the problem, or there are NO answers, and no alternates, like a phone number. I'm like others in that the only reason I haven't switched is I'm job hunting and I've well established my yahoo email address. So switching now would be very detrimental to me. Also, a more user friendly format would be nice. We shouldn't have to search through pages of the Answers board to figure out how to do something as basic as email.
2015-05-28 22:24:59 UTC
I prefer to use Gmail and since 2008 its been that way. Previously I only used yahoo mail classic. From 1999 to 2008, it was the only primary email. Loved it. Very user friendly and awesome.

Then when yahoo mail started changing layouts unnecessarily, and brought in glitches and other things, I decided to be with gmail permanently. Therefore layout change is what makes me change. Gmail if you notice for the past 7 years has been largely the same appearance, just like google search engine (just a box).

Changing layout for no reason is a very big turnoff. Especially when the user community is happy with the way things are
Think Different
2015-05-29 23:49:14 UTC
I don't like the way Yahoo changed the format of email and I am ready to switch I have given it over a year and still find it very user unfriendly. Examples are the use of 'me' in the reference to mail, the light gray print, hidden response I have to click, the trash icon and star right next to each other, just to mention a few. The ever annoying distracting adds that are made to accidentally be activated. Is a real charm to behold. I preferred the system before the current one.

But what's the use in asking? Yahoo does what yahoo wants just like the questions and answers format. Many of the old users complained and still do but, Yahoo doesn't seem to listen. Then you ask for detailed answers, you are only wasting my time. It falls on deaf ears. My time is better spent looking for a provider that offers features more user friendly to suit my needs.
2015-05-29 02:28:20 UTC
Keep trying to ask me for my mobile phone number so I "don't get locked out of my account" and I change e-mail providers the moment it becomes mandatory. At one point you even got caught making it a mandatory phone number, so the warning is there you actually wanted to make it mandatory.

That and any attempt to revert back to Basic Mail is ignored after clicking Switch To Newest Mail. Support lies and says it's a cookie setting, but I know darn well the account has been "flagged" to always start in Newest Mail. Newest Mail has performance issues and attachments are more broken than in Basic Mail.
2015-05-28 13:39:43 UTC
You would have to restore the quality of service from several years ago. I actually think you're trying to get me to quit using Yahoo. Too many glitches and no help worth anything. Yahoo Mail is getting worse all of the time. I certainly would never suggest that anyone start using it the way it is now.
2015-05-28 11:13:08 UTC
Last year you kept having outages and that almost tipped me to another. I don't care about bells and whistles, I want a simple clean email app. Though I have to admit, I like the new day/week/month headers. But in the main, think on it. McD's is facing problems because they over complicated a great idea, Fast and Efficient, think on that. If I have a pretty background and can't send or receive emails, what's the point? It is like owning a Ferrari with no engine. I hope you're getting the idea. Oh, by the way, it is extremely difficult to uncheck an email once you check it erroneously. It is not my computer or browser either, I use 2 different computers with 2 different browsers. Thanks for asking.
2015-05-31 08:15:55 UTC
Several years back I switched FROM Yahoo to Gmail. The main reason was Yahoo was simply eating dozens of emails without a trace, and their customer service blamed everyone else on the planet. Some of those emails were important, and their disappearance wound up costing me money. And they simply didn't care. And now, I'm not even sure that Gmail has a customer service department, because I've never needed it. I'm happy there, have never once had an email fail to arrive, and will never trust my emails to anyone that ever worked at Yahoo.
2015-05-30 20:26:19 UTC
It's a major inconvenience changing email providers. You have to notify all your contacts, as well as websites you may have registered with.

That's the idea of WHY Comcast and other lousy telecom providers are so happy to give you a free email with their service and encourage you to use it. They know that this inconvenience alone will stop many people from leaving, regardless how unhappy those people are.

I've had the same Yahoo email address for 15+ years, regardless where I live. I don't have to pay for it, and I can keep the same email regardless where I go for Internet service. I never got suckered into using a Comcast/ Verizon/etc. email address in the first place, and recommend that everyone else do the same.
2015-05-31 14:31:57 UTC
Well I have Gmail, and it is great. You can make phone calls from there. One thing that is annoying is on the sidebar, it only shows you like three main folders, inbox, drafts, and sent. To see archive or spam or migrated, you have to click more and then you see it, but it's small. A great feature would being able to send larger photos, instead of a small limit. That would help. Also, a larger mailbox would help. There aren't that much things to it because email should be simple. I think simplicity is a big thing. I don't use Yahoo but I think it's great nowdays to have options and simplicity. THe ability to "migrate" which is basically what happens if you have an old email address you can have mail forwarded to your new one. All of these are great. I don;t think having icons with each contact with a picture of them or some standard icon is very important. IDK if Yahoo does this, but I think that's fluff.
2016-06-07 13:11:38 UTC
I can't think of anything. I've tried to get my own gmail before but registration is too hard. We have gmail for school and it seems like once you can keep it open it's about as easy to use as Yahoo mail. They're the only two emails I know that I have no problem with. Now, if it was bad at finding spam or kept deleting my account or something, that would male me switch.
2015-05-31 00:16:36 UTC
If my current email provider was unreliable, had poor spam filtering, and required its users to change their passwords due to hacking. Honestly if I were to switch my primary or secondary email, it would definitely not be to Yahoo. Another reason I wouldn't use your apps or give you personal information: A few times phishers texted my phone to click on bogus Yahoo link concerning a non-existant Yahoo IM account. How would I be able to tell what is genuine info from Yahoo and scammers??? Also a few years ago on an old account I received emails from spammers who had personal information they could only have gotten from my inbox. Currently my unused Yahoo inbox has about 2600 unread messages. The last time I checked my mail, the messages were out of order and my attempts to correct this ended in failure.

Most of the frequent changes made on Yahoo seem like a desperate attempt to catch up with it's competitors without paying much attention to security or quality control. Like others have pointed out reliability is a major issue -not just with email but Yahoo in general. Yahoo Answers will often freeze up and require refreshing the page or closing the tab and opening a new one (not a problem with other websites.) I remember when the account settings were redone into an unresponsive complicated mess when Yahoo tried to become a social network. I wouldn't use Yahoo at all if it didn't have a monopoly on Q&A sites. Obviously this site angers most of it's users. Yahoo Answers would be more respected if it didn't segregate and penalize it's users with points systems while being slack with reliability and security issues. It's literally very ignorant to think level 7 users are all mature experienced and responsible users when many are in fact kids and anti-social shut-ins with a lot of time on their hands and allow them the privilege of screwing with peoples questions either for deliberate abuse or "trying to help" without knowing what they're doing.

I do genuinely appreciate that Yahoo is directly asking its users for more feedback. The company has been too out of touch with its users for several years. I remember when some celebrities and public figures like Hillary Clinton briefly used this site to ask some questions before quickly switching to more respectable user-friendly sites to interact with the public.

It's because of a lack of these stupid issues that the email provider I've been using for the past 15 years has become a disturbingly gargantuan media company with a capitol "G." I would switch in a heartbeat if they started having the above issues.
2015-05-30 09:18:23 UTC
Everything that Yahoo has done. I'm a step away from switching to another email carrier -- perhaps gmail, since Google seems to be a bit more in tune with what their users want.

Yahoo has done everything in its power to ruin itself -- and I don't mean just the email service. You've ruined Answers. You've ruined the email. You have tabloid garbage on your main page.

As for your email service, I've known at least a half dozen people who've had their accounts hacked, and all have left you behind and moved on. Someone needs to tell Marissa Mayer that her site has really gone down the toilet in the last few years. Meanwhile, every one of the "Yahoo Answers Team" should start paying attention to what people here say. Otherwise, you're just the joke that everyone says you are.
2015-05-29 19:29:34 UTC
Reliability. I've dropped a few interesting providers because they just couldn't stay up or deliver email in a timely manner.

Lack of portability - I rarely use my ISP email just because if I leave them, I can't take it with me. Meanwhile, I have a Hotmail account I've had since it was HoTMaiL, before Microsoft bought them, and a fairly old Gmail account.

Speed - if it takes half a day for email to decide to show up...

Extra "junk" - if I'm reading email around ads, I'm not reading email there any more.

Frequent changes - if it seems like the layout (assuming I'm reading webmail) changes constantly, forget it.

Lack of POP (or better, IMAP) - I still use Thunderbird. I prefer it over havign to go to a website.
2015-05-28 17:48:12 UTC
Re-Iterating / Sumarizing what others have said...

Fix the web-based reader --

1. Simplify. Not with more flashy features or fancy web code.

2. Easier to do daily / regular tasks.

3. Easier to handle large numbers of messages.

For example -- old web interface, I could click the "all mail" check box which would then set the checkboxes for all mail on the current page, then turn off a few of the check boxes for mail I wanted to keep and go to the next page and repeat. It would remember which ones were checked. Then when I was done, drop down the box and click "delete selected". Gone. Intuitive, non-confusing, fast. Could have selected "move to folder..." etc..

Suggestion --

2 or 3 Interfaces --

1. standard / minimalist -- what people are talking about

2. feature rich interface

3. ???

1. Make it very simple and obvious how to switch between them.

2. Make sure we will not switch accidentally (that would be aggravating).

Oh and of course, minimize the advertising.
2015-05-31 05:40:32 UTC
The complete lack of service that Yahoo provides on anything. I have been a Yahoo user for years but am about ready to change ISPs just so I can get away from anything to do with Yahoo. The Calendar module on my home page hasn't worked for weeks, and if anything does work Yahoo will screw with it until it doesn't. I have stayed this long because I work with people all over the world and getting everything changed over would take a long time and a lot of work, but at least I know what I am doing. Yahoo no longer cares about service to the customers, just how many of those darn ads they can plaster all over everything. There is no contact with Yahoo for anything and they just ignore the complaints.

2015-05-31 10:42:17 UTC
Getting ready to switch now. I have been having problems all week with all my deleted email reappearing. Now when I delete anything, my entire inbox gets wiped out only to reappear a few minutes later. A new problem just started literally a minute ago in that now I can't delete any email. This is ridiculous. What garbage Yahoo has turned into.
P. K.
2015-05-31 20:05:24 UTC
We've switched a few times. Seems every retailer under the sun needs an email address- from shoes to refrigerators to kids school apparel to Amazon. The emails get SO bogged down with junk advertising and "special sales" that the important stuff gets lost in the mix.

We have different providers: msn, yahoo, hotmail, & gmail - just so we don't get them mixed up. Msn is for family, yahoo is for bills, hotmail is the junk/give-to-stores email, and Gmail is connected to my iPhone (don't really use it- but had to set it up at the cell phone store for some reason)
2015-05-30 15:10:42 UTC
I'll bite. I'm sticking with Yahoo mail at the moment for one simple reason: it's been my default mail for 12 years and there's just too much in there for me to switch.

However, I have to say the temptation is there. My biggest issue is lack of trust. This develops over time, but gets exacerbated when basic issues remain problematic over days and weeks. No web based system is perfect, but I frequently find myself thinking gmail or outlook wouldn't let this linger. I find myself wondering if any of the higher ups have ever actually tried their own mail!

You asked about apps. I'll say this much. Yahoo Mail functions better on both my phone and on my iPad than my comp. It's probably been a year since I've done my weekly deletes on my comp, because it just hangs and then stops and then my checkboxes disappear.
2015-05-31 15:42:57 UTC
You want feedback? Here's your feedback. Just recently, my email provider has started disguising ads as though they're mail for me in my inbox. That right there might just make me switch my email provider. Gmail doesn't do that. Who does? Would anyone like to guess?

Yeah. That's right. Yahoo does it now.

I'm sick of the games Yahoo plays with its email service and with all its other services to get short-term financial gains at the cost of constantly alienating its users. As I said in a comment on another users answers, I use Yahoo less and less with each passing year, since about 2011, due to Yahoo's constant dumbing-down of its services and its determination to run a less user-friendly, content-oriented site. I get more and more JUNK from Yahoo on my homepage, in my inbox, and throughout the entire Yahoo system.
2015-05-30 14:48:18 UTC
I'm sorry to say, I almost never use my Yahoo account anymore. That's because the only reason I have a Yahoo email account was to work with my Answers connections/network. That hasn't worked in months so I seldom use Yahoo email or Answers anymore after 8 years of using it. I have used another email account for personal email all along and will keep that.
2015-05-30 05:23:58 UTC
Like everybody else, I have found the new format FAR from user friendly. I have difficulty in the simplest of tasks - for example, writing emails. I can type a few letters, then it freezes for 5-15 seconds. Then I type a few more letters, and it freezes again, and on and on and on. I have had no difficulty typing this "answer", so it is NOT my computer. What I believe it ties into it is the RIDICULOUS constantly rotating advertising on the right side of the screen. I am unable to type while it is changing. Like others, I am going to maintain my Yahoo email for contact purposes, but I am definitely going to set up email accounts elsewhere. This is a source of frustration I simply do not want to deal with any more.
2015-05-31 22:24:09 UTC
If Yahoo keeps getting worse. Although I've already been using Gmail. Yahoo use to be the BEST on the web, it was simple and quick. Now it is horrendous. Its slow, choppy, ads everywhere, that goes for the pc and phone. I have a Samsung GS6, top notch hoping my email would improve, it did a tad, but still slow. I have a top of the line pc and still its slow and horrible. Yahoo GET YOUR STUFF TOGETHER! You're close to becoming aol mail within the next 5 years!
2015-05-30 17:58:09 UTC
I only access email via my desktop & I'm satisfied with my current provider because:

1) allows me to have Cyberpope as my prefix

2) I can access it via pop3 or webmail

3) They never hassle me about going over a predetermined bandwidth limit

4) comes free with my ISP internet package

I guess if I had all that offered to me for significantly cheaper (like under $20/month, including unlimited bandwidth ISP service) I could switch; also, if the company is a proven reliable one.
2015-05-31 20:34:17 UTC
Right now I have Verizon Hard wired TV Home Phone Computer. I am having trouble with my regular e-mail (Windows Live) I will switch some things to Yahoo mail and see it they work? I am under the opinion that

Frontier is as good as everyone else in every thing? If I keep having trouble with Frontier I will switch out to something else!
2015-05-28 20:21:12 UTC
Right of the bat, to things come in mind: privacy and connectivity

the first thing that i want is keep my things with only me all the time, mainly i want to be able to access my documentation anytime and anywhere, but no one else can even know that i'm doing.

between the 4 major

Hotmail / Outlook / Live

Gmail / Google

Ymail / Yahoo


that is the order of my favorites,

i can feel more comfortable with Live because of it's atmosphere with that whole connectivity it offers,

i can't say one good thing about google's privacy, the way that it analyzes my profile and history and then start with "suggestions" do exactly the opposite of inspire confidence on it's privacy,

as for Yahoo and AOI, i don't see much connectivity on either so i can't tell much about it's privacy

i'm probably being influenced by the many microsoft campaigns of fear unsecure and doubt (FUD) but i can't be helped.

after that i need it to offer as many features and as much vary as it can,

a live chat, news page, online storage ( with connectivity and privacy ), religious and spiritual pages, the apps and programs it offers, celebrity gossip page, home and garden stuff, and all the other stuff, the more the merrier.

i hope you could understand me, i'm sleepy and can't think too much.
2015-05-28 12:46:42 UTC
I don't use the web interface anymore because it simply doesn't work. The E-Mail history that it forwards repeats E-Mails and it's impossible to follow the conversation. And why have you all ignored the downright outcry for the tabs to returned?! I keep the address and use the default client on my Android phone.

After the mess you all made with the web interface, there's no way I'd give a Yahoo app a chance on my phone. Prove that you can make a decent web interface and I'll consider letting you onto my personal hardware.
2015-06-01 22:24:22 UTC
It would take a lot for me to switch from gmail. It does what it's supposed to do without a lot of BS.

Yahoo used to be pretty decent but now you keep getting worse with each change and no one seems to care. The last straw was when my original Yahoo email got banned from YA for no reason. Here is a more detailed explanation and is also the primary reason I don't use Yahoo email anymore:
2015-05-29 12:39:30 UTC
If the ANNOYING ADS interfere too much. I hate accidentally clicking on an ad that appears to be an email in my inbox. This has me reconsidering my email provider. And if you started charging for my account- bye bye, I really can t stand the ads that seem to be reading where I get my emails from--umm are you allowed to do that? I get it if I ve actually visited the site so then google knows but if I haven t even visited the site??? Bring back a simpler, clean looking email without all the horrendous obtrusive ads and I will stay.
2015-05-29 12:33:02 UTC
well. when I report somebody for making pedofile coments it would be nice if yahoo would actualy look at the report and block that person for sexualy objectifying children in the yahoo answers and questions section. I know you guys just grab subscribers wearever you can but unless you have pedofiles on staff or you just dont look at the reports at all I can understand why some people leave eventualy to another site that has better moderaters. I mean could you just read some of the reports people send to you guys? like a few? some people in yahoo comments and answers are realy ****** up and NEVER get kicked off the site. If I find a site that monitors and protects its minor's better I will definitely switch to them just so I can stop reading comments under josh duggar questions wear people make jokes at his raped sisters expense.its pretty messed up that you havnt even blocked 1 person from your site.
2015-05-28 17:15:01 UTC
I would love to see an email provider that provides both custom addresses (if you have the domain, of course) as well as integration with any apps it provides. I've seen email services that allow you to use calendars and reminders and whatnot, but you can't transfer that to your phone without using various apps and you can't, for example, schedule an email according to a calendar event. It'd also be really nice to be able to easily associate certain addresses to organizational folders. For example, to establish that any email from goes to the work folder automatically.
2015-05-30 08:19:49 UTC
A necessary but not sufficient criterion would be a superb transition from Exchange: emails, contacts, calendar, tasks, etc. I've considered Gmail.

I sure wouldn't choose Yahoo, though. What a mess this site is. I'm just here for Answers.
Tom and Ruth
2015-05-31 06:24:39 UTC
The only thing that would make me switch email providers is if Microsoft started some stupid ****, like they often do. My current email provider is and am happy with it's simplicity. I use to us Yahoo years and years ago, but when Yahoo began changing things and removing features that attracted me to Yahoo mail, I quickly abandoned ship and switched email providers.
2015-05-30 06:41:07 UTC
I'm no huge techno geek so I can't claim I know all the details about which provider is best like many of the rest of these commenters (no offense to geeks, I love geeks). But I've always had Yahoo, used it from the start and never bothered with anything else. Guess I'm just a creature of habit.
V Jones
2015-05-29 15:02:11 UTC
I AM Changing to another provider now because Yahoo has managed to take something that was simple and worked great and made it complicated and impossible to use. It used to be so easy to simply Reply to an email, now it just keeps coming back to me.

I also hate that I can no longer see people's address easily and include them in an email.
Farrukh Habib
2015-05-29 13:34:16 UTC
Simple answers is BIG FRUSTRATION. I am using Yahoo since 2004, was quite happy with it but now its service getting worse day by day. A few days back suddenly my profile picture got change and I don't know who the hell this guy is on my profile picture. I tried hard to edit/ delete this stupid picture but the end result is mere frustration.Don't understand why the hell yahoo change their settings?

I can't get through, I just hate this picture, it irritates me a lot whenever I open my email. Very soon will switch to Gmail.
2015-05-29 15:13:18 UTC
Today I don't like that my email right edge is cut off and I have to scroll to read the right side of every line.

I really hated the naked ladies in the right side adverts and the false crying depiction of Ellen Degenerous was disgusting. Did not make me feel y'all were "in the know" but that this was just a hair from a porn site.

Like the Answers site but sometimes some bad bad pics and dirty questions are let go tooo long.
2015-05-28 15:08:49 UTC
An email client with a superior spam detectror that allows you to actually report spam. Thats actually why I stopped using Yahoo Mail and switched to Gmail. The spam filtering system on Yahoo Mail is so out of date. Its awful
David G
2015-06-04 04:16:26 UTC
Being someone attempting to use Yahoo mail is sufficient reason in itself. Logged in and it tells me change my password. Email them, they take more than a day to reply and then only asked me security details. Then said it would be answered in 48hrs.

What was my question?

Is there a problem with Yahoo mail as I can't send emails.

Fortunately I have managed to work out the answer without their 'help'.
2015-05-30 08:01:34 UTC
Well my answer sounds pretty basic but I switched to gmail because I prefer its simplicity and its design in comparison to yahoo mail. Also, I really prefer the way it sorts my emails automatically into "primary", "social" and "promotions" so that I don't have all those dodgy emails clogging up my inbox. In addition, I love yahoo answers but I hate the way you can't edit the description part of your question after writing it (you can do the whole update thing but I'd really rather be able to edit what I wrote, especially if I find grammatical errors within my original question) and also, the whole points system aspect of yahoo questions bothers me.
2015-05-29 06:21:35 UTC
I would switch my email provider, if they made it more difficult, by adding unneeded steps, to access my mail account with my browser, on EITHER my desktop or phone. When I am out and about the Wi Fi connection works at various speeds, and every additional step, say, an extra step, UNNEEDED BY ME, to ADVERTISE the YAHOO! app, can ADD minutes before I can SEE my mail.
2015-06-01 05:51:10 UTC
I recently switched back to my long lived Yahoo acct from my current Comcast acct and glad I did!!!! I dropped Comcast because of a large increase in costs, I fought desperately tooth and nail with Comcast to get my mail and folders transferred out of Comcast to Yahoo. They supposedly tell you they will give you 30 days to do this, but they DON"T and they DIDN"T. You close your acct with Comcast and they close your email acct IMMEDIATELY.!!!!!! They want you to PAY add'l fees to reopen the acct to just transfer your personal emails, folders and the like into another acct. PLUS they don't offer help to you to do the transfer. That is such BS. I would NEVER have an email associated with a service like Comcast, or the like for that simple reason ever again. If I ever chose to go back to Comcast, it would of course have to be that their service was cheaper than Dish, or Direct T.V. I would definitely NEVER take their free email service again.
2015-05-30 11:48:53 UTC
I switched long ago because I got tired of all the spam emails I received when I was using That and the fact that I and several of my friends had our Yahoo email accounts hacked by pople who sent emails to our entire address book stating that we were overseas, had lost our passports and needed their financial donation to tide us over convinced me that yahoo email totally sucked. It's the only email service that I've seen that problem with. Your security is a joke.
2015-06-01 08:57:48 UTC
I had one gmail acct that got scrambled. maybe hacked, but I couldn't delete it because that would have affected all my doings with google, so I NEVER use it. I'm ready to boot Yahoo out, because of all the doodads that make it so cumbersome AND because now I can't open up attachments or get help with this! Dropbox disappeared. I didn't like it, but at least it partially worked for awhile.
2015-05-29 10:44:34 UTC
NOT MUCH CHOICE,,,,,,, but, as a senior citizen it has become increasingly difficult to use Yahoo [[ all services and catagories ]] == you ''' people ''' at Yahoo are like a bunch of cross-dressers wearing full burkas [[ no way to reach or e/m any of you ]] the advertising on the side of my e/m has grown in size and that is disconcerting AND in no ones interest but your own you change formats and program parameters [ esp. answers ] and we folk that use Yahootie-tootie have no options or choice but to stay with ''Y'' so no loss of e/m's in the storage ..... Yahoo was fun to use about twelve or fourteen years ago and QUIT making changes .=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.
2015-05-31 17:27:12 UTC
2015-05-31 18:40:29 UTC
The only more poorly implimented email,that I have used is Verizon isp mail,so I've stuck with Yahoo,even though I've hated several of their so called improvements.They have their marketing people make up the crap they feed their customers about the changes they keep making to facilitate advertizing..One of the latest p poor is hoping you'll accidently click on the ad link at the top of your mail page.
2015-05-28 14:27:04 UTC
Three things 1.) You keep deactivating my account when I have been using it and when this happens I don't know if my account is being compromised by a hacker or by your website and I have sent NUMEROUS feedbacks and complaints on how to fix this. Right now I am on but I don't know when this is going to happen again because this has happened 5x already and this is my second time I have managed to sign in with no problems.

2.) When I try to delete my account it sends me back to the sign in page and I am already signed in to my account I am currently trying find ways to fix this but to no avail I don't care if you send me a way to delete it or if you guys do it yourselves but all I know is that I want it gone!!!

3.) This stupid yahoo ID crap, I know nothing about this and I can't do certain things without knowing a yahoo ID, I don't I think ever had one, back in the days if I didn't know my password I would answer my yahoo question and I would gain access to my account but you guys don't do that anymore I would suggest going back to that because it was so simple to do without jumping through sooooo many hoops to get things done on here.
2016-03-10 05:12:11 UTC
It means it accepts wifi connections. Typically you'll have at least two cables for power and Internet connectivity and possibly additional ones for wired connections, even on a "wireless" router. The only truly wireless gateway would be those personal access points which are battery powered and connect to the Internet through the cell phone network: unless you need wifi wherever you are you would be best advised to forget about them, since mobile broadband tends to be quite slow and is very expensive compared to cable or DSL connections.
2015-05-31 14:48:01 UTC
yahoo was my very first email account. and I use to love it.

now I HATE IT! I would dump it in a minute if, but, unfortunately, I have some very old friends who have no idea how to change their contact list! I have told them over and over about the change, have sent multiple emails to them, which they CAN reply to, but don't seem to be able to get ride of the yahoo address in their contact list.

I have a verizon account and two yahoo accounts.

when I go to, my VERIZON account is the only thing that opens.! there is NO option to go to any other account, apparently.

I have had my one yahoo account forwarded to the verizon account, but the SECOND account I do NOT want to tie to any other account.

so I apparently can never open that!

unfortunately, I am REALLY stuck to having at least one yahoo account in order to have a flicker account. (that is the yahoo account I do not have associated with the others.
Susan S
2015-05-29 11:00:56 UTC
I'm getting fed up with the lack of a POP3 capacity. I have accounts with roadrunner, gmail and hotmail that i can read in Thunderbird and checking Yahoo email is an extra nuisance.
2015-05-29 13:55:08 UTC
1. Most people would leave a service in very early days, if they find it complex, so the reason for them to shift to another service is - poor / complex / disliking for existing service.

2. Once accustomed with the service, one would not like to leave it, unless there are some serious problems, like Down time, very high spam filter rules due to which legitimates emails are not coming.

3. Personally I would shift only if I find some very useful features on other email provider.
2015-05-30 06:09:28 UTC
I honestly don't like the way Yahoo won't allow you to cancel your Yahoo Answers account without having to cancel your entire Yahoo account. Unfair rules like that would make me switch my e-mail provider. I do have other e-mail accounts. I'm considering getting rid of the Yahoo Account and switching over to MSN. MSN has more features, better features and I'm just over Yahoo, period.
Edward Cullen
2015-05-30 04:04:22 UTC
I switched years ago, Yahoo offers no protection to its users. I held an account for 7 years, that was hacked and your customer support did nothing to help me get it back. Repetedly sent automated responses to my inquiries. This account is a throw away, I love yahoo answers, but I cannot trust Yahoo for email.
2015-05-28 21:07:57 UTC
I like that you recently added the option to switch between accounts, as my husband and I both have email accounts through Yahoo!, but I've always found it a pain in the neck to have to log out, log in, check the account, log back out, log in again. I was also having a recent issue that seems to have been resolved where when I'd go to switch accounts, if my browser page wasn't full screen, I'd end up with an advertisement covering my name up top and I couldn't do anything.

With that said, I've also had several issues. I tried to send some pictures to a NASA employee today, as I went to Stennis Space Center in Mississippi recently and she was looking for some images from the workshop. I could only send 5 at a time because my zip file was still too large to send via email (if I was lucky) so I had to create a dropbox account, which took about an hour total to add email addresses to share the images with and upload all the images. This is my second Yahoo! email account, as my first account was linked to one of my previous friend's from high school, and she kept sending me explicit content that I had no desire to see. Despite adding her to my spam list, her emails kept showing up in my inbox. I couldn't figure out how to delete the account, so I just changed the password by typing in a bunch of random letters and numbers.

Further, your Terms of Service are written in such a way that they completely cover any issues you may have, because the average person does not have a lawyer and a dictionary present when reading through them. While it's great to have a "save your ***" version available, make another, more simplified one that most people can actually understand, with a link at the bottom to the technical one that is full of jargon.

I prefer to use a web browser to view my email, regardless of provider. I do not own a cell phone of any kind and do not wish to get one. The biggest issue that I have had with Yahoo! mail is that, when I zoom in on any emails, the page gets distorted and harder to view. I am visually impaired, so being able to enlarge text is very important. I am almost legally blind in my left eye and rely heavily on my right eye for vision. It gets tired after reading for about an hour at size 12 font, so I start increasing my font gradually over the course of a day. By night time, most of my screens (whether it be textbooks online or word documents or email) are at approximately a 48 or 72 font, to allow my eyes time to "rest" a little and not have to strain so much.

If I could find a reliable email host who provided free accounts, allowed for more space to send pictures, videos, documents, etc., had a better spam filter, had simplified terms of service and privacy policies, and most importantly: had emails that did not distort when zoomed in, I would switch. I have an account through Google, but find this to be more convenient as I use it for all of my school contacts and the username mimics my college email address, which appears more professional to potential employers.

Update: I actually forgot.. the Yahoo! Answers anonymous feature doesn't actually work. I get emails as soon as someone posts an answer to my question and it gives me their username, which can be clicked. If they decided to post anonymously, I still know exactly who they are, which defeats the entire purpose of anonymity. I know that, since I can get emails on who posted to me, it works both ways. If I prefer to remain anonymous in regards to my answer, I can't answer the question.
2015-05-28 18:04:13 UTC
The email service needs to provide good experience and friendly interface of the apps (email, calendar, contact list, etc) on web, mobile device or tablet. Also, it needs to have nice features to organize the emails (tags, folders, etc) and a good search function, which is what makes gmail so powerful and irreplaceable.
2015-05-31 10:33:05 UTC
I would switch if I was able to transfer all my accounts and information that use my current email to the new one, I would really like to switch but I have too much stuff that uses my current address.
Aaron Bastian
2015-06-01 13:01:55 UTC
simply, the only real thing that annoys me with a lot of online services at the present, is when you are forced to make a password with a bunch of numbers and capitals and when you are forced to constantly change or verify your password, which yahoo does all the ******* time. I understand its for security reasons, but if some one is dumb enough to make their password "password" or their last name or some other easy to crack PW, then they kinda deserve to be ******. There should just be a disclaimer about it when making an account and let people make their passwords whatever they want, and if an account gets compromised, they just notify yahoo and the account should be closed and the idiot with "jesus" for their password won't make the same mistake again.
2015-05-29 10:04:22 UTC
I already switched, away from Yahoo services completely.You guys have to do something to change the fact that everyone thinks Yahoo sucks and all of you are clueless bumbling idiots. Maybe if you stopped sucking all the time, that would help? And hired some smart people and listened to them? Hmmmm???
2015-06-03 18:14:27 UTC
Nothing. I use yahoo and I've seen other emails, and they seem pretty inconvenient. This is easiest to me because it's the only email I can get into since I can just click the purple envelope. Good job, Yahoo!
2015-05-28 12:57:18 UTC
When I try to forward an email to a contact, I can't get my list to show up. I have to type it in. Also when I forward an email, it's in another format, or if it has pictures they don't forward. Or links, they are unable to access them I would love to have the old Yahoo email format back.
2015-05-28 15:37:31 UTC
While I still have my yahoo I just opened an MSN account where I get cloud drive, office, word, excel, people and more. Plus an msn account is needed for some phones in order to use apps.
2015-05-29 14:53:02 UTC
Probably nothing. The entire Yahoo experience is quirky and unreliable. It seems as if nothing ever works the same way twice and changes without warning. Google does a better job of delivering the news, and delivering the mail. Yahoo excels at exposing me to semi-literate teenagers who hate their parents.

Your "My Yahoo" is better organized and better looking, but sometimes the links work and sometimes they don t. The question shouldn t be what would make me change so much as what have you done that would make me WANT to change? I can get promises from any politician?
2015-05-28 16:41:14 UTC
I have AT&T Yahoo for internet services. But I do NOT use a web based email program. Too much B.S. Windows Live Mail, part of Windows Live Solutions.
2015-05-29 12:52:07 UTC
So... here's why I'm probably going to do this soon...

First: Advertisments on my Yahoo Home Page come up all the time! PISSED! And more PISSED when you have adds like "Apple's," where I can not delete them right up front like your other very annoying ones. (So do you have Apple pay more for this? I'd NEVER buy an Apple product because of this... Allowing pop-ups to come through yoiur software... PISSED! Bye soon... -Ivan
2015-05-31 12:46:12 UTC
Free custom domains would make me switch. Gmail is almost perfect in every way and it frustrates me when my contacts use other services because of how many features they don't support.
Michaela Terrazas
2015-06-01 08:46:01 UTC
Yeah, I prefer Google over the Yahoo search engine...I get way too much spam with Yahoo and Gmail knows how to filter through spam better than yall. Also, the search engine is so stupid, I hate the way it looks and I hate the results. For all my business stuff I use Gmail.

Google is chic looking, easy to use, less annoying, and overall much more professional :)
2015-05-30 17:47:26 UTC
If I hear of a secure/private one from Europe that accepts US subscribers, I'll sign up, even if it's not free.

In the meantime, I just use email for unimportant matters.
2015-05-30 07:36:20 UTC
I d switch in a heart beat if I could fin one that stopped making changes to the front page,

or that I could easily pick up the phone and call.
2015-05-29 04:59:35 UTC
If Yahoo had any brain at all they would not foist new non-optional "features" on to us.

Why can we not choose whether we want to use a new feature. For me, the date dividers

are superfluous. A worse example is the recent innovation that emails from my bank and from my

lawyer are classified by Yahoo as "shopping".

I didn t ask for any of this and it is severely irritating - sufficient now for me to switch from Yahoo.
Steve N
2015-05-29 14:32:26 UTC
A provider that doesn't spam me with their sponsors crap that I don't want to see. Good security, the ability to encrypt email, and when my email is deleted it's REALLY deleted. An app that lets me add other email prociders.
bob walker
2015-05-29 17:53:15 UTC
I have switched from Yahoo! as the amount of Spam ever increases with 30-405 going straight to my inbox.
2015-05-31 21:26:38 UTC
Unfair price hikes and poor customer service in explaining why or helping to switch to a better , less expensive option.
2015-05-28 12:01:28 UTC
I've been using Yahoo mail for years. So far, very satisfied....I get essentially no spam and it works fine across all my devices. I've got a Gmail account but seldom use it....Does not seem in any way superior.
2015-05-31 19:01:49 UTC
I ve had my Netzero account for like 14 years...

What would make me switch?

The desire to have a new name to my email address.

That s about it. I don t use mobile web. Can t afford it.
2015-05-30 20:42:42 UTC
Since Yahoo mail now blocks all Android mail apps except their own (and the Yahoo app is terrible) I will be deleting my yahoo apps, removing Yahoo as my home page and deleting my account. Can't describe my disgust for Yahoo without using foul and obscene language.
2015-07-15 00:12:21 UTC
If YA gave us the ability to change our profile pics
2015-05-28 16:52:45 UTC
If yahoo doesn't get rid of the ridiculous new "dynamic date dividers", I might start using my gmail account actively instead.

On uservoice, 1400+ comments and counting. 100% negative from what I've seen.
2015-05-29 16:15:40 UTC
I changed my email from Yahoo to gmail because I was sick of Yahoo posting stuff about the Kardashians every hour. No more Yahoo home page means no more Kardashians.
2015-05-28 12:23:06 UTC
If you went out of business I'd have to switch but other than that I am satisfied
2015-05-31 19:29:04 UTC
When you fail to provide the service people expect or you fail to provide a listening ear to people's problems and you cannot respond quickly or fast enough.
2015-05-28 14:50:53 UTC
When trying to do something very simple as changing the Password on your account, it should be as easy as ALL other sites, and done quickly. Yahoo doesn't allow this.
2015-05-31 19:13:23 UTC
I would switch with any e-mail provider that let the government look at my e-mails without a warrant.
2015-05-31 08:58:49 UTC
If you keep on changing your e-mail service I would be tempted to leave. The old saying is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." You keep on forcing us to use your so-called "new, improved" e-mail system but it only gets worse each time. The general consensus in the tech world is that except for e-mail Yahoo is dead in the water. Please return to the old, old system and let us get something out of your decrepit software. I do not mind signing my name-Howard Brown
Wile E
2015-06-01 07:43:37 UTC
I'd switch to something better: functionality (speed, hierarchical folders, drag & drop attachments (thanks for adding inline images recently)), user interface (buttons easy to find, hotkeys for power users, good fonts available). Yahoo Mail took a huge step backward with their interface redesign, but it's still better than Gmail or (but not better than Outlook).
2015-05-28 15:49:31 UTC
Easy navigation - good reading layout - things make simplier and easier, quicker ... not making changing the password so very very difficult - easy access to email addys .. not so many unavailbable
2015-05-30 17:05:46 UTC
If I was hacked, or if I get over-run with ads for meeting people etc. I just want some thing I can use to send msg when I need.
2015-05-28 16:40:14 UTC
Stop changing everything! I DO NOT want my emails split into "today", "yesterday", "last week" etc.. - ridiculous as all the emails are already dated. Why isn't there an option to get rid of this setting?
Preisner S
2015-05-29 00:49:59 UTC
Nothing would persuade me to leave Yahoo Mail but would prefer Yahoo to ensure that it is compatible with Firefox, Chrome and others etc.
2015-05-29 21:58:17 UTC
Security. I've been hacked through Yahoo. You've done nothing. I'm
2015-05-29 09:21:39 UTC
the lack of customer AND advertiser support displayed by the providor, such as yahoo's lack of updating certain features for almost a week as of this time... tell me why i should support either yahoo OR those advertisers who fail to notice that the comics section is still on the 23rd? my one highlight of the computer day...
2015-05-29 08:33:43 UTC
When I check Remember me at login, actually remember me and don't make me type in my password every time I come back to the website on my own laptop!!
2015-05-30 05:52:24 UTC
Remove adverts from Yahoo app. People dont like that
2015-06-01 04:54:03 UTC
I gave up on Yahoo mail years ago. I may have an account yet I do not use it. TOO UNreliable
2015-05-30 11:29:39 UTC
If cant remove mail profile pic that I didn't post will be changing from YAHOO very,very soon
Toight Toiga
2015-05-29 06:29:55 UTC
I should never be forced to have a social networking, messaging or any other profile or account in order to use email. I should never be required to use my real name.
2015-05-29 11:07:07 UTC
The availability of more than 1. In my area only 1 exists, so it is their way or no way.
Mia White Feather M.S.
2015-05-28 12:51:51 UTC
Nasty spam advertisements, too much spam in general, and not enough options for how I prefer to design my personal email page.
2015-05-28 23:12:55 UTC
need different email to sign up for an account online and because making an account on yahoo is ***** you have to put your freaking phone number? the ****?
2015-05-29 15:20:24 UTC
yahoo answers,,the ole green & white went nukied,the condensed pages are ad laden,move the cursor and you go off to three other pages and more ads,,you float down the page,,more clicky boxes and more ads open.

green & white also meant you had a 60-40% chance your post & graphics would be vioed,because of user caprice & dissent.

web search sometimes freezes during the day,& night too.

your new feeds,cns abc cnn huffpo,atlantic wire,,are democrat yahoo sunnyvale,I d not want you in my f/b,or google,getting friends lists & their friends lists,I want yahoo to allow me to get news from my choice,,not rural post office is more reliable getting me the newspapers I want.
2015-05-28 11:34:18 UTC
Someone guide me through getting rid of Google Gmail
2015-05-30 11:17:47 UTC
I hate the new layout-- I love GMAIL because it is far more complex... I think its weird that you would change so much about this actual site-- it used to be good-- we used to be able to post answers easily/ ask questions easily... I miss the old Answers...
2015-05-29 18:10:56 UTC
Lower monthly costs, a guarantee and trust worthy assurance that the cost will never rise, A lot of things, which never happen.....
2015-05-30 16:04:21 UTC
F*** you Yahoo, you stupid bit*ches. Pay attention to your site. It's going down the sh*t hole. Everything is getting reported and it isn't fair that you idiots don't care and let it happen.
2015-05-31 20:34:50 UTC
Keep on the way you're going, and you'll find out, Fix it before you disappear.
2015-05-28 11:52:39 UTC
Not getting help from Yahoo
2015-05-28 13:28:09 UTC
every other day yahoo answers is experiencing the yahoo space after typing in DJIA and clicking a dozen time i give up and type in google search....once there I type in djia and up pops the dow jones industrial averge closing for the is better....number is 47 is better
2015-05-30 12:58:34 UTC
if it was user friendly, not confusing, less of the "80 s" format. Thats why i switched to gmail.
2015-05-30 00:08:20 UTC
Dave C
2015-05-30 12:19:42 UTC
If I found out that my provider contributed to the republican party. LOL
Gail Jacqueline
2015-05-28 11:22:11 UTC
Iwould not switch after all these years, i am happy where i am
2015-05-29 03:19:10 UTC
Continuously fixing things which are not broken. Change should be for the better, not just for the sake of it.
2015-05-29 06:26:34 UTC
what do u mean? i don't have a phone so probely desktop.
2015-05-29 05:32:32 UTC
If I knew how to. They dont exactly hand out free tutorials on it.
2015-05-29 10:06:23 UTC
Speech and capacity
2015-05-28 13:31:24 UTC
you should make it where you dont need to do a security code every time u log on to a new computer
Melissa Linborg
2015-06-01 07:39:03 UTC
ads i have switched because it drives me nuts
2015-05-30 00:05:18 UTC
they should make Yahoo answers app for iphone and android
Always Nice
2015-05-28 14:45:39 UTC
Too much spam
2015-05-30 15:23:57 UTC
Bad, confusing, unreliable, and glitchy service....
Eddy C.
2015-05-30 23:37:20 UTC
because of your unsolicited advs appearing at the top of my mail list which i cannot even delete.
2015-05-30 20:19:08 UTC
I have been hacked so many times it is so not funny!
2015-05-28 19:29:42 UTC
can't change username on Y!A
2015-05-30 21:28:14 UTC
reliability it just isn't there with yahoo
2015-05-30 11:41:55 UTC
I would say if it was slow or easily hackable
Anonymous User
2015-05-28 12:40:23 UTC
The fact that you can t change your profile picture on yahoo.
2015-05-29 10:17:43 UTC
when I type in DJIA on google the the dow jones insdustrial average pops up....on yahoo, it does not....when I complain to yahoo they do....wait for it...NOTHING
2015-05-28 12:14:14 UTC
to much spam mails

to much advertisements
2015-05-29 09:24:05 UTC
More storage
2015-05-28 11:40:54 UTC
desktop. I have no phone. :)
2015-05-31 20:23:20 UTC
gmail is ok but I love yahoo!

2015-05-30 16:56:47 UTC
Nothing, I would always stay
2015-05-31 13:51:32 UTC
the yahoo mail inbox looks weird...
2015-05-29 16:39:58 UTC
to many conflicts with my computer!.
2015-05-30 19:06:30 UTC
2015-05-28 20:30:19 UTC
$1,000.00 bucks
2015-05-28 20:36:29 UTC
**** Yahoo!! (****=Fu(K) as in fornicate, but in a derogatory way.
2015-05-30 17:29:37 UTC
2015-05-30 05:25:09 UTC
2015-09-05 04:54:11 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.